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Homework - 12.07.24 - 19.07.24

All reading books will be collected next week and the children will not be given new reading books. Please check at home for any outstanding reading books as we are missing some in school. Thank you. Oxford Owl online reading books will however be reset and available from 15th July. You will be able to access all of the previous books that the children have read so that they can continue to practise reading over the Summer holiday.


Year 1 Memories

Please ask the children to write a few sentences about your favourite memories in Year 1. Have a look through the webpage at photographs from the year to help remind the children what they have done. The children can add pictures/photos if they want to.





Homework - 4.07.24 - 12.07.24

Oxford Owl online reading books will be available from Monday 8th July. Please continue to read your reading books at home.


D & T/Art Projects - please continue to send in any cardboard/plastic tubes and old newspapers to support our creative projects, thank you.



Thank you for those who have been completing the Maths books.  

Please complete page 62-63.  Summer Term: Workout 6.  Don't forget to check, mark and edit the pages with your children when they have completed it independently. Support where needed and talk about how they have tackled the problems. 



In Maths we are looking at money.  Please set a shop up at home with food items or toys, label them with a price no more than 10p. Give your children some coins, discuss the value of each coin.  Encourage your child to count the coins in 2s, 5s and 10s.

Can they buy items from your shop? Have fun!  




Homework - 28.06.24 - 5.07.24

Oxford Owl online reading books will be available from Monday 1st July. Please continue to read your reading books at home.


D & T/Art Projects - please continue to send in any cardboard/plastic tubes and old newspapers to support our creative projects, thank you.



Thank you for those who have been completing the Maths books.  

Please complete page 60-61.  Summer Term: Workout 5.  Don't forget to check, mark and edit the pages with your children when they have completed it independently. Support where needed and talk about how they have tackled the problems. 

There is also a sheet named 'Magic Number Bonds to 20' to complete. 



Homework - 21.06.24 - 28.06.24

Oxford Owl online reading books will be available from Monday 24th June. Please continue to read your reading books at home.


D & T/Art Projects - please continue to send in any cardboard/plastic tubes and old newspapers to support our creative projects, thank you.


Proud to be me

On Friday 28th June, Springfield is having a Proud to Be Me Day. The day is about celebrating the diversity of our school community and about being proud of who we are. For homework, we would like the children to create an acrostic poem about themselves and what makes them special. They could use their name or a word like 'proud' at the side. See some examples below:

Homework - 14.06.24 - 21.06.24

Oxford Owl online reading books will be available from Monday 17th June. Please continue to read your reading books at home.

Spelling Shed - continue to complete the activities of spelling numbers as words.

D & T/Art Projects - please continue to send in any cardboard/plastic tubes and old newspapers to support our creative projects, thank you.

Great Science Share

Try something scientific out at home with a parent - make a poster, send a picture or email a photo to so your child can share their learning in science with the class.

See below for some ideas...

Holiday Tasks


We need your help - Please can you bring in tubes for our Design Technology project in the first week.


Your child should have their two reading books to read over the holidays and their new Read Write Inc. book has been put on Oxford Owl online.

Reading Book Plea

We are missing a number of reading books from our sets in school.  Please have a look at home for any previous unreturned reading books and send them back to school with your child.  The reading books are expensive and can only be ordered in packs, they are an essential resource and we would appreciate your support in this.

Phonics Screening Check

This will take place during the first week back, please refer to the information and presentation on the main Year 1 webpage. We are sending a double sided sheet home with real and alien words for the children to practise reading over the holidays. The children do not need to write these words down. Please continue to encourage your child to say the special friends, fred talk then say the word. 

Red Words

Please practise the red words on spelling shed.  The children need to be able to use these and spell them independently in their writing by the end of year 1. 


Thank you for your continued support.



Homework 17/05/24 - 23/05/24


Please continue to read your book on Oxford Owl and your two reading books sent home from school.

We will collect the library books in on Monday 20th May for the half term holiday.


Special Friends, Fred Talk, Read the Word!

Please use the sample sheet of real and nonsense words to practise looking for special friends, then sound the word, then read the word.  The children to not need to memorise, or spell the words for writing.  Please use the list as you wish - i.e. underline/highlight special friends.


Science - Materials 

Go on a materials hunt around your home - use a piece of paper to write down the materials you have found and then write some properties (describing words) next to each materials.


E.g. wooden table - strong, smooth

glass window - transparent


Bring your findings into school to discuss in our science lessons.

Homework 10.5.24- 17.5.24


Maths CGP books.

Thank you for those who have been completing the Maths books.  

Please complete page 58-59.  Summer Term: Workout 5.  Don't forget to check, mark and edit the pages with your children when they have completed it independently. Support where needed and talk about how they have tackled the problems. 



Please continue reading daily with your child.  Read both their home reading book and their Read Write Inc book on Oxford Owl. 


After the whit holidays your child will complete their Phonic Screening check.  There is a Powerpoint at the top of the year one page about this.  Please practise reading the words on the sheet provided with your child. 

The children know to look for 'special friends' (they can even highlight these with a colour on the sheet) to 'fred talk' the word then say it aloud.  Please practise this at home. 

They will be assessed on different words and should not learn these off by heart.  

Homework 3.5.23- 10.5.23


Maths CGP books.

Thank you for those who have been completing the maths books.  

Please complete page 56-57.  Summer Term:Workout 4.  Don't forget to check, mark and edit the pages with your children when they have completed it independently. Support where needed and talk about how they have tackled the problems. 



Please continue reading daily with your child.  Read both their home reading book and their Read Write Inc book on Oxford Owl. 


Spelling Shed

Please check your spelling shed account for homework.  We would like to practise spelling and writing your numbers in words.

The children need to spell these correctly by the end of year 1.  Thank you for your continued support. 




Homework 26.4.24 - 3.5.24


Please continue reading daily with your child.  Read both their home reading book and their Read Write Inc book on Oxford Owl. 

Maths CGP books.


Thank you for those who have been completing the maths books.  We are glad to hear the children are enjoying them.  


From week 3 onwards we will be setting specific pages to support their learning in class each week.  

In the meantime please encourage your children to complete any autumn and spring pages of their choice.  The children have now been taught how to solve all these problems in class.  Please continue to support where needed and mark the books to support your child's progress on their maths journey.  


We have completed our learning this term on measures.  We are now going to explore multiplication and division.  Please check the maths pages for further support in how we teach this. 


In Geography we are looking at maps, the position of the equator and the climate in various hot and cold countries. 

Draw a picture of an animal that lives in either a hot or cold place.

Write sentences about where your animal lives and how that animal is suited to its environment. 

Homework 18.4.24 - 26.4.24


Please continue reading daily with your child.  Read both their home reading book and their Read Write Inc book on Oxford Owl. 



Please complete the next 2 pages of your Maths CGP book.  Please only complete these pages. These books should continue to be kept in your child's homework file to be monitored.  Grown ups encourage your child to complete the work independently where they can.  They may need help reading the questions and you can check and mark them together to see where they may need to edit their work.  These books are revision books and will allow them to practice their mathematical skills. Any questions or concerns please ask or email.  PLEASE CHECK and MARK your child's Maths Homework Book - we will be monitoring, but would like you to mark it with them. If you can any comments to share progress and what they found challenging is also helpful (see below example). Thank you for your continued support.


In Maths we have been looking at volume and capacity.  We would like your children to make a mocktail or spend some time playing with water and different sized cups/containers. 

If they are playing with water and different sized containers, can they half fill a cup?  Can they fill a container?  Do they know when it is half full?  Do they know when the glass is empty?  Lots of playing (even in the bath) using this kind of vocabulary would be great.

If you are going to make mocktails, could you encourage your child to half fill their glass with water then fill it to the top with apple juice?  Could it be half full with orange juice then topped up with water to fill the cup?   Could more than two liquids be mixed? Why not pour yourself a drink and get your child to pour themselves a drink, whose cup contains more?  Whose cup contains the least?

Send in your photos of these creations! 

Easter Holidays

We have collected in the reading books for the holidays to audit.  Please keep reading

frequently with your child at home.  If you would like to access the books we have read in school, we have opened all the ones they have read this half term on Oxford Owl Online.

If your child has some gaps in their set 3 phonic sounds, they have been sent with a sheet highlighting the sounds they need to practise. 

Spelling Shed - all the spelling shed assignments 'Year 1 common exception spelling' are still open if you want to access them over the holidays.


Homework 22nd - 28th March


Please read your Read Write Inc. book on Oxford Owl.  If you are having difficulty accessing this, please let us know as there are a number of children not logging on.



We will collect all library books back into school on Monday 25th March for the holidays.  Please send your child with their library book on this day.  Thank you.



The children have been learning how to count in 2s, 5s and 10s.  Please support them at home to become more confident with this, you could try writing out number sequences, i.e. 5, 10, 15, 20, counting as they step, jump, hop etc. miss numbers out of sequences and see if they can spot them, use the 100 square to help etc.  The songs below will help the children to learn the patterns and have fun!



Spelling Shed 

We have opened all previous assignments for you to practise the red words from previous weeks.  We have also added new lists to practise during the holidays.  Remember children need to read, spell and write these by the end of Year 1.

Thank you for your support.

Homework 15.3.24 - 22.3.24


Please continue reading daily with your child.  Read both their home reading book and their Read Write Inc book on Oxford Owl. 



Please complete the next 2 pages of your Maths CGP book.  Please only complete these pages. These books should continue to be kept in your child's homework file to be monitored.  Grown ups encourage your child to complete the work independently where they can.  They may need help reading the questions and you can check and mark them together to see where they may need to edit their work.  These books are revision books and will allow them to practice their mathematical skills. Any questions or concerns please ask or email.  PLEASE CHECK and MARK your child's Maths Homework Book - we will be monitoring, but would like you to mark it with them. If you can any comments to share progress and what they found challenging is also helpful (see below example). Thank you for your continued support.



Spelling Shed.  Use your login stuck in the front of your child’s reading record to access the activity.

Please use the games to practise the words below: 







Please go on a leaf hunt with your child using the sheet given.  

Homework this week 8.3.24 - 15.3.24


Please continue reading daily with your child.  Read both their home reading book and their Read Write Inc book on Oxford Owl. 



We would like you to plant a seed or a fruit that you have eaten at home e.g apple, pear, strawberry, pepper, avacado.  Ideally this should be planted in a transparent pot with your child's name on the pot along with the type of seed that you have planted.  Please can you bring these into school.  We will be observing these over time, taking measurements and comparing the different plants grown by your children.  


International Women's Day

On Friday at school we will be celebrating International Women's day and #LetGirlsPlay a nationwide event to encourage more girls to play football and to allow equal access to football opportunities.  For homework we would like your child to draw a picture or write some sentences about a woman who is special in their lives.  This maybe their Mummy, Auntie, sister, Grandma or a special family friend.  



Robins for your Forest schools session on Tuesday please can you make a very simple boat that will float.  This could be made out of recyclable materials.  It does not need to be painted or decorated.  This should be brought into school on Tuesday.  

Homework this week 1.3.24 - 8.2.24


Please continue reading daily with your child.  Read both their home reading book and their Read Write Inc book on Oxford Owl. 



On Thursday 7th March we will be celebrating World Book Day.  On Thursday your child needs to bring into school their favourite book. They will be sharing this book with friends in their class (this will not involve reading the whole book to their friend).  We would like you to practise talking about the story with your children.  Encourage them to talk about the characters and the plot.  What is their favourite part?  Is there anything they don't like in the story?

We look forward to hearing about their favourite books!




Spelling Shed.  We have been practising logging on to Spelling Shed in the classroom.  We are continuing to practise the same spellings as last week (if you can encourage your child to log on independently this would be great).  Use the login stuck in the front of your child’s reading record to access the activity.






Homework this week 23.2.24 - 29.2.24


Please continue reading daily with your child.  Read both their home reading book and their Read Write Inc book on Oxford Owl. 



Spelling Shed.  Use your login stuck in the front of your child’s reading record to access the activity.

Please use the games to practise the words below. 

You can also use these words in different ways too.  See ideas below.



In Geography we have been looking at maps and drawing them from a 'birds eye' view.  The children have drawn a map of their classroom and Starlings drew a map as they sailed down the canal on their school trip.  We would like your child to draw a map of their bedroom ON THE SHEET PROVIDED.  It must been done in the rectangle on the sheet.  It only needs to be a simple map with a simple key.  

Half Term 

There is no English, Maths, Spelling or Science homework for this half term.  We would like you to enjoy time as a family.  

Oxford Owl online books

We have put this week’s Read Write Inc. book on Oxford Owl for your child to read at home. As an optional extra, we have put all the Read Write Inc. books your child has read this half term on Oxford Owl to re-read and enjoy over the break.

Library Books and Reading Books 

As it has been a short half term, we are not collecting reading books or library books in this week so the children can read and enjoy them over the half term break.


Homework this week 2.2.24-9.2.24


Please continue reading daily with your child. They can read their home reading book or their Read Write Inc book on Oxford Owl. 
We will checking their sound and fluency progress next week as part of our Read Write Inc assessment programme. This will help us ensure they have the correct reading book to suit where they are up to in their reading journey. 



Spelling Shed.  Use your login stuck in the front of your child’s reading record to access the activity.

Please use the games to practise the words below.  You can also use these words in different ways too.  See below for ideas.


Please complete the next 2 pages of your Maths CGP book.  Please only complete these pages. These books should continue to be kept in your child's homework file to be monitored.  Grown ups encourage your child to complete the work independently where they can.  They may need help reading the questions and you can check and mark them together to see where they may need to edit their work.  These books are revision books and will allow them to practice their mathematical skills. Any questions or concerns please ask or email.  PLEASE CHECK and MARK your child's Maths Homework Book - we will be monitoring, but would like you to mark it with them. If you can any comments to share progress and what they found challenging is also helpful (see below example). Thank you for your continued support.

Homework 26.1.24 - 2.2.24

Please complete the next 2 pages of your Maths CGP book.  Please only complete these pages. These books should continue to be kept in your child's homework file to be monitored.  Grown ups encourage your child to complete the work independently where they can.  They may need help reading the questions and you can check and mark them together to see where they may need to edit their work.  These books are revision books and will allow them to practice their mathematical skills. Any questions or concerns please ask or email.  PLEASE CHECK and MARK your child's Maths Homework Book - we will be monitoring, but would like you to mark it with them. Thank you for your continued support.



Please download the app 'Spelling Shed' on a mobile device, scan the QR code or open it on your internet browser.  Inside the cover of your child's Reading Record is a log in for this.  We set the children an assignment on this where they will be practising spelling red words.  Please can your child work through this assignment. 



Please continue reading the books in your child's book bag.  They are also available on Oxford Owl.

Homework 19.1.24 - 26.1.24

Please complete the next 2 pages of your Maths CGP book.  Please only complete these pages. These books should continue to be kept in your child's homework file to be monitored.  Grown ups encourage your child to complete the work independently where they can.  They may need help reading the questions and you can check and mark them together to see where they may need to edit their work.  These books are revision books and will allow them to practice their mathematical skills. Any questions or concerns please ask or email.  PLEASE CHECK and MARK your child's Maths Homework Book - we will be monitoring, but would like you to mark it with them. Thank you for your continued support.



In History we have been looking at the history of our school, we have put significant events on a timeline.  We would like you to complete the timeline sheet with your child about their childhood



Please continue reading the books in your child's book bag.  They are also available on Oxford Owl.

Homework 12.1.24 - 18.1.24

Please complete the next 2 pages of your Maths CGP book.  Please only complete these pages. These books should continue to be kept in your child's homework file to be monitored.  Grown ups encourage your child to complete the work independently where they can.  They may need help reading the questions and you can check and mark them together to see where they may need to edit their work.  These books are revision books and will allow them to practice their mathematical skills. Any questions or concerns please ask or email.  PLEASE CHECK and MARK your child's Maths Homework Book - we will be monitoring, but would like you to mark it with them. Thank you for your continued support.



Please log into Purple Mash and complete the two 'To Do's' (orange tab at the top) on the topic of Winter.



Please continue reading the books in your child's book bag.  They are also available on Oxford Owl. 



15.12.23 Homework

The children have worked very hard this term and we think they need a well-deserved break over Christmas, so there will be no homework tasks.



We will collect all school reading books in on Monday for over the holidays.  Thank you for those of you who have kept up with reading the Oxford Owl reading books online.  Please ensure you use this valuable resource - the website and login details are stuck in the front of your child's reading record. We have also put all the books your child should have read this half term on Oxford Owl so you can practise re-reading them.  Please continue to enjoy stories over the holiday and have a happy and restful break!


The Year 1 Team

Homework 8.12.23- 15.12.23



Please log on to your Purple Mash account (please find login information on the inside cover of your child's reading record). Click on the orange '2Dos' icon. Here you will find a task for the children to write a letter to Santa with some prompts and pictures to help your child. Once completed teachers will be able to see you your child's letter through their accounts.



Please encourage your child to create a Christmas picture using the technique of collage (helping them to develop their cutting and sticking skills). Here are some examples to give your child some ideas. These will be displayed in the classroom.

Homework 8.12.23


Sorry for the delay in putting this on the website but we have had very little internet access.



We would like you to go on a 'Shape Hunt' with your child, encourage them to look for corners on shapes, edges and whether these edges are straight or curved.  The children might be able to name some of the shapes they see.  This can be done when you are at home or when you are out and about.  



Inside your child's reading record you will see a login for Purple Mash.  Please can you encourage your child to login to this website and spend some time exploring the huge variety of games and activities that are on there. 

Homework 24.11.23 - 1.12.23



Please complete the next 2 pages of your Maths CGP book.  Please only complete these pages. These books should continue to be kept in your child's homework file to be monitored.  Grown ups encourage your child to complete the work independently where they can.  They may need help reading the questions and you can check and mark them together to see where they may need to edit their work.  These books are revision books and will allow them to practice their mathematical skills. Any questions or concerns please ask or email.  PLEASE CHECK and MARK your child's Maths Homework Book - we will be monitoring, but would like you to mark it with them. Thank you for your continued support.



The Science homework we have seen was wonderful, we were so pleased to see the children's drawings and labels.  We are going to repeat this task.  Please encourage your child to do this independently this time based on an animal from a different group. 

Using paper from home please draw and colour a picture of another animal.  Next to this animal your child should write the name of the animal, any body parts they can label on this animal, which animal group it is part of (mammal, reptile, amphibian, bird, insect, fish) and whether it is a herbivore, carnivore or ominvore.  The children have been looking at this in Science so it should be a revision exercise.  Please put this picture in your child's homework bag with the Maths book so we can look at it.

Homework from 17.11.23 - 24.11.23



Please complete the next 2 pages of your Maths CGP book.  Please only complete these pages. These books should continue to be kept in your child's homework file to be monitored.  Grown ups encourage your child to complete the work independently where they can.  They may need help reading the questions and you can check and mark them together to see where they may need to edit their work.  These books are revision books and will allow them to practice their mathematical skills. Any questions or concerns please ask or email.  PLEASE CHECK and MARK your child's Maths Homework Book - we will be monitoring, but would like you to mark it with them. Thank you for your continued support.



Using paper from home please draw and colour a picture of an animal.  Next to this animal your child should write the name of the animal, any body parts they can label on this animal, which animal group it is part of (mammal, reptile, amphibian, bird, insect or bird) and whether it is a herbivore, carnivore or ominvore.  The children have been looking at this in Science so it should be a revision exercise.  Please put this picture in your child's homework bag with the Maths book so we can look at it.

Homework  from 10.11.23 to 17.11.23



In your child's bag you will find a Homework folder and a Maths CGP book. Using the book please complete the first 2 pages.  Please only complete the pages assigned each week. These books will be kept in the children's homework file to be monitored.  Grown ups encourage your child to complete the work independently where they can.  They may need help reading the questions and you can check and mark them together to see where they may need to edit their work.  These books are revision books and will allow them to practice their mathematical skills. Any questions or concerns please ask or email.  PLEASE CHECK and MARK your child's Maths Homework Book - we will be monitoring, but would like you to mark it with them. Thank you for your continued support.






Please continue reading the books in your child's bag.  They are also available online on Oxford Owl.



Welcome Back!

Week 1

New reading books have been added to Oxford Owl.  

We have been practising writing our numbers correctly.  Please continue writing them at home with the correct orientation.  You can use paper and pencil, a stick in sand, writing in the air, make them out of play dough, etc.

We have also been learning our number bonds to 10 (two numbers which make a total of 10).  Have a go at making number bonds to 10 using practical objects, e.g. spoons and forks, pens and pencils, two different  types of toys.

Extra challenge:  write out the number sentence....4 + 6 = 10


Week 7 

Goldfinch will start their outdoor learning sessions on Tuesday 17th October. Please dress in comfortable/old clothes with a waterproof. Please send wellies in a bag on this day to change into for the session.


Thank you for support with reading.  Your child's book on Oxford Owl has been changed.  Please keep up with the reading!


Week 6 - please remember to bring your photo of a grandparent into school ready for our art lesson.  Please continue to read regularly at home.  Books are changed twice weekly and the Read Write Inc. text is available on Oxford Owl (also changed weekly)

Homework from 29.9.23- 5.10.23


On Thursday 5 October 2023 marks National Poetry Day and we are going to celebrate this at school with poetry performances from each class across school.  



Please can each child bring into school a photograph of one of their Grandparents (ideally of just their face).  They will need this for Art on week beginning 9th October.  It should have their name on the back of the photo.  

Home reading

The children will continue to bring home 2 reading books a week.  One will be on a Monday and another of their reading day.  The book should be a RWInc "book bag" book. This will link to your child's RWInc group and it may even be linked to the book they are reading that week in school. The book will contain the sounds they are learning in school. 


Please can children keep their reading books in their bookbag so they are ready to read with their teacher on their reading day and in case we get extra reading opportunities.


In order to support your child's reading, we ask that you read with your child as often as possible and write in the reading record to show that you have read. We are also setting the RWInc book each Thursday for your child to re-read at home. Please see example below of ideas for comments in the reading record. We do monitor home reading as it is imperative the children read and re-read books to build their fluency (reading speed) and expression. 


Please try to read little and often and daily if at all possible. 

We assess the children's phonic knowledge and reading every half term.

At Springfield we care, learn and achieve together
