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Maths during Spring 2


This half term we have been working hard on naming and recognising 2D and 3D shapes and naming their properties (using the language - vertices, faces, edges, sides, symmetrical, non-symmetrical, regular and irregular). We have also be? Can ten learning how to recognise and find fractions of numbers, amounts, shapes and lengths.


Top tip - Keeping our skills warm!


It's always good to keep our previous skills 'warm' so we don't forget our previous learning!


Can your child find missing numbers in a number sentence (35- ?=29)?

Can they add together two, 2 digit numbers?

Can they subtract a 2 digit number from another two digit number? 

Can they find missing numbers in a sequence (12, 9, ?, 6, ?)

Partition a two digit number? (23 = 20+3)

Can they double and half numbers?


All of these skills are really important!

Quick daily activities to keep skills warm (5 minutes)

Upcoming Maths (Spring 1)...


This half term we have been learning all about money, mutiplication and division and will move onto data handling very soon. We have focused on learning our 2,5 and10 times tables and introduced division as sharing into equal groups. Miss Bolger's Maths group have focused on adding two digit numbers together by partitioning to add. Children have learnt to add their tens digits together, their ones digits and then find the total number. Over the coming weeks we will continue to work on division as sharing and move onto data handling.


Activities you can do at home...

Can your child say all the bonds to make 10 and 20?

Do they recognise all the coins and notes to £50? Can they make a given amount?

Can they make an amount using the least amount of coins?

Can your child double numbers rapidly (i.e. double 7, double 9, double 6 etc)

Can your child write a division number sentence? Ask them to share 25 sweets between 5 groups. How many would each group have?


TT Rockstars. This week (24.1.22) your child has been given a TT Rockstars log in (inside their reading record). They have been set 2s,5s and 10 times tables. 


Upcoming maths learning...


Next half term the children are learning about addition and subtraction. It's really important your child has a solid understanding of number and place value before they can move onto this (i.e. 21 = 20 + 1 or 2 tens and 1 one). We have started to consider fact families in numbers and will begin to apply our knowledge of place value to help us with addition and later-on subtraction. Please don't teach your child column addition as this may confuse them and is something they will learn at a later date. Playing board games at home is a fun way to practise careful counting, basic addition and also recognising numbers (i.e. on a die). 


Ask your child to look at the numbers below can they find all the addition and subtraction number sentences using those numbers? Maybe you can make up some more fact families?





This half term our focus is on Number. We want the children to be able to read and write numbers as words and numerals and represent numbers in a variety of ways. It's really important for your child to understand which each digit means in a two digit number, before they can move on with their Maths learning. We continue to develop children's thinking and reasoning skills through problem solving and greater depth and mastery challenges where applicable.


To help your child at home you can play lots of games (involving dice, counting and numbers), practise counting on and back in tens from a two digit number (34,44,54,64 etc), write two digit numbers correctly and discuss how many tens and ones are in each number. Find two digit numbers in the environment on your walk to school and discuss how many tens and ones it contains.

At Springfield we care, learn and achieve together
