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Terms of Reference





This document sets out the terms of reference and remits of the Committees of the Board of Governors of Springfield Primary School.



The committee will be comprised of at least 4 governors, including the Headteacher. Membership will be determined at the AGM in September each year. The committee may appoint non-voting Associate Members to the committee to support its work provided the majority of members are governors.


Election of Chair of Committees

Each committee must have a Chair and a Clerk. Appointment of a Chair and governors for each committee will take place at the AGM meeting of the full board of governors as it is the first meeting of the academic year. The Headteacher cannot chair or clerk a committee. The Clerk will be the Headteacher’s PA, or another governor if absent.



For committee meetings, the quorum is a minimum of three governors who are members of the committee. Any decision reached in principle when the committee is not quorate, must be ratified at the following meeting and the decision minuted.  In general, decisions are taken by consensus. If this cannot be reached, a vote will be taken and formally recorded in the minutes. In the event of a tied vote, the chair will have a casting vote.


Declaration of Interest

Each Governor must declare any interest (financial, personal, possible and/or perceived interest) at the beginning of each meeting. This will be formally minuted.


Scope of Committee

The committee can only act on matters delegated to it by the Board of Governors. Also, the committee will liaise and consult with other committees where necessary and will consider the implications of its decisions on the overall School Development Plan. All committees must have regard to budgetary implications of their decisions and be guided by input from the Headteacher. All Committees report to the Board of Governors through their formal minutes.


Frequency of meetings

Each of the 2 committees will meet at least 3 times per annum, i.e. once per term, and no more than 6 per annum. They will be guided in the frequency of meetings by the Headteacher to ensure that timely and relevant management information is available for its meetings and that the business of the committee can be reported to the Board of Governors. The annual schedule of meetings will be agreed by the Board of Governors at the AGM in September.


Committee meetings are not open to the public, but committee members should bear in mind that the minutes of their meetings are part of papers for Board of Governors, which can be accessed by the public.


Code of Conduct

All committees will act in line with the Governor Code of Conduct which is to be signed by all governors at the start of each academic year.


Minutes of Meetings

The draft minutes of each meeting will be circulated with the agenda pack for the next meeting of the Board of Governors and will be presented at that meeting by the committee chair.


Specific Terms of reference

Specific Terms of Reference for each committee in the current structure is set out below.



Terms of reference for the Finance and Asset Management Committee


  • To draft and propose the annual school budget to the Board of Governors no later than 30 June each year taking into account the priorities of the School Development Plan.
  • To ensure that sufficient funds are set aside for pay increments as set out in the Pay Policy and as recommended by the Headteacher.
  • To monitor the annual budget and report any virement and significant changes to the agreed budget to the Board of Governors
  • To establish and maintain a three year financial plan (revenue and capital), taking into account the agreed school development plan
  • To review Trafford’s asset management plan (including an annual H&S inspection and report) and to incorporate any reasonable findings into the School Development Plan
  • To review and complete the School Financial Value Standard (SFVS), as required, and approve all financial protocols to be submitted to the Local Authority by 31 March
  • To assess and approve new contracts, based on quotations and best value, and monitor their implementation
  • To review details of any audit report to confirm that recommendations are implemented
  • To receive and review the annual audited school fund account in the autumn term
  • To review and adapt all policies and relevant SLAs delegated from the Board within its purview (see below)
  • To be responsible for H&S, its associated protocols and management structures to ensure that the school complies with H&S legislation and relevant LEA guidance, including the discharge of the board of governor’s responsibility according to section 89 of the environmental protection act 1990, as far as it is reasonably practicable
  • To review and adapt all policies within the committee’s delegation (see list below), and make recommendations to the Board as required
  • To review and determine SLAs, delegated by the Board of Governors
  • To report back to the Board of Governors at each meeting and to alert them of potential problems or anomalies at an early date.
  • To oversee arrangements for repairs and maintenance
  • To review benchmarking data on an annual basis




To secure the smooth day to day running of the school, the head teacher will have full delegated powers to authorise the virement of up to £10,000 between cost centres. The Finance and Asset Management Committee will have full delegated powers to authorise the virement of an amount of money not in excess of £20,000 between cost centres. All virements must be shown on the budget listings report to ensure a full audit trail is maintained. Virement beyond these limits and to/from the employees’ (salaries and wages) cost centre must be agreed by the Board of Governors.


To secure the smooth day to day running of the school, the Headteacher has delegated powers to agree spending up to a limit of no more than £20,000. All such expenditure will be reported to the Chair of the committee and to the next meeting of the Finance and Assets Management Committee. The Committee has delegated powers to agree spending between £20,000 and £50,000 prior to expenditure taking place and/or contracts are agreed. Expenditure of over £50,000 will be agreed by the full Board of Governors prior to entering into any contract.


All use of delegated powers for virement and expenditure will be formally minuted and thus reported to the Full Board of Governors.


The Headteacher is authorised to commit expenditure without prior approval of the committee in an emergency where delay would result in further damage and/or present a risk to the health and safety of children, staff and visitors. In this event, the head teacher would be expected to inform the Chair of Governors and the Chair of Finance and Asset management at the earliest opportunity.


Policies and Protocols


SLA and contracts for services


Accessibility Plan (Statutory Policies = S)

Finance Manual, including the Charging Policy (S), Governors’ Allowances (S), Lettings, Gifts and Hospitality policies

Health and Safety (S)

Premises Management Documents (S)


Financial Services – Independent Finance Officer

Cleaning Services

Catering Services

Garden Maintenance


Staff Insurance

ICT Support

Health & Safety – Judicium Education

GDPR – Judicium Education

Payroll – Trafford GMSS

Property Management & Mechanical & Electrical

Evolve – Off site visits

Energy Management

Educational Psychology Service

Insurance & Legal

ICT internet connectivity & back up






The responsibilities of the C&S Committee include:

●          oversight of pupil progress and attainment, ensuring the school provides a high quality learning experience and delivers a broad and balanced curriculum in keeping with the school's aims, all pupil needs and legal requirements.

●          support of the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team in carrying out their curriculum responsibilities and related staffing matters on behalf of the Board of Governors

●          monitoring progress of the School Development Plan;

●          reviewing curriculum issues, inspection reports, examination results, school self-evaluation process etc.



●          keep under review the school’s curriculum and statutory obligations in relation to the

National Curriculum;

●          monitor school based, local and national Progress and Attainment data and reports (e.g. Analyse School Performance, ASP), evaluating achievement and analysing the performance of different groups and subjects;

●          keep under review the SEN policy, monitoring provision and ensuring that the school fulfils its responsibilities for pupils with special educational needs and with disabilities;

●          monitor the provision for and evaluate the progress and attainment of vulnerable groups (e.g. children eligible for FSM, looked after children, young carers) and EAL provision, and evaluate the effectiveness of intervention strategies including the use of the pupil premium;

●          ensure that all children have equal opportunities and the school meets Public Sector Equality Duties in relation to teaching and learning, curriculum, achievement and progress;

●          monitor and evaluate the quality of teaching and learning and the professional development of staff.

  • Monitor the attendance of all pupils and review the School’s Attendance Policy



  • ensure the adoption and implementation of staffing policies and procedures, ensuring that all principles of good and fair employment practice are adhered to, that staff and trade unions are consulted and legal requirements fulfilled;
  • agree the staffing structure (teaching and non-teaching) at least annually in relation to the budget and the school development plan;
  • keep under review appropriate staffing policies and procedures - to include grievance,
  • discipline, redundancy, capability and appraisal, sickness absence, whistle blowing, pay and conditions of employment and ensure staff are consulted and informed appropriately;
  • To review annually, adopt and monitor the implementation of the performance related pay policy
  • To ensure that the annual pay recommendations cycle is carried out in line with statutory requirements ensure that the school complies with Public Sector Equality Duties in relation to staff;
  • ensure the school complies with the latest requirements in relation to safer recruitment and safeguarding procedures;
  • Ensure that opportunities and resources are available for continued professional development for all staff



●          establish and review the Nursery Admissions Policy and procedures which comply with current legal requirements and make recommendations to the governing body;

●          oversee the school's contribution to pupil well-being, including the extent to which pupils feel safe, adopt healthy lifestyles and contribute to the school and wider community;

●          establish and recommend to the Board of Governors a policy on behaviour and associated policies (including anti-bullying), monitor their implementation and evaluate outcomes.

●          establish, monitor and evaluate child protection and safeguarding policies/procedures and make recommendations to the governing body;

●          monitor and evaluate the engagement of parents with the school, parental views and how these are taken into account; establish and review the working in partnership agreement.

●          monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of communications with parents including statutory requirements such as the complaints procedure

●          monitor community links and community use of the school, and evaluate the school’s

contribution to promoting community cohesion;

●          monitor the range of the extended school offer and evaluate its impact;

●          keep under review provision and policies for sex and relationships education, religious

education and collective worship and make recommendations to the governing body as necessary;

  • review recommendations of the annual GDPR audit report and review related policies


Policies and Protocols:







Behaviour & Discipline

Child Protection Policy and Procedure – (Safeguarding Policy and Procedures) (Statutory Policies = S)


Equality information & objectives

Flexible Working

EYFS – Provision, attainment (S)

HR policies and procedures

Working in Partnership Agreement (S)


Pupil Premium Policy

School information published on Website (S)

Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs

GDPR policies

Privacy Notices


Data Management






The Pay Review Sub Committee will be made up of two members from the Curriculum, Staffing and Effectiveness Committee and one member from the Finance and Asset Management Committee. It will formally sit under the Curriculum, Staffing and Effectiveness Committee. Members will be appointed at the AGM.


This subcommittee will carry out the annual pay recommendations review, based recommendations made by the Head teacher, for all members of staff covered by Performance Related Pay and agree any pay increases in line with the school’s Performance Related Pay Policy. This will take place before the end of October.


The subcommittee will also carry out the annual pay review for the Headteacher made by the Headteacher Performance Governors and will agree any pay increase in line with the school’s Performance Related Pay Policy. This will take place before the end of December.



Three Governors will be appointed and act as a Disciplinary and Grievances Panel. These three governors cannot also serve on the Pay Review Sub Committee. Members will be appointed at the AGM.



Three Governors will be appointed and act as an Appeals (Pay and Disciplinary) Panel. These three governors will not be involved with the Disciplinary and Grievance Panel. Members will be appointed at the point of notification of an appeal.



Three Governors will be appointed based on availability and objectivity i.e. not knowing the child personally.



At Springfield we care, learn and achieve together
