We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Reception at Springfield and we look forward to an exciting and successful year together!
We will be posting lots of photographs, messages and information on this page to keep you updated on all things taking place in Reception. So please keep checking the page regularly for updates.
Many thanks
The Reception Team
Virtual Book Fair Date - November 29th - December 5th
Don't forget to check Tapestry for posts about specific learning such as RWInc, messages and photographs of your child's learning.
Parents Evening is 14th - 16th November.
Snow Queen trip- 18th December
Christmas Plays- week beginning 11th December, dates and times will be shared shortly.
PE is still every Friday with Mr Brown. Children can still come in school uniform until the PE kits have arrived
These are due by Nov 8th and one pound can be brought in for the raffle.
We have visited the library this week and children will visit weekly- see Tapestry for specific dates per class.
Keep practising sounds, green words and letter formation at home.
We are so proud of how the children are settling in to life at school.
Just a couple of reminders:
Monday 11th September- drop off 9am - 11:45am
Tuesday 12th September- gates and doors will open at 8:40 and close promptly at 8:50am. If you arrive after this time you will be directed to the office and they will bring your child down.
School finishes at 3:10pm, collection is from your classroom door.
Please don't forget to hand in your Tapestry consent and "All about me" forms if you haven't already.
You may have heard through the news and other media, that our current Reception children will take part in the Reception Baseline Assessment. This will take part within the first six weeks of your child joining Reception. The process is carried out by your child's class teacher and consists of completing various practical activities on a one-to-one basis. Please read through the attached document by the Department for Education which explains the process and reasoning behind it. There will certainly be nothing to worry about!