Fri 29th April - Time Homework.
This week your child will bring home a clock template to make their own analogue clock. This needs to be labelled with o'clock and half past, quarter past and quarter to. Below you will find a Powerpoint to support your child's homework activity. Your child may need support throughout the Powerpoint.
This week the children will have no spellings for homework. We will be asking the children to make an Easter bonnet over the weekend ready to bring in on Thursday 7th April for our bonnet parade.
Over the Easter holidays we will be asking the children to work through some practice SATs papers in preparation for when they will sit their SATS in May. Please let your child work on these independently initially, then after they have completed them work through them together and discuss the answers. Which ones did they find tricky? Could your child practise these types of questions over the break?
Thank you for all your support and continued hard work. We hope you have a really enjoyable break and look forward to seeing the children after Easter.
Best wishes,
Year 2 Team.
Homework 18th March 2022
Homework this week has been set on Purple Mash as a '2Do'. Your child has used Purple Mash lots of time in school and should now be confident at navigating the site to their alarm bell notification at the top of their page (once logged in). This week we have set a spelling homework to practise year 2 common exception words. This needs to be completed as usual by Wednesday 23rd March. To log in use the portal below. Your child's username is their initial and first name (no gaps) and the password is the year they leave School. Any problems please send an email to the year 2 email address
Many thanks!
Year 2 Team.
Half Term Homework
There will be not set homework over the half term. Please practise the phonic screening resources on the main webpage and those sent home today (Friday 22nd Oct). Please read with your child every day if you can. Enjoy lots of Halloween fun and we will look forward to seeing you after the half term break.
Kind regards,
Year 2 Team.
Every week on a Friday your child will bring home a piece of homework (based on either English, Maths or Topic work) and weekly spellings. Your Child will need to return their homework on Wednesday each week in order for us to mark it on time and give your child their new homework.