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Year 2 21/22

This week (ending the 13th May) there will be no spellings or homework due to the children preparing for SATS. We hope all children have a well-rested and enjoyable weekend.


Best wishes,

Year 2 Team.

Year 2 Sports Festival- 30 children picked at random had the opportunity to take part in some fun sporting activities at Altrincham Leisure Centre.

Token Treat Friday 8th April


Year Two's token treat has now changed to a toy day. Please send your child into school with a toy of their choice in a named plastic bag. Your child can wear their own clothes on this day. 


Many thanks,

Year 2 Team.

Happy Mother's Day!

A little video for Mother's Day from Year 2! Password is the same as child's Purple Mash password.


If your child did not bring in a named plastic bag to take their books home today, they will be given another opportunity on

Monday 21st March to take their books home and MUST return them to school the following day on Tuesday 22nd March. 

Thank you so much to all our wonderful parents and carers for the lovely vouchers and gifts we have all received! We are very grateful. We hope you all have a well-earned Christmas holiday and look forward to welcoming the children back on Tuesday 4th January.


Love from the Year 2 Team.

After Christmas our P.E days will change in year 2. Please ensure your child comes to school dressed in their P.E kit every Tuesday and Wednesday. Many thanks!


Year 2 Team.

Year 2 Bryon Mini-Christmas Production 2021

To view this video please enter your child's Purple Mash password (this is the same as their school computer suite password).

Year 2 Rosen Mini Christmas Production 2021

Please enter your child's Purple Mash password to view this video (this is the same as their school computer suite password).

Year 2 Wilson's Mini-Christmas Production

To access this video please enter your child's Purple Mash password (this is the same password the children use for the computer suite).

Dear parent/carer


With Christmas quickly approaching and the many festive activities/events taking place in school, we will be collecting reading books in this week (Friday 10.12.21). If your child wishes to read additional texts during the Christmas period please log into Oxford Owl to read a book of choice. 


Best Wishes Year 2 Team.

Token Treat

Our token treat is going to be on Thursday 9th December. The children do not need to bring anything to school for the treat; we are conscious that there is LOTS happening in school at the moment so don't want to add the the list of things to remember. Thank you for all support in the crazy run up to Christmas!


Kind regards, 

Year 2 Team.

We are working hard in school at preparing a mini Christmas video for all parents. Please can your child practise singing the carols attached below?


Kind regards,

Year 2 Team.

Oh Come Little Children.MP3

The Cat and the Mouse Carol.MP3


Please watch this Powerpoint on the phonic screening check.

Phonic Screening


After the autumn half-term break the children in year 2 will complete the government's statutory phonic screening check that normally takes place in Year 1, however due to the Covid pandemic the current year 2 children did not carryout this check last year.


The check is designed to test children's phonic ability and requires children to read correctly 20 real words and 20 nonsense words. The test doesn't take long to complete in school and is carried out one to one, with their class teacher, in a quiet space outside the classroom. We will provide more information on the test and how it's administered nearer the time.


Over the half-term holiday we will be sending home resource packs and information for you and your child. Leading up to this, it is really important for children to get into good habits when sounding out and blending. We have found in previous years that even some exceeding readers can find some of the nonsense words difficult to read if they have not developed good habitats of 'sounding out' carefully! 


Golden rules...

1. ALWAYS look for the special friends (set 2 and set 3 sounds)

2. Fred Talk the word

3. Blend the sounds together to read the word.  


For example in the non-sense word 'wame'...

1. Identify the split 'a-e' sound saying a-e

2. Fred Talk the sounds saying w, a-e, m

3. Blend the sounds together saying wame


For example in the real word 'spoilt'...

1. Identify the 'oi' sound saying oi

2. Fred talk the sounds saying s, p, oi, l, t

3. Blend the sounds together saying spoilt.


Please also find below a list of set 2 and set 3 sounds and some online games for your child to play. There are also some useful flash cards for children to practise reading with their parents/carers.


Kind regards,

The Year 2 Team.

Printable flash cards of real and nonsense words.

A super start to Year 2!


Year 2 have all settled really well into Year 2. We have enjoyed getting to know the children and their interests in the first week and started the year with some positivity by thinking about how we can fill each other 'buckets' with positive words about one another.


In Science we have been learning about new materials and their properties by sorting and classifying them into a Venn diagram.


In Computing the children have already used the i-pads to prepare for their piece of artwork based on Piet Mondrian using our '2paint' program.


For Geography we have started our topic on 'What makes Sale special?'.  Developing mapping skills we will be learning about a 'bird's eye view' and making our own key to display local landmarks.



At Springfield we care, learn and achieve together
