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Year 1

Due to the fact there will be no more homework set.  We do not need you to bring homework files in any longer. Watch out for any red words to practise and sound revision assigned to your child.  They will be in book bags.  Thank you for your continued support. 

Maths Homework


A huge thank you to all those children who have managed to complete the pages assigned in your Maths Homework book.  We are sending them home for you to complete the whole book as and when over the holidays.  This will keep your mathematical brain busy!  Thank you to all the parents who have marked them and supported your child in completing any challenges.  You are amazing!

Starling Parents,

Thank you so so much for the incredibly generous presents, it was so very kind of you all. Our flowers are so beautiful and the vouchers are amazing. We will be working our way through the lovely box of treats. It has been an absolute pleasure to teach your wonderful children this year and we are so pleased that we continue to be part of their learning journey as we move up to year two together. Have a restful and hopefully sunny summer holiday.

With love and thanks,

Mrs Houston, Mrs Gardner, Miss Ryan and Mrs Carol x

Please ensure all library books and reading books are in school by Friday. 

Continue to enjoy your reading journey at home and read and share different books of your choice.

Final outdoor learning party! Thank you to Andrew at Grip! Well done year 1.

Design and Technology

Here you will see the designs that Starlings chose for their chairs.

Free-standing structures, designing and making a chair for Baby Bear - Goldfinch Class

Library Books to ALL be returned this week please.  Thank you.

So much fun at the Summer fair disco

Starlings love to dance!

Still image for this video

Today a small group of children travelled to BTH school in Altrincham to take part in a Panathlon event.

Year 1 explored Hockey today with Mrs Hamlett for our olympics event. Have a look- click on the link below. 

Design Technology

The year one children have been given the task to design a chair for baby bear. Following reading the story of ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’, examining how chairs are made and what essential features they need they have been introduced to three possible ways of making a chair. The children have been taught these different techniques. They will then choose which method they prefer, design a chair using this method and then they will make it.

Which method will they choose and why?

Proud to be me: We always work hard to make sure we celebrate our uniqueness in school and we had lots of fun on 'Proud to be me' Day doing specific activities with our friends like watching short animations about celebrating who we are, making posters and colouring pictures and sharing a=our amazing poems that we wrote for homework!

Still image for this video

Money - in maths we have been familiarising ourselves with money, looking at both coins and notes!

Y6 charity day - we had lots of fun visiting year 6 who worked very hard to run stalls and games for all of the children in school to raise money for charity!

Numbers to 100! We have been finding the tens and ones and ordering and comparing numbers up to 100!

Maths - making numbers to 100

The Great Science Share

Another huge thank you to all our year one parents and children for completing the Science homework. Please see photos below of what the children got up to:

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Science Share Starlings and Rosen.

Year 1 Goldfinches - Forest School Session, working with clay

Artwork inspired by Andy Goldsworthy in Outdoor Learning

A HUGE thank you to all those parents who could attend Sports Day.  The children had lots of fun and really enjoyed taking part in their first sports day at Crossford Bridge.  For those parents who helped with photographs and supporting with recording scores etc...We couldn't do it without you. 

At Springfield we are a team and we support and care!

Sports Day - Goldfinches

Key Stage 1 Sports Day - Tuesday 18th June

Will take part at Crossford Bridge and parents are welcome to watch.  If you are able to walk with the children and staff to the event, please let your child's class teacher know.  Parent helpers will need to meet by the gate on the canal tow path at 12.30pm.  Thank you for your support.

Computing - we have been having lots of fun using maze explorers on Purple Mash. We have learnt how to create simple algorithms to direct an object to a destination.

Finding quarters of an amount of objects!

Maths word problems

Today we created our own Maths words problem based on a ‘Part-part-whole’ that we were given. We had to use the phrases ‘First’ ‘Then’ and ‘Next’. We were very proud of ourselves…

Still image for this video

Still image for this video

Still image for this video

Still image for this video

Still image for this video

Still image for this video

Still image for this video

Phonics Screening Check

After the half term holiday, the Year 1 children will take the Phonics Screening Check. Please find below some information for parents about the check. This is a narrated PowerPoint, you will need to play slide show to be able to hear a narration over the top. We do not make a big deal of this check and call it a "Reading Booklet". The children have been working towards this from the moment they started RWInc and they should not feel worried. 
If you have any questions about the check, then please ask your child's class teacher at home-time. We will report the results in the report in July.

Important Information on Year 1 Phonics Screening Check - please click on link below

Science - Everyday Materials

Finding fractions of objects and shapes

Goldfinches Outdoor learning session - we explored the sensory garden and made bird feeders

A visit from a dentist, Masuma’s mum, to show us how to brush our teeth well🦷🪥😁

Robins Class Assembly Costume Information


Please could you look at the list below to see what clothes your child will need for the class assembly. Please can everyone bring their named costume in by Tuesday 14th May. If you are unable to get hold of anything and need some support please let me know my Friday 10th May. Thank you so much for all of your support.

Ruby - Mrs Chard outfit (something teachery)
Emily, Ali, Cariad, Charlie - casual mum/dad outfits 

Bertie, Ayda, Alice, Jessica, Sophie - Green clothes (just top is fine)

Carina - Yellow clothes (just top is fine)

Rory - Orange clothes (just top is fine)

Ettie - White clothes (just top is fine)


Everyone else - outdoorsy clothes (like forest school clothing)

Outdoor learning in the sunshine. Making bird feeders today and lots more...

In PE we have been practicing our skipping skills! Most of us can swing the rope over ourselves and step over it, lots of us have progressed to jumping over it from one foot to another and some of us can even jump over two feet at a time!

Maths - Showing repeated addition as arrays.

Maths - Adding equal groups!

Robins Class Assembly - Wednesday 15th May at 2.30pm

The children have been sent home with words to learn for our assembly today. Further information about costumes will be sent out later this week. The support that you give is really appreciated!




Outdoor Learning for Starlings 

Our sessions begin 30th April for 3 weeks this time. 

Every Tuesday. 

Please wear appropriate clothing for the ever changing weather.  Bring wellington boots in if needed and the children will change their shoes for the session.  

If you can... please bring pine cones into school to help us make our different bird feeders this week. 

Thank you for your continued support.



D & T Sharing dipping platters. Evaluating in our Teddy Bear’s Picnic!

COOL time - We are so motivated to develop our skills and challenge ourselves whilst choosing our own learning!

Design Technology 

Following tasting a variety of fruits and vegetables the year 1 children learnt to peel, grate and chop.
They then designed a healthy fruit and vegetable platter which they proudly made yesterday. We shared these platters with our teddy bears in a picnic on the school garden.

For your information regarding summer uniform.

After learning about measure we looked at weight and capacity.

We have been outside in the sunshine measuring using standard units of measure 📏

Happy Holidays!

We are very proud of the fantastic learning the children have done and the progress they have made this term, thank you for your support.  If you are celebrating Eid, we send you best wishes to you and your families.

Happy Easter and enjoy the break!


Easter egg hunt on the garden!

Wheelie Disco


For our token treat we had a wheelie disco on the playground. The children loved navigating the courses we set up whilst singing to music.


Yesterday the children enjoyed their first lesson using the gymnastics apparatus. They had the opportunity to explore all the stations and practise previously taught shapes, rolls and moves.

Celebrating Holi Festival during COOL time

Continuing our science learning all about plants during COOL time.

Wheelie Disco



On Wednesday 27th March we will be holding a 'Wheelie Disco' as a token treat for year one children. Your child is invited to bring to school their bike, scooter, buggy, roller blades, skateboard anything with wheels.  

We will have music and games on the playground during the disco.  Feel free to send helmets, knee pads etc if you have them.  

Robin class must put their 'wheels' in the bike shed on the Reception playground.

Goldfinch and Starling class must carefully bring their 'wheels' into school and they will be stored in our outdoor area. 



In Art with Fiona the children have studied three artists who draw pictures about Spring flowers.  These three artists were David Hockney, Brie Harrison and Brian de Graft.  Following this the children did observation drawings of fresh flowers, they copied Brian de Graft's painted flowers and then made 2D flowers into 3D flower pots.  They will be bringing them home soon for you to enjoy!

Outdoor Learning Sessions for Goldfinch Class

Goldfinch class will be starting four garden sessions beginning Tuesday 19th March. Please wear old/warm outdoor clothing with a waterproof coat.

British Science Week 11th - 15th March

Year 1 planned their own investigation based on the Great Science Share for Schools resources, with the theme the ‘Great Sports Share’.  The children came up with the question, “Do different surfaces affect how fast we run?”.  We then planned our investigation, made predictions, recorded our results and wrote our own conclusions. We are Scientists!


⚽️Let Girls Play!⚽️


On Friday 8th March we celebrated International women’s day and #LetGirlsPlay a nationwide event to promote the female game and to address inequality in the game. Most girls took part in a football session with Joe Quigley and had to count how many lionesses they could find in school.

If you are interested in attending football session try Football Fun Factory

Celebrating International Women’s Day

Enjoying the KS1 PTA Disco

Enjoying the PTA Disco

World Book Day - Sharing our favourite stories

World Book Day - 7th March

Please remember to bring in your favourite book to share with children in your class.  We will spend time talking about our favourite stories!

Goldfinches Class Assembly

Robins trip with GRIP Adventure 6.3.24

Robin class have their trip with GRIP Adventure this Wednesday 28th February. Children will need a packed lunch - no fizzy drinks, cans or glass bottles please. They will also need warm, outdoor clothing with a waterproof coat with hood.

We will enjoy a ride on a barge and put our mapping skills to test, alongside lots of other exciting activities.

We have started learning all about plants in Year 1 science! We have loved grouping the fruits and vegetables depending on which part of a plant they come from.

Robins have loved building their teamwork skills during outdoor learning sessions over the last few weeks!


Please don't forget to bring library books back in every Monday so your child can get a new one.

Thank you. 

Goldfinches trip with GRIP Adventure 28.02.24

Goldfinch class have their trip with GRIP Adventure this Wednesday 28th February. Children will need a packed lunch - no fizzy drinks, cans or glass bottles please. They will also need warm, outdoor clothing with a waterproof coat with hood.

We will enjoy a ride on a barge and put our mapping skills to test, alongside lots of other exciting activities.

Tuesday Outdoor Learning

Robin are currently taking part in Tuesday outdoor learning sessions.  Robin's last one is on the 12th March.  Goldfinch will then begin their sessions on 19th March.

Starling Grip Adventure Trip Wednesday 21st February 2024


Starling are on their Grip Adventure trip tomorrow.  Please ensure your child brings a packed lunch in a disposable bag and they come in appropriate clothing.

We will be adventuring on a narrow boat on the canal and exploring different mapping activities in the cave linked to our geography topic. 

We are looking forward to it.  Thank you for your continued support. 

Goldfinches Class Assembly - Wednesday 6th March at 2.30pm

The children have been sent home with words to learn for our assembly today.  All children who are narrators will need to wear purple/green/gold (a combination or just one colour) own clothes or party clothes, which they can wear to school on the day to save getting changed in school.  If your child has a fairytale character part, please do not buy a costume, we will try and provide one from school or borrow from another child or class.

Half Term

We break up from school for one week on Friday 9th February until Monday 19th February.  The children have worked hard and stepped up their learning this half term - we are very proud of them.  Please enjoy a safe, happy and restful half term.


After half term, Robin Class will begin the outdoor learning sessions once again on Tuesdays.  Please wear warm/old clothes suitable for outdoors.


To our families celebrating Lunar New Year this weekend, enjoy the festivities and Kung Hei Fat Choi! There are a number of activities organised in Manchester over the weekend to celebrate Lunar New Year, please see the link below.


Best wishes,


The Year 1 Team


We used the printing we did with Fiona to create an owl collage. Mrs Spencer gifted our school wooden owls when she left. We studied Mrs Spencer as our significant person in History.

Music with Mr Bordman. Enjoying playing our new chime bars- thank you to the PTA. Reading music, playing together with chime bars, egg shakers and rhythm sticks. Amazing year 1.

History in Year 1. Finding out about a significant person in history and their role and responsibilities. Lots of fantastic independent learning. Lots of practising our writing skills too.

More learning in Year 1. Red words, capacity...

Outdoor learning for Starlings. Making dens and floating boats! Lots of teamwork and rainy days in the last couple of weeks.

Year 1 Library Time

All children in Year 1 have visited the school library ‘World of Words’ with Mrs Carroll today and have brought a book home. Mondays will be our library day. Please send your child’s library book into school each Monday in their book bag.  Due to the time constraints of our busy timetable, we will be unable to change your child’s book on a different day.

Goldfinches Class Assembly - Wednesday 6th March at 2.30pm

We will start to practise soon and will send home words, etc. to learn.

History - comparing the old and new parts of the school



The homework sheet was to encourage children to talk about their own personal timeline.  The sheet itself is quite small for writing on - please do not feel you have to complete the writing on the sheet, use pictures, photos.  You could even create a bigger one and make your own.    See the examples below.  



Take a photo and send it to

Thank you for your continued support. 

Starling Class Assembly

Starling class assembly is on Wednesday 24th January at 2.30pm.  Please arrive before 2.30pm via the playground, latecomers cannot be admitted. 

Please send children to school in blue and green clothes on Wednesday, not their usual school uniform.  There are two children who are wearing different clothes but we have spoken to their parents.  

Learning about Holi in R.E.

Winter fun! Exploring the snow during our outdoor learning session!

What is special about our school? Exploring a visual timeline in history of our school. Finding out about our history. Did you know Springfield Primary School is 117 years old!

Music with Mr Boardman. We enjoyed class music sessions on Monday. We will we doing music with Mr Bordman every Monday.

In Year 1 we learn all about the seasons! To help us observe the changes we have been creating calendars showing how a tree changes each season.

Starling class

Our class assembly is at 2.30pm on Wednesday 24th January. Please learn your words off by heart so we can continue practising, use the link below to practise the song too. 

Many Thanks!

In Maths we have been learning to read, write and recognise numbers 11-20. We practised writing our numbers in a variety of ways.

Starling class back in our outdoor learning sessions. Loving den making and playing on the garden and in our outdoor kitchen.

Welcome back and Happy New Year!  2024!!  Here we go...

Reminders for Week 1.


Starling class have Outdoor Learning session every Tuesday for the next 4 weeks from tomorrow.  Pleas send your children into school in their own outdoor clothing and appropriate footwear for the weather. Thank you. 


P.E. days continue to be Tuesday and Wednesday.  Please come in wearing PE kit unless told otherwise. 


Reading books are back in book bags.  Read, read, read to build confidence and fluency when reading.  Thank you. 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Thank you for all your support in your child's first term in Year 1.  Thank you for all your kind words, cards and gifts - they are much appreciated!

Have a happy and restful holiday and we look forward to seeing you in 2024!

The Year 1 Team


Watching puppet shows and finding out about puppet making in Year 2.

Starlings Token Treat

For Starlings token treat we took all the children’s ideas and had a really fun morning. We played sporty Christmas games in the hall using ideas from ‘Trafford’s Ten Days of Christmas’ had a game of football then following a vote we watched ‘Highway Rat’ whilst eating some yummy treats.
Merry Christmas!

Reindeer races

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D & T - evaluating books with moving parts

Year 1 Christmas Party - Wednesday 20th December

Please send your child into school in their party clothes on this day.

Santa Dash - Friday 15th December

Year 1 children will be taking part in a Santa Dash on Friday 15th during the school day, using the running track in school.  Children may wear a Santa hat or Christmas headband!

Enjoying The Waterside Theatre trip.

We are so proud of the children’s performances over the past two day, we hope you enjoyed watching ‘Angel Express’!

Design Technology

In DT we have looked at different Christmas cards and the designs on them. We also looked at cards and books with moving parts.
We then practised making a simple slider that moves up and down and side to side. We also practised and made a lever using a split pin.

Using all this as inspiration we designed on recyclable paper a Christmas card with a lever or a slider.
We then made our Christmas card.

Below is a sneaky peek for you…

Still image for this video

Still image for this video

Still image for this video

Starlings took part in a Christmas craft session this week with Fiona and her team. Goldfinch and Robins will have a session too.

Amazing Crazy Hair for donations for the Christmas Fair!

Christmas Markets

Robins had a great time making popcorn on the fire during their outdoor learning session today!

Animals Take Over!
Year 1 had a fabulous visit from Lyndsey and her animal friends from ‘Animals Take Over’. We met at least one animal from each of the animal groups we had learned about in our animal classification in Science.  We  got to ask and answer lots of questions and got to touch or hold the animals! The children showed their knowledge of what they had learned very well!

Goldfinches enjoyed their animal-themed token treat!

Amazing animal print designs with our artist Fiona in Goldfinches

Friday 1st December - Goldfinches and Robins token treat! As well as our visit from 'Animals Take Over' Goldfinches and Robins may bring in one animal soft toy or animal small world toy for a token treat session during the day to go with our animal theme!



Please see instructions below for ordering from Books for Bugs during our virtual book fair:


Our Books for Bugs Book Fair has begun! Gain access to hundreds of discounted books this week with free delivery to school! 


How to order

  •  Visit 
  •  Choose your books and add them to the basket- if you are not sure where to start why not checkout our new Quick Shop feature with the top 100 for each key stage. 



At the checkout stage add your billing details as normal and for shipping put 


Your Child’s Name 

Your Child’s Class  (Or ‘School Office‘ if it’s a gift you don’t want the child to see) 


Name of School: Springfield Primary School

Address:  Sale, Cheshire

And most importantly M33 7XS the school's postcode. 


It is the postcode that will activate the free shipping option called ‘Virtual Book Fair only".



You can order up until midnight on Tuesday 5th December


Orders are dispatched within a few days of the fair ending so never long to wait! 


Any book priced £2.99 or over purchased through the virtual book fair will also benefit school as we will receive a free book for every 5 purchased, every book counts!


Happy shopping! 

Design and Technology - we have been exploring and examining books and cards with moving parts

Science - COOL Time, we have been making animals out of play dough. Can you guess what they are?

Robins had a wonderful time making and eating toast during our outdoor learning session this week!

Maths - sorting and talking about properties of 2D shapes

For your information - due to Christmas rehearsals we will be restarting gymnastics lessons after Christmas.  The children still need to be in their P.E. kit on Wednesdays as we are trying to complete our 'Daily mile'.  Thank you.

We have the exciting 'Animals Take Over' session on Friday, if you can, please don't forget to donate!

Maths - exploring ways of making number bonds to 10 using a ten frame

Robins absolutely loved their first outdoor learning session with Andrew!

During our COOL time we have enjoyed lots of learning opportunities including practising numbers and addition sentences, using teamwork skills and construction skills and writing gift cards just to name a few!

Bright colours and spots for Children in Need

Goldfinches enjoyed making journey sticks in our outdoor learning

Odd socks for anti-bullying

Happy Diwali 😃

Maths - Different ways of making 6 and 8

Goldfinches outdoor learning session

We made popcorn on the fire and added toppings. We voted for our favourite!

Identifying, Group and Classifying Animals

We have started a new topic all about animals - we have been naming and grouping animals.

Geography and Science

Your children have probably been talking to you about the weather as we have been learning all about it in school! We have been checking the weather each day and recording the weather symbols in our books. We are also using a rain gauge to check for rainfall each day, using our scientific enquiry strands 'observation over time' and 'pattern seeking'.


If you would like to make a rain gauge with your child at home, we have attached some simple instructions below:

Goldfinches learned how cook toast on the campfire!

Year 1 Goldfinches enjoying our first outdoor learning session with Andrew

Following sketching our Grandparents faces we have started making them out of clay.

Outdoor Learning for Starlings. Making journey sticks. Thank you Grip Adventure. Goldfinch start their adventures next week.


Please don’t forget to send in a grandparent photograph in so we can draw a portrait in art.  They can be emailed if necessary to year group email. Thank you for your support. 

Last outdoor learning session tomorrow for Starlings until after Christmas. Look at the fantastic exploring and learning so far on this page and below.


Knowing that numbers are made up of other numbers using the ‘part part whole’ model.

History - learning about the past…

Each class prepared their own questions to ask a grandparent about what life was like when they were children. Super questions asked by the children and thanks to our visitors for giving up their time!

We have also been exploring old toys in our toy shop. Please send in any parents or grandparents toys to share. Thank you.

After learning about the season of Autumn in the classroom we went on a walk to look for signs of seasonal change. We then created our own Autumn page in our Geography books.

Learning about data and pictograms in Computing

We are continuing to use small apparatus in Gymnastics and we are practising the jumps we have learnt.

In Year 1 we have started to notice the changing of season and are spotting lots of signs of Autumn!

Homework this weekend - please try and read again as much as possible. Little and often is best. Some of the books may be longer, but keep encouraging. A couple of pages a night if it is tricky. Their Read Write Inc book and quiz is also available on Oxford Owl. Please write in the reading record to share reading progress. Thank you for continued support. 
Check out Reading star above for further info. 

Week 3!

Our learning through ‘Cool Time’ continued this week. The children are exploring all areas of the inside and outside classroom well and some children are completing our weekly challenges (you may of seen their shiny stickers to celebrate their hard work). Another super week in year one.

Gymnastics in year 1

On Wednesday the year 1 children explored balances on their hands and feet. They then began to create a sequence using those balances and the different ways of travelling we have practised. They did this on high and low levels. 


Many of the children are still struggling to take their jumpers on and off along with their socks and shoes. Please practise this at home.


Forest Garden Adventures tomorrow for Starling Class.

Children need to wear their own suitable, weather appropriate clothing for forest schools session tomorrow. Tuesday 19th September.

Homework this weekend.

Read Read Read!

Please read with your child this weekend. Enjoy their new reading book and don’t forget to log on to Oxford Owl to read their Read Write Inc reading book and have fun doing the quiz. 

See the Reading star above for for more information. Thank you for your continued support. 

Well done Year 1 for practicing writing your numbers to 10 in lots of different ways!

Year 1 have started to talk about Christianity in RE and draw pictures and wrote about what they know about Christians

Thank you for sharing your treasure boxes, we enjoyed hearing you explain about your experiences!

We really enjoyed running around the track and exploring the garden 🏃‍♀️🏃

Year One have been sharing their ideas about technology all around us...💻📱

Starling class working with our wonderful artist Fiona. All classes will have chance to work with Fiona...we are very lucky!

What a wonderful week so far!!


The children have settled so well and are all enjoying year 1.

Our curriculum overview can be viewed by clicking the link below. 

Reading Books

We will be listening to your child read next week and they will bring their reading book home on Friday 15th.  See the reading star at the top for further information and support. 

Next week - Week 2- reminders:

P.E. is on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Please wear P.E. kit into school.

If you would like to send your treasure box into school to share please do.



P.E. lessons for Year 1 will start next week, week beginning 11th September.  Our P.E days will be Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Treasure Boxes

We hope you have had lots of fun over the summer and look forward to seeing your treasure boxes in class.  Please feel free to bring them into school over the first two weeks of term.

Year 1 Goldfinches have enjoyed their first day back!

Year 1 Robins have enjoyed their first day back!


Welcome back!

We are looking forward to meeting you all tomorrow.

The School Day

Children will enter school through the main door on the reception playground. A member of the Year 1 team will be there each morning to take any quick messages.  The children can walk in through the door as soon as it is open and they will then make their way in to the Year 1 classrooms.


On the first day the reception teachers will also be there to help guide children in. 


The doors will open at 8:40 and will close promptly at 8:50 for registration at 8:50 and lessons will begin at 9am. 


Any urgent messages can be passed either to the teacher on the door or through the main office and your class teacher will get back to you if needed as soon as possible.

Gate and entrance

At Springfield we care, learn and achieve together
