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Sports Day!

GRIP trip Year 2 Bryon

What do plants need to grow healthily?

Rosen Forest school session 3

Rock Steady assembly

Eid Mubarak!

For British Science Week we had a visitor in Year 2 who told us all about how he uses Science in his job. We also set up an investigation investigating the best way to melt ice to release our Lego figure, we have great fun!.

Welcome to Spring Term

International Women's Day -Year 2 Embrace Equity.

Forest School

World Book Day! The children came into school in pj's and comfy clothes and participated in a fun book swap!

Forest School

In English, we have been practicing our alternative ending for our traditional tale Little Red Riding Hood.

In Science we arranged pictures into there correct food chain.

We are at the beginning of our learning about multiplication. The children were exploring equal groups and how we write a multiplication sentence from this.

We are learning about animals and their habitats in science and have been creating our own food chains.

It was great to see Grace telling the Year 2's about winning a football match with the infants during praise assembly. Well done!

Welcome to Autumn Term

We have had a fun afternoon decorating biscuits and doing Christmas activities, Yummy!

We have had a great morning doing the Santa Dash!. Were looking forward to seeing how far the school has ran in total.

In our Art and History we made Poppies from clay for Remembrance day - Don't they look great!

To mark Remembrance day, Year 2 visited the Sale Cenotaph to pay respects to those who lost their lives fighting for our country.

In Science we investigated how absorbent materials are by pouring water into different materials and measuring how much liquid was absorbed.

In Science we have been testing to see if different materials are waterproof and decided which material is best for a raincoat!

In Maths we have been using part whole models to create fact families.

Using our knowledge of Sale, we practised mapping skills in Geography to locate human features of Sale.

In computing, we have been using 2paint on Purplemash to create some pieces of art in the style of different artists.

We have loved our science topic this term and have been investigating different types of materials and their properties!

We have had a busy week looking at our local landmarks around Sale to add to our own maps. We also created stained glass windows using St Paul's church and Sale landmarks as inspiration.

This week we started our new science topic on materials and their properties. We went on a hunt around the classroom to label objects made from different materials and sorted materials into a Venn diagram. In Geography we identified the four countries and capital cities of the United Kingdom and studied the oceans that surround the UK.

At Springfield we care, learn and achieve together
