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Building rockets and learning about explorers in history.

Multiplication Games in Maths

Invasion Games

Spring Musicians

We made some amazing Christmas Puppets in DT and shared them with year one!

Our wonderful nativity children

Rosen’s final outdoor learning session this term. Thank you to Andrew at Grip. Den building using knots.

Remembrance Day- creating poppies, paying our respects, being historians and artists.

Outdoor learning - making wind-chimes.

More outdoor learning and Rosen making fires.

Adding tens to 2 digit numbers.

Computing in Year 2- creating pictures inspired by different artists.

Celebrating Black History Month-sharing our significant people in history.

Music with Mr Boardman

Year 2 performers in our Key Stage 1 assemblies

Our Town of Sale Art

Understanding Adding 2 Two Digit Numbers

Science- exploring materials- talking about their properties and sorting them on a venn diagram.

COOLtime and completing challenges linked to our learning.

Our learning about representing numbers in different ways

On Wednesday we went on a stroll around Sale as we are studying ‘Our Town’ in Geography. We looked at the landmarks, transport links and the large number of shops,cafes and restaurants. We enjoyed  drinks break at Bean and Brush cafe.

Our first weeks in year 2.

At Springfield we care, learn and achieve together
