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Maths Overview

Counting in Groups and introduction to multiplication and division.

This term we have started exploring counting in groups.  We have recalled counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and using this knowledge to count in groups of these to solve a problem.

Children are learning to identify:

How many groups there are?

How many are in each group?

How many altogether?

We have used repeated addition as you see above to begin our multiplication and division journey.

We have been learning about using 'arrays' - a way to organise and sort objects to help us count quickly and in groups of.


Have a go at home making and 'array' and creating a repeated addition. 


We have just completed exploring measures with Year 1.  We have been learning about measures in practical ways as you will have seen through the photos we post.  

Please continue to explore these objectives when home baking, getting feet measured and thinking about any home improvements wink.

We have used bucket balances, measuring cylinders and rulers to explore standard units in weight, length and height.  For example centimetres, meters, millitres, litres and grams.  We have also talked about non-standard measures, such as; hand and feet and we have estimated measures.  

Here is some key vocabulary we have used.


We are currently exploring numbers to 50.  

Children need to know how to partition the numbers into tens and ones.  They also need to be able to order, count and identify one more and one less than in numbers to 50.

We use a 50 rectangle and a numberline to support our developing mathematical understanding.  We also partition using part, part whole method. 


We are also continuing to practise our addition and subtraction skills to 20.  We use numberlines, numicon, tens frames and part part whole strategies to support us.  Ask your children to tell you about these methods and practise at home. 


Please use the number rhymes below to help your child practise writing their numbers. 

We follow the Mathematics National Curriculum and the NCETM Mastering approach in Year 1.  Click on the link below to find further information. 

At Springfield we care, learn and achieve together
