Below you will find links to various educational platforms to support home-learning (in the case that you have to self-isolate due to COVID).
We have a plan in place in the event that our bubble has to close and this will be communicated at the time.
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Oxford Owl
You will need to create a free account and will then be able to access e-books to read (in line with your child's book band/RWI level)
Spelling Shed
Your child will have a login for this website (currently being created Sept 2020) which will be in their reading record.
Children can play spelling games, based on the Year 1 spelling objectives (Stage 1 on Spelling shed).
Phonics play
Fun games to practice phonics. The game works on "phases" which is different to the RWInc order of sounds- try Phase 3 to begin with however all the games are great fun to play.
RWInc- Ruth Miskin Youtube channel
You can access speed sound videos on this channel with Rosie.
We use our own weekly plans for Maths but supplement with White Rose.
Here is the link to the whiterose maths home-learning. Your child's teacher will let you know which week we are working on.
Your child will have a login for Numbots (this will be in your child's reading record). This is a Maths website which has number games the children can work through.
Top marks
This website has lots of number games for the children to play on:
BBC Bitesize and Oak Academy are also great for stand alone lessons in a variety of subjects.
Purple Mash
You will have your home-reading book to practise.
Please see our Reading and RWInc Stars for more ideas and links.