On Tuesday 27th May we took a small group of key stage one children to a Panathlon event at BTH school in Altrincham. The children participated in small competitive games against other schools. We took the tram to and from the event. The children were wonderful! Their behaviour and listening skills were excellent. They played each game to the very best of their ability and won the event! The children were so pleased with their shiny medals and trophy.
Week beginning 12th June
Year 2 Bryon will be attending Forest School every Tuesday (first session-Tue 13th June) during the last summer half term. Please send your child into school wearing their usual P.E kit and a separate pair of wellies in a named plastic bag.
Friday 5th May
Children can dress up in red, blue and white or as a queen/king on Friday the 5th May to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III.
Year 2 Wilson's Class Assembly
Reminder. Our assembly is on Wednesday 19th April. Please can all parents/carers arrive promptly at 2:20pm and enter the hall through the dining room doors (usual morning drop-off doors) ready to watch our assembly which begins at 2:30pm?
Kind regards,
Year 2 Team
Year 2 Bryon's Class Assembly is Wednesday 29th March -
Dear parents/carers,
Please be seated for our class assembly by 2:20pm at the latest. Our assembly will start promptly at 2:30pm. Enter through normal morning gates and dining room door. Children will exit through their usual door at home time for you to collect your child. Please do not try to collect them from the stage as they will need to return to class to collect their belongings.
Kind Regards,
Mrs Billingham.
Safer Internet week
This week we have been learning all about how to stay safe online, age appropriate apps/games and sensible amounts of screen time. Please click on the link below for further advice on how to stay safe online.
Year 2 Team
After Christmas we will introduce our 'Explorers' topic in History by watching a short episode of 'You Versus the Wild' with Bear Grylls. This is rated PG. If you DO NOT wish your child to watch the 15 minute clip please speak to their class teacher or email year2@springfieldprimary.net
Kind regards,
Year 2 Team.
Year 2 Welcome PowerPoint
The Year 2 Welcome PowerPoint is now on Microsoft Teams. Please find your child's log in details for Teams in the front of their reading record.
Welcome to year 2!
The children have all settled into year 2 so quickly! It has been lovely to hear about their summer holidays/activities and to get to know them.
This first week back we want to settle the children into their new routines through lots of games and fun activities. Our new topic in Geography is all about Our local town of Sale, leading up to History and Remembrance. In Maths we will recap number and place value over the coming weeks and continue with Read Write Inc and English lessons as usual.
Your child will bring their new reading books and reading record home this week, which will contain their usual passwords (Purple Mash, Numbots, Teams and Oxford Owl etc) to use throughout the year.
Next week you will receive an email with our 'Welcome to Year 2' Powerpoint informing you of all the key information you need to know for year 2. Please keep a watchful eye our for this email.
Dates for your diary- We are mindful of giving parents/carers as much notice as possible and wanted you to be aware we have booked a trip to Sale Waterside Arts to watch the theatre production- 'The man who wanted to be a penguin' On Wednesday 14th December (trip letter and costings to follow nearer the time).
Our year 2 trips to 'Grip Adventure' as part of Geography are booked for each class on 26th, 27th and 28th June (details nearer the time).
Our yearly trip to Llandudno is also booked in for Wednesday 5th July (details of trip costs will be released nearer the time).
Best wishes and welcome to year 2!
Year 2 Team.