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Year 3 Homework


Welcome to the Year 3 Homework Page. Each week we will upload the homework, with any instructional information to this page. 

Homework will be set every Friday in Y3, with a spelling test the following Friday. 

As always, if you have any questions please email us on

Best wishes, 


Year 3 Team

Friday 4th October                  Homework: Word Classes 



In your homework books write a list of 5 words under each of these subheadings: 


  1. Adjectives (describing words) 

  2. Verbs (doing words) 

  3. Conjunctions (connecting words) 

  4. Prepositions of place (i.e. inside) ​​​​​​​


Challenge (optional): 

Can you write 2 sentences using the above words and underline where you have used them. 

Friday 27th September


National Poetry Day is on Thursday 3rd October and the theme this year is counting. To celebrate the day, we will perform a poem as a class. Your homework for this week is to learn the poem “Paean (or Eleven Uses for a Garden Pea)” off by heart to perform.


Please find the poem below.

Friday 20th September


Gemstone Research


For your homework this week we would like you to do some research on Gemstones. We have been looking at rocks in Science.

Have a look at the document below to find all the instructions needed. 

Complete your homework in your homework book.

Friday 13th September


For your homework this week we would like you to revise your capital letters and full stops. In line with our sustainability policy, we will be keeping printing to a minimum. We would like children to copy these paragraphs, using pencil, into their homework books and add the full stops and capital letters where needed. Please complete this by Thursday 19th September.


Please contact us on with any questions.

At Springfield we care, learn and achieve together
