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Homework 16th - 22nd January

Reading and Oxford Owl Online

Your child now has their new reading books for the week, please continue to read at home as regularly as possible and write a comment/sign in your child's reading record.  There is lots of helpful information in the reading record and on the reading section of the Year 1 website.


The new books that the children have read during RWI this week will be available on Oxford Owl for them to read from 15th January.



This week we have been learning all about number bonds to 20. Using our number bonds to 10, we then practised finding number bonds to 20. Using 2 tens frames, we began to see we just needed to add an extra ten to the number bond to ten. At home please practise this practically using everyday objects that you have at home. You can create a double tens frame (however you want to) and use two different types of objects to show a number bond to 20. Please see example below with counters. You could use objects such as toy cars, teddies, pencils etc. It would be lovely to see some photos, if you manage to take some please send them to


We will be collecting in the children's Maths CGP books this week to have a look so please make sure they are in your child's book bag. Thank you.


We would like you to plant a seed or a fruit that you have eaten at home e.g apple, pear, strawberry, pepper, avacado.  Ideally this should be planted in a transparent pot with your child's name on the pot along with the type of seed that you have planted.  Please can you bring these into school.  We will be observing these over time, taking measurements and comparing the different plants grown by your children. 

Homework 9th - 15th January

Reading and Oxford Owl Online

Your child now has their new reading books for the week, please continue to read at home as regularly as possible and write a comment/sign in your child's reading record.  There is lots of helpful information in the reading record and on the reading section of the Year 1 website.


The new books that the children have read during RWI this week will be available on Oxford Owl for them to read from 9th January.



In your Maths CGP book, please complete 'Workout 5' (pages 14 and 15).  Please only complete the pages assigned each week. Grown ups encourage your child to complete the work independently where they can.  They may need help reading the questions and you can check and mark them together to see where they may need to edit their work. These books are revision books and will allow them to practice their mathematical skills learnt in school. Any questions or concerns please ask or email. 



In class we have been learning all about winter. Please could you support your child to practise and learn the poem 'Snowball' (please see below) off by heart ready to perform in small groups to the class next week. Encourage your child to notice the rhyme and rhythm of the poem. They could also use actions to help them to remember it.

Christmas Holidays

There will be no homework over the holidays, but you will have access to the books the children have already read in school on Oxford Owl online.  Please keep reading and sharing stories at home!

Homework 12th - 20th December


Reading and Oxford Owl Online

We will be collecting all reading books next week and no new reading books will be given out until after the Christmas holidays. Please could you check at home for any reading books and return them to school next week. All books on Oxford Owl Online will be reset for over the Christmas holidays should you want to use the online resources to continue to practise reading over the Christmas break. Thank you.



In your Maths CGP book. Using the book please complete 'Workout 4’ (pages 12 and 13). Please only complete the pages assigned each week. Grown ups encourage your child to complete the work independently where they can.  They may need help reading the questions and you can check and mark them together to see where they may need to edit their work. These books are revision books and will allow them to practice their mathematical skills learnt in school. Any questions or concerns please ask or email. Thank you for your continued support.

Homework 4th - 11th December


Reading and Oxford Owl Online

Please see below as same as previous



In your Maths CGP book. Using the book please complete 'Workout 4’ (pages 10 and 11). Please only complete the pages assigned each week. Grown ups encourage your child to complete the work independently where they can.  They may need help reading the questions and you can check and mark them together to see where they may need to edit their work. These books are revision books and will allow them to practice their mathematical skills learnt in school. Any questions or concerns please ask or email. Thank you for your continued support.

Creative Activity 

Make a Christmas or winter picture. Use whatever medium you like, i.e. paint, collage, pattern, sketch etc. Try to make them eye-catching so we can use them to decorate our classroom!

Christmas/winter picture ideas

Homework 28th November - 4th December

Reading and Oxford Owl Online

Please see below as same as previous weeks.


Science - Animals

This week we have continued our learning about animals and have learnt about omnivores, herbivores and carnivores. Please choose an animal to draw and write a sentence about what category it fits into and what it eats (for example "A hedgehog is an omnivore. It eat bugs and fruits and mushrooms.")



In your Maths CGP book. Using the book please complete 'Workout 3' (pages 8 and 9).  Please only complete the pages assigned each week. Grown ups encourage your child to complete the work independently where they can.  They may need help reading the questions and you can check and mark them together to see where they may need to edit their work. These books are revision books and will allow them to practice their mathematical skills learnt in school. Any questions or concerns please ask or email. Thank you for your continued support.

Homework 20th - 27th November

Reading and Oxford Owl Online

Please see below as same as previous weeks.


Science - Animals

As we have been learning about animal classification in Science, we would like the children to draw a (large) picture of an animal, focusing on detail and the animal's features.  Please use a piece of paper from home and they may use colour if they wish.  We will look forward to seeing them and displaying them in our classrooms.



In your Maths CGP book. Using the book please complete 'Workout 3' (pages 6 and 7).  Please only complete the pages assigned each week. Grown ups encourage your child to complete the work independently where they can.  They may need help reading the questions and you can check and mark them together to see where they may need to edit their work. These books are revision books and will allow them to practice their mathematical skills learnt in school. Any questions or concerns please ask or email. Thank you for your continued support.

Homework 13th - 20th November


Reading and Oxford Owl Online

Please see below as same as previous weeks.



In your Maths CGP book. Using the book please complete 'Workout 2' (pages 4 and 5).  Please only complete the pages assigned each week. Grown ups encourage your child to complete the work independently where they can.  They may need help reading the questions and you can check and mark them together to see where they may need to edit their work. These books are revision books and will allow them to practice their mathematical skills learnt in school. Any questions or concerns please ask or email. Thank you for your continued support.





November is Cut Your Carbon month. Please look at the information below and try to complete as many of these tasks as possible over the month of November.

Homework 7th - 13th November


Reading and Oxford Owl Online

Please see below as same as previous weeks.



Red word challenge - can you write each word out three times? Can you use rainbow writing or pyramid writing to practise? (see examples below) This is a practice exercise, no need to bring it in to school.












In your child's bag you will find a Maths CGP book. Using the book please complete 'Workout 1' (pages 2 and 3).  Please only complete the pages assigned each week. Grown ups encourage your child to complete the work independently where they can.  They may need help reading the questions and you can check and mark them together to see where they may need to edit their work. These books are revision books and will allow them to practice their mathematical skills learnt in school. Any questions or concerns please ask or email. Thank you for your continued support.


History reminder:

The children are currently sketching a grandparent's face during our art lessons. Please could you send a copy of a photograph of a grandparent's/elderly family member's face into school that will be kept and stuck into their sketchbooks for them to use as a reference if you have not already. Thank you.


Optional geography homework:

We will be learning about the weather in geography lessons next week. We will be making a rain gauge in school to record rainfall throughout this month. If you would like to make a rain gauge at home with your child please find instructions below:


Have a Great Half Term!

The children have now completed their first half term in Year 1 and have made us all so proud with how well they have settled in. They have put great efforts into their work are trying hard to becoming more independent.

If you would like extra reading practice, the books the children have read in school have been made available (without quizzes) on Oxford Owl online.  This is optional.  Please remember to bring in a facial photo of a grandparent/elderly relative for our artwork when we return.

We wish you a lovely half term and will see you all on return to school!

Thank you for your support,

The Year 1 Team

Homework 17th - 24th October

Reading and Oxford Owl Online

Please see below as same as previous weeks.


Red word challenge - can you write each word out three times? Can you use rainbow writing or pyramid writing to practise? (see examples below) This is a practice exercise, no need to bring it in to school.










After the half term the children will be making a grandparent's face during our art lessons. Please could you send a copy of a photograph of a grandparent's/elderly family member's face into school that will be kept and stuck into their sketchbooks for them to use as a reference. Thank you.

Homework 10th - 17th October

Reading and Oxford Owl Online

Please see below as same as previous weeks.


Red word challenge - can you write each word out three times?  This is a practice exercise, no need to bring it in to school.











Maths & Oracy

The children have been learning how a number can be made from two parts and that two parts added together makes a whole.  We call it the part-part whole model (see examples below)

Ask your child to find a handful of objects, e.g. Lego blocks, counters, small toys, dried pasta pieces, etc. to make two parts and then add them together to make the whole.  Ask your child to explain using the STEM sentence e.g. 5 is a part and 3 is a part....8 is the whole.  To challenge them further, show the whole and one part and ask your child to find the missing part.

Part Part Whole image

Homework - 3rd October - 10th October


Continue to read both reading books and write a comment or sign so we know your child has read. Please ensure your child has their reading book in their bag every day as there will be opportunities to read in school across the week.

Oxford Owl 

Thank you to those who have been reading the online book and completing the quiz on a weekly basis. Please ensure you access this very valuable resource with your child.  If you have any problems, please speak to your child's teacher.


We are looking at how life as a child has changed over time since their grandparents were little.  We would like to create a mini classroom museum of artefacts from the past (from when the grandparent was a child).  If you have them, we would like each child to bring in an item from the past to put on display in our mini classroom museum, for example, a teddy, doll, games, cassette tapes, baby clothes, photograph of grandparent playing with toy etc.

Homework 26.9.24 - 2.10.24


Your child should have two new reading books each week, please continue to read at home as regularly as possible and write a comment or sign in your child's reading record.  There is lots of helpful information in the reading record and on the reading section of the Year 1 website.

Oxford Owl Online 

The new books that the children have read during RWI this week are now available on Oxford Owl.  Their individual logins are the same as last year but we will aim to stick a reminder in their new reading record by Friday.


Please practise spelling these red words at home. Encourage your children to 'pyramid write' the words. This is where they built the word up letter by letter (see example below). No need to bring these in to school. Thank you for supporting your child's learning.










In class we have learnt about and have explored our senses (seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching). Can you go on a sensory walk (this could in a local park, at the shops or even in your garden) and discuss with your child what they can see, hear, smell, taste and feel? 






Homework 19.9.24 - 25.9.24


Your child should have two new reading books each week, please continue to read at home as regularly as possible and write a comment or sign in your child's reading record.  There is lots of helpful information in the reading record and on the reading section of the Year 1 website.

Oxford Owl Online 

The new books that the children have read during RWI this week are now available on Oxford Owl.  Their individual logins are the same as last year but we will aim to stick a reminder in their new reading record by Friday.


Please practise spelling these red words at home. Encourage your children to write the words then go over them using different coloured pencils. This is called 'rainbow writing' (see example at the bottom). No need to bring these in to school. Thank you.









At Springfield we care, learn and achieve together
