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Year 1

Goldfinch Class produced some excellent artwork with clay and natural materials during our outdoor learning session. We also learning parachutegames and worked as a team to create a giant marble run!

Maths - Number bonds to 20 and addition by first making 10 and then adding on the rest.

Science - Identifying and classifying parts of plants, using fruit and vegetables.

Science - Identifying and describing the basic structure of a flower.

Goldfinch Class Assembly 

The children have all brought words home to learn, please rehearse with your child at home.  Unless your child is an ‘animal’ part, they just need to bring a jumper, scarf, hat or earmuffs to wear over their uniform as a costume.  Please could all assembly clothes be brought into school by Monday 27th January in a named bag.’ 

Goldfinches outdoor learning - we learned how to toast bread on the fire and butter it ourselves!

Snow Day Activities 

During this period of cold weather, please take care when travelling outdoors, particularly where it is very icy underfoot and by the canal.

We have attached some winter-themed activities below to support children who are at home:

Watch a pantomime of the Snow Queen 👑 

Winter Music 🎶 

Listen to the pieces of music below and interpret in a creative way!

Can you make up a dance, draw a picture or tap out the beat? Can you spot what instruments are being played?

Science and writing

Look out of your window...

What can you see?

Can you observe (watch closely) any changes to the weather?

Can you name some of the types of weather we have talked about in school?

Can you write down any words to describe what you see?

How does the weather make you feel?

Can you draw a picture of what you can see through your window?

Listen to one of these lovely winter stories...

Happy New Year and Welcome Back!

We hope you have had a happy and restful break.  The children have enjoyed observing and experiencing the changes in the weather which has provided a fantastic real-life context to our current geography and science topic of 'Winter' and the changes in the seasons.

Observing the snow!

Goldfinch Class

After our first outdoor learning session this week, we have three more sessions.  Please remember to dress warmly and bring boots/wellies and waterproofs if you have them.

Our class assembly is on Wednesday 29th January. We have just started to rehearse and will send words to learn at home and what to wear shortly.

Goldfinch Class demonstrated some excellent teamwork building obstacle courses and testing them out! We really enjoyed our first session with Mrs Garbett, especially in the snow!

Merry Christmas and Thank You!

As we are at the end of our first full term in Year 1, we wanted to thank you for all your support, kind words, cards and gifts.  The children have made such great progress and are developing new skills all the time.  Have a happy and restful break and we look forward to seeing you all in the new term.

Best wishes,

The Year 1 Team 

Reading Books:

We will be collecting all reading books next week and no new reading books will be given out until after the Christmas holidays. Please could you check at home for any reading books and return them to school next week. All books on Oxford Owl Online will be reset for over the Christmas holidays should you want to use the online resources to continue to practise reading over the Christmas break. Thank you.


Library Books:

We have collected in most of the children's library books this week. Please could you check at home for any outstanding library books and bring them into ASAP. Thank you.

Our daily mile challenge... How many laps can you do?

Visiting Year 2 to help evaluate their DT puppets...

DT - the children worked very hard on their Christmas cards with moving parts! They had a little gallery to evaluate their own and their friends' cards.

Maths - representing numbers to 20

The children did such an incredible job with their Christmas performances and we are so proud of them all! Thank you to everyone who came to watch and supported your children to learn lines/songs and provide costumes!

Library Books

We will collect all library books in from next Monday w/b 9th December and children will be able to choose a new book in the new year.

Exploring 3D shapes and their properties.

Our Theatre Trip to see The Bear

We enjoyed visiting the Christmas markets

Starling’s outdoor learning - session 3. We enjoyed making journey sticks.

Design technology - Exploring books with moving parts.

Science - animal classification including carnivores, herbivores and omnivores

Starlings enjoyed visiting the school book fair today

Maths - 2D shape sorting

Learning how to make fire 🔥 and fire safety!

Starlings enjoyed their first outdoor learning session.

Year 1 Christmas Production

If your child has words to learn for the production, please help them practise them at home.


Costumes need to be brought to school in a bag/on a hanger with their name on by Monday 2nd December. We have a small number of spare costumes, if you need any help, please speak to your child's class teacher.


Thank you for your support,

The year 1 Team

Today marks World Diabetes Day which the children in Robin class marked by creating blue ribbons.

Thank you for supporting Odd Socks day and promoting anti-bullying week.

PE - Team games, over and under.

Maths - Subtraction using a numberline

Maths - subtraction using physical objects

Art - using our new skills to draw a portrait of our grandparent

Maths - I can use Numicon to represent number bonds to 10.

Robin's third outdoor learning session - den building for a teddy!

Have a Great Half Term!

The children have now completed their first half term in Year 1 and have made us all so proud with how well they have settled in. They have put great efforts into their work are trying hard to becoming more independent.

If you would like extra reading practice, the books the children have read in school have been made available (without quizzes) on Oxford Owl online.  This is optional.  Please remember to bring in a facial photo of a grandparent/elderly relative for our artwork when we return.

We wish you a lovely half term and will see you all on return to school!

Thank you for your support,

The Year 1 Team

History - asking a grandparent the questions we have written about the past

Learning about and celebrating Diwali during COOL time. Year 1 made some wonderful Diwali boxes too, thank you to our fabulous families for supporting the children to make boxes and to our PTA for organising!

Art - Self Portraits

We have been learning how to draw a self portrait using guidelines to focus on position, line and space. We are very proud of our end results!

Starlings Self Portraits. Can you guess who?

Robins learning all about fires and staying safe around them in their second outdoor learning session

Consolidating our recent Maths learning through independent challenges.

History - sorting old and new toys into past and present. How do we know if a toy is from the past?

Library Books and Reading Books

Children change their library book and reading book on Monday.  They will then have one reading book and one library books to share over the half term holiday.

Robins - Outdoor Learning Tuesday 22nd October

Robins will have their second outdoor session.  Please send in warm outdoor own clothes.

Year 1 loved exploring the iPads in their computing lessons!

Robin class enjoyed their first outdoor learning session!

Tuesday 15th October

Individual school photos wearing full winter uniform.  No P.E. kits for the day.  Robins will need to bring their wellies in a separate bag.

The Year 1 Team

History - What was life like in the past?  How was life different in grandparents' day?

The children have really enjoyed bringing in their original artefacts of toys, photos and other objects to make our class museums.  We have all learned a lot from them!  

Goldfinch outdoor learning - making a house for a soft toy and parachute games

Goldfinch Class will have their last outdoor learning session of this block on Tuesday 8th October. Goldfinches will then revert back to P.E. Kits for their P.E. lesson on Tuesdays. Robin Class will start their outdoor learning sessions on Tuesday 15th October.

Comparing numbers using our more than and less than symbols. We use these sentences to compare: "___ is greater than ___", "___ is less than ___" and "___ is equal to ___"

Goldfinches made journey sticks as a way of following a route around the school garden

To finish off our learning all about the human body, the children made a human body out of a choice of resources. They were then asked to talk about the different body parts and what the body parts do and to talk about the different senses that they have learnt about.

School Library

Your child will visit the school library 'World of Words' every Monday.  Please make sure your child has their school library book in their bookbag each Monday.  This is not a reading book so please enjoy and share the book at home with your child.

Exploring travelling over, under and through the apparatus.

After our Autumn walk and discussion in the classroom about changes we see in Autumn, the children created an Autumn page in the geography books

Exploring our senses in science! We explored the different tables which had activities activities using our 5 senses: sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch

In computing we have been learning about what technology is. Ah your child about what technology they can spot in different rooms of the house or when you go for a walk.

Throwing and catching skills in PE. The children have been gaining confidence when moving with a beanbag. Using the learned techniques to take part in team games too!

Pikes, straddles, tucks and lots of balances!

Year 1 Goldfinches learning about outdoor fire, safety and looking for signs of Autumn

In science we are learning all about the human body and have had fun labelling different body parts!

We have enjoyed sharing all our holiday adventures with our transition treasure boxes!

In maths we have been exploring Numicon to help us to order numbers.

Exploring ‘high and low’ movements and working hard on learning ‘log rolls’