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Year Group Dates

Key information and dates will be added to this page throughout the year. Please make sure you check it regularly. 

Class Assemblies 
Bishops - Wednesday 27th November at 9:00am
Rooks - Wednesday 29th January at 9:00am
Knights - Wednesday 7th May at 9:00am

Each class will complete a block of 11 weeks of swimming lessons. Due to the school holidays, trips and other events the children will not swim every Friday.

Each classes lessons will run from:
Rooks - 13th September - 29th November
Bishops - 6th December - 21st March

Knights - 28th March - 11th July 

Y4 Residential - Thursday 27th - 28th February 

DEWA Chester Roman Experience - Tuesday 24th June 

At Springfield we care, learn and achieve together
