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Oak Photographs

Our Teddy Bears Picnic

Enjoying bread and honey 🍯

Castles 🏰

Jack and the Beanstalk!

On World Book Day, we enjoyed sharing and talking about our favourite books. We also loved having a story read to us by our ‘Mystery Reader’ - Miss Rundle.


Pancakes and dancing for our class token treat! 🥞

A snapshot of our recent learning!

We have loved exploring our new play equipment!

Santa Dash!!! 🎅🏼🤶🏻

We had lots of festive fun at the Christmas Fair today - thank you PTA!

Crazy hair day!

We ❤️ Forest School!

Children In Need!

The school nurse came to visit, to teach us all about correct handwashing.

Our first visit to the school library pod!

More photographs from our autumn walk 🍂

We ❤️ P.E.!

At Springfield we care, learn and achieve together
