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Here are some writing challenges for you to practise writing with your child. Please try to complete one each week. Please try to use and apply the targets below in your writing. All children MUST, most children SHOULD and some children COULD include the below targets in their writing. Our aim is to encourage all children to write simple sentences independently in Year 1. 


Writing Targets:


MUST - Write simple sentences that can be read by themselves and others.


SHOULD - Punctuate simple sentences with capital letters and full stops. Separate words with finger spaces.


COULD - Selects language for effect.  For example, adjectives, alliteration, description - 'the greedy, green, gremlin'.


Writing is something we are focusing on this year linked to our ‘Recovery Curriculum’.  Try to choose a task your child will enjoy and try and write for a purpose. 


Please remember letter formation when you are encouraging your child to write.  Where your child starts each letter has an impact on their formation.  Also encourage them to sit their letters on the line and write from left to right.


We are sending each child a writing book home.  Please keep it at home and use it to complete your writing challenge where needed.  Your child could decorate the front cover and make it their own.  We look forward seeing some of these challenges so please send photos to


Example pieces of writing showing the different writing targets.

Your Work so far...

Well done to the children who have already sent some examples of their writing. You don't have to send every piece of writing, but it is great to see the children just writing at home.


Remember, each child is working at a different level: from mark making to writing full pages of writing. We want the children to practice and feel more comfortable with writing at home.

Some more of your writing!

At Springfield we care, learn and achieve together
