To our lovely Starlings and their families,
We wanted to say a huge thank you for our very generous presents and thoughtful messages and cards! It was really kind of you all to treat us to such lovely things. It has been an absolute pleasure to teach you all, you have made us laugh and kept us smiling through a tough year. Enjoy the Summer, rest and have lots of fun. Love from Mrs Houston, Mrs Gardner and Miss Ryan xxxxx
Thank you to our Goldfinch families for your support throughout this tough year, for your kind words and gifts this week. I am truly thankful to have taught your children this year and cannot wait to see how they continue to flourish next year.
Have a restful holidays
From Mrs Newell, Mrs Carroll and Miss Ryan
For Robin parents only:
Thank you
Thank you so much for the kind, thoughtful and generous gifts that myself, Miss Ryan and Mrs Carroll received today. We have not only loved teaching and watching your beautiful children thrive and grow in so many ways, but getting to know you all over the past year has been fantastic. Thank you for your support, patience and kindness.
Have a wonderful summer!
Mrs Bonser, Miss Ryan and Mrs Carroll xx
Next week, we will collect all of the reading books in so that we can re-organise for September.
You can still access the reading books on Oxford Owl during the last week (and holidays).
We have set all of the RWInc books your child has read (the current colour) for your child to access over the Summer.
Please read this interesting article from RWInc about the "Summer Slump" and how to keep your child reading over the Summer holidays.
Summer Fair 2021
What a fantastic day was had by all! Thank you parents for sending your children into school in beautiful, bright outfits - they certainly made us feel like we were in the Hawaiian sun!!
Our wonderful PTA surpassed themselves again providing a range of exciting activities and games from lucky dip to Bouncy Ben's disco and of course, not forgetting sponge throwing with Mr Moth! The children thoroughly enjoyed the day, some exclaiming it was 'The best day ever!' and I'm sure there were many tired boys and girls at bedtime!
The children will all get the chance to meet their new teacher before we break up.
Robins will meet their new class teacher on Thursday 15th July.
Goldfinch will meet their new class teacher on Monday 19th July.
Starling will meet their new class teacher during the week of Monday 19th July (exact date TBC)
Their new Year 2 teacher will explain all the fabulous learning and experiences they will have in Year 2 and talk about similarities and differences between year 1 and year 2. Year 2 is the second year within Key Stage 1, so a lot of things will be the same for the children and it is not as big a jump as it was from EYFS to Year 1. We will be talking to the children about Year 2 and will give them the opportunity to think of questions they would like to ask about Year 2. Parents will be informed of new teachers once the children have met their new teacher.
As you will have seen on email, the children are able to come into school later on Monday 12th July at 10:25 if you wish. We will still be here at the usual time to welcome anyone who is unable to take advantage of the later start. If you will be bringing your child at the usual time, could you drop us a note on Teams or via email: to give us an idea of approximately how many children to expect on Monday morning.
We hope you all enjoy the weekend and the football, whoever you support and whatever the result!
Homework 9th July - 14th July
Here is a copy of the homework for this week,
The children have been designing and making kites in Design and Technology. We carried out some product analysis and looked at what products are already on the market. We talked about what a kite should be like and what materials would be suitable for a kite. The children designed their own kite and are now in the process of making them. They are also making prototypes in continuous provision to see what works well.
Once all the kites are made, we will test them out (hopefully on a windy day) and then evaluate them.
For homework over the weekend, we have set some "To Do" tasks relating to time on Purple Mash. Please log on and complete the tasks once they are available from Friday 2nd July until Wednesday 7th July. Any other opportunities to tell the time will help the children and talking about the different times of the day- what you do in the morning, at midday, afternoon and evening.
Have a watch of this lovely story!
Here is a copy of the Maths homework for this week. We would like the children to explore the value of each coin. Try some of the practical activities as well.
The children have enjoyed designing and making their own items out of materials which can be recycled.
Thank you for sharing your photos with us, here are some examples of your creations.
Here is the link for the homework this week.
If you are finding the homework a challenge to complete please do contact your class teacher on and we will be happy to help.
Please ensure your child's red folder is returned by Wednesday 23rd June so that we can prepare the next homework. If you have lost your red folder please let us know.
It was great to welcome the children back yesterday to our final half term of Year 1!
We have lots of exciting learning this half term and some other events coming up too (more information will follow).
Please don't forget to send your child with a pencil case if they took it home before the holidays.
P.E is still on a Tuesday morning and spelling tests are on Thursdays (all children are getting the same spellings for the last half term as they are the common exception words that they need to be able to spell by the end of year 1).
In Science we will be learning about materials, in Maths we are consolidating our understanding of early multiplication and division and then moving on to fractions, in RWInc we are all completing our final half term with lots of opportunities to demonstrate Year 1 writing objectives and final consolidation of set 3 sounds in reading.
Thank you for your continued support!
Year 1 Team
Apologies that I have forgotten to send the homework out today!
There is 1 comprehension and 1 phonics game to play. I will give the folders out on Monday and the children can have until Thursday to complete the homework.
Thank you
Mrs Newell
We have added a Star at the top of this page all about Maths in Year 1. This includes the powerpoint about Mastery in KS1 and has our plan of topics which will be covered during this last term. We may vary how long we take on a topic, depending on how the children manage with the concepts being taught, but you will be able to see what we have left to teach this year.
All staff are really looking forward to meeting virtually with parents this week on Teams. If you have not got an appointment, please contact your class teacher asap to try and arrange a time slot (
We are using Teams again, you will need to log into your child's account and wait for your allotted time. The teacher will call you and the appointment will last 10 minutes.
The parents evening will cover the following things:
- Lockdown learning
- Settling back into school
- Areas for improvement and targets or next steps
The children returned after Easter eager to learn and a little bit taller! We have really enjoyed learning about maps and plans in Geography and have created plans of our classroom. Next week we need to create a plan of our part of school so that we can find some treasure. We also had a special visit: Barney and Mrs Garbett came to see how we are all doing. Barney was pampered as usual.
Next week will be "maths challenge week", there will be lots of maths challenges for the children to try. We will be also revisiting doubles.
Reminders for next week:
Tuesday- P.E
Wednesday- class photos. Please wear your winter uniform and bring your biggest smile!
Homework is also due in on Wednesday- we would like you to create an aerial/birds eye view of your bedroom (please return your red folder. Due to Covid we may not stamp the homework but we will share and celebrate it in school. We will also use these plans to help the children create a flip book of plans along with the ones we have created at school.
Spelling test will be on Friday, instead of Thursday this week.
Parents Evening is Monday 26th - Thursday 29th April on Teams.
We hope you all had a restful Easter break. We are excited to be back at school and ready to embark on the Summer term!
Children can now wear "summer uniform" (details are on the website under uniform).
P.E. is still each Tuesday.
Spelling tests are on Thursdays- these are set in spelling shed and can also be found under our spelling star on this page.
RWInc Subscription- books are set according to your child's group and they should read them as often as possible. All groups have moved up to the next colour band and are finding the jump a challenge so your home support is very much appreciated.
Maths- we are exploring word problems within 50.
Topic- we are starting a Geography unit about "my home and my school", leading to "hot and cold countries". We are looking at mapping and aerial views.
Thank you for your continued support.
Well done to our children and families for surviving such a strange spring term. We started at home, doing most of our learning remotely and we are so happy to have ended it at school.
This week we were thinking about Spring and Easter and were completing our Science topic on plants. In Art we were learning to weave and made our own place mats. We also joined in with a special zoom music assembly from Trafford Music Service which was great fun!
We ended the half term with our "birthday party" and an indoor Easter hunt (thanks to the rain!) We danced, played games and ate cake!
Thank you to our parents and carers for your continued support. Enjoy your Easter break and we look forward to seeing you on 12th April.
Today, Year 1 are taking part in a virtual music assembly with Trafford Music Service. Please find below a flyer about the services they offer.
RWInc Subscription
We have now organised a RWInc subscription to support children’s fluency, expression and comprehension.
Your child will be given a personal login to access an assigned book each week. Your child's login will be stuck in the front of their reading record. With this login the children can access the oxford owl reading books and their RWInc book as an assigned 'homework'. Once they have read the assigned RWInc book, they can then click 'I've finished the ebook'. This will show your teacher what they have completed at home.
The book your child will be reading is the book they are reading in school during RWInc. We would like the children to re-read the book where possible and use the book as advised, including completing the comprehension questions.
This will support the children on their reading journey. Books will be set on a Tuesday for 1 week. Thank you for your continued support.
Well done to all of our Year 1 children, who have come back to school so well and have settled back in better than we could have hoped for. We have had a great week back at school, identifying and classifying fruits and vegetables in Science and revisiting numbers to 50 in Maths. The children have settled back into our routine of RWInc and the rest of our year 1 timetable.
Spelling tests will start next week. Spellings have been set up on spelling shed and are on the Year 1 webpage (under spelling). You will need to know your child's RWInc group to select the correct spellings. As with home-learning, the groups are:
Blue- Mrs Bonser
Yellow- Mrs Houston and Mrs Gardner
Orange- Mrs Newell
Pink- Miss Ryan
These colours are different to the book band they bring home in their reading book. Please ask your child who their teacher is and if you are unsure please ask.
We hope you all have had a good week and enjoy the weekend!
We are so impressed with how well the children have settled in. Well done to all our families for coming back so well after lockdown. We have been settling back in and getting back into our routines. We are investigating signs of spring and starting to look at plants in topic.
Year 1 return to school 8th March
We cannot wait to have the children back at school on Monday 8th March. We have put together some reminders for things to bring etc.
Thank you for using TEAMs so well for this home learning period. We will now be returning to using our Year1 email to respond to any questions or queries these will be checked when possible. If there any emergencies please use admin email. Spellings and other notices will be posted on the Year 1 website:
Please see the letter from Mrs Chard regarding re-opening, here are some important notes for Year 1.
Morning routines
Morning routines will be the same as before Christmas.
Doors will open at 8:50am and close at 8:55 am - children should be in school for 8:55am.
Even if your class teacher is not at the door when you arrive, they will be eagerly awaiting your arrival in your classroom.
P.E Kits
P.E kits need to be worn into school every Tuesday.
Pencil cases, water, tissues, hand-cream etc
If your child does not have a pencil case in school, please could you send them back in with one. They will need: writing pencils, rubber, pencil sharpener, colouring pencils, glue stick, ruler (optional). They do not need pens.
Children can bring in a named water bottle to be stored in the classroom and taken home each night.
Children can bring in tissues and hand cream as before.
Return of home-learning materials
As you will have seen from the letter from Mrs Chard, we would like some of the home-learning books returning to school. For now, please keep everything safely at home and return them on Wednesday 10th March. We will place a box per class outside and drop off and pick-up so you can put your child's CGP books in (please keep your exercise books at home safely for now). Do not do any more work in the CGP books as we may need them in the future (if your child is at Star club, they can bring the books into their classroom).
Priorities until Easter
We know how challenging this second lock-down has been for everyone. Our main aim for our first few weeks back is to settle the children back in and allow them time to reintegrate with their class and their teachers. We will not be formally assessing the children until the end of the half term as we feel their well-being is most important. We have been following our Year 1 long term plans wherever possible and will be continuing with the work planned. We will have more well-being sessions to ensure a smooth transition back to school. We will kepp you updated on your Year 1 Webpage.
Reading books
During our first week back, we will be reading with the children and assessing their level so we will not be sending books home.
Please continue to read from your own library at home and use the Oxford Owl subscription (class login) – at the level that you have been reading at during remote learning.
The “reading gems”, will help you to formulate different types of questions to develop your child’s understanding of what they have read. We also have a generic “book talk” sheet for fiction and non-fiction books which will help guide your reading at home (see reading star)
Spelling Tests
Spelling tests will remain on a Thursday.
Spellings will be linked to the RWInc colour and book your child is studying. We have set them on Spelling Shed and they will also be put on the Year 1 web-page. The first spelling test will be Thursday 18th March.
Thank you again for you continued support throughout this challenging time.
The Year 1 Team.
All our online learning has moved to our TEAMs platform. The children have been engaging so well with our home-learning and sending lots of examples of their work.
Please see the Monthly Mention Newsletter for more examples of our home-learning journey in Year 1.
Happy New Year
So... an interesting start to 2021. Thank you for all your support so far.
We will truly miss not seeing you all in school. However, we are looking forward to starting this 'Home Learning' journey with you.
Our 'Home Learning Platform' is Microsoft TEAMs so we will now be contacting you through TEAMs. If you have any problems accessing your TEAMs account please contact us via the Year Group email In addition to your TEAMs Home Learning there is a star above which has a vast amount of information on that you can use to continue and support learning at home. Good luck!
We will see you for the register on TEAMs tomorrow Wednesday 6th January 2020.
To all our fantastic Year 1 children and families. We just wanted to say a 'HUGE' thank you for all your support this term. We are all so grateful for our thoughtful gifts, thank you. We hope you have a lovely festive break and come back refreshed in the new year. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Here are some reminders for our final week of school before Christmas:
From Monday 14th- class Christmas cards (we will do this in school)
Tuesday 15th- Christmas Tombola- children to bring in £1 to win a chocolate prize
Thursday 17th- Children will receive a festive treat from the man himself
Friday 18th- Year 1 Token treat- movie and popcorn day (organised by Staff) and Christmas Sparkle Day- wear a sparkly head- band, badge, bobble etc
P.E. kits on Monday and Tuesday
What an amazing party we have had!
Here are some photos of our Christmas Parties.
There are lots of things going on over the next two weeks at school, so here are some important dates:
Mon 7th Dec- Christmas Markets- payment on ParentPay, Y1 are visiting during the morning of Monday.
Wed 9th Dec- Children to come into school in their Christmas party clothes/Christmas jumper for our secret filming.
Fri 11th Dec- Christmas party day (Afternoon). Children to come into school in their party clothes with party hat making in the morning!
Fri 11th Dec- Crazy Christmas hair day.
P.E. as usual on Monday and Tuesday.
**There is no spelling test this week. We have reopened the Spelling Shed assignments and these are for your child to consolidate the spellings we have already set this half term. New spellings will commence in January.
Targets from Parents Evening
In your child's reading record you will find targets for Reading, Writing and Maths. Remember there is information on this webpage to assist you with any home support.