As you know, we try our hardest to keep you informed about what is going on in school.
To help improve communication we have signed up to a service called SchoolPing, which is already used by hundreds of schools across the country to communicate with parents and carers.
School Ping allows us to communicate with parents and provide the latest school news, calendar events, instant updates on your child's activity, and receive documents as attachments. It is a vital tool to help with school/parental engagement.
The free app can be downloaded from your usual app store and works on laptops, tablets and mobiles. Just search for "School Ping"
Once your child has started school, you will receive an email advising you of your username and a "one-time" password which you will need to change when you first log in.
Please be assured that SchoolPing is registered with the Data Protection Registrar and guarantees that all information provided by yourself will be kept private and will not be passed on to any other organisation.