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We have two formal sub committees of the Board. The list below sets out membership and who chairs the committees for 2022/23 decided at the AGM. These meet throughout the year and report formally, via their minutes, to the Board of Governors. Committees are where the more detailed scrutiny takes place, with Governors being able to look at the detail of policies, information provided by Mrs Chard and discuss new initiatives. The School provides clerking support to all our committees. Remits for the Committees are available on request from the School and are included in our Governor Pack.



Finance and Asset Management



Curriculum, Staffing & Effectiveness



Pay Review Committee


Marzita Abdul-Rahman


Maria Anna Di Donna

Gareth Holly

Gareth Holly


Clara Cheung


Glenn Rees

Maria Anna Di Donna

Glenn Rees


Gareth Holly


Jenny Beddow

Marzita Abdul-Rahman

Alison Chard


Tony Martin


Zak Deakin

(External Advisor Susan Clife)



Alison Chard


Simon Landi



   Alison Chard  


Gemma Tyrer


Gemma Tyrer

Gemma Tyrer



Facilities Manager

Business Manager







We also have a Disciplinary and Grievance Panel; an Appeals (Pay and Disciplinary) Panel; and a Pupil Discipline Panel.



At Springfield we care, learn and achieve together
