Year 5 homework will be set each week on a Friday, due to be completed by the following Friday, when it will be reviewed and marked in class. Instructions for how to complete and record homework will be given in class.
As always, please continue to read at least three times a week and sign homework diaries, which will be checked and signed each Friday.
Many thanks for your continued support.
Supporting Reading at Home
Within our Reading sessions in school, we support the children's understanding with our 'Reading Gems' - each of these link to a specific skill and aid the child in developing their comprehension skills.
When reading with your child at home, please ask them plenty of questions in order to support their comprehension - below are the Reading Gems, including question stems, to guide these questions.
Maths - please complete the homework directly into homework books to save paper.
There will be one piece of maths homework set each week for the children to complete, this will often relate to what the children have been learning about during the week. Children should complete the homework set by their maths teacher, not their class teacher.
Please also encourage your children to regularly visit their TTRS account to practise their times tables, their login details are in the front of their homework diaries.
English - please complete homework directly in homework books to save paper.
Each week the children will be set a Spelling Shed assignment (to complete 5 games) and a SPaG homework/writing homework.
OPTIONAL CLASS HOMEWORK - if you would like to be a school representative in a council, please write a speech about why you would like to be the rep and why you would make a good one. It only needs to be very short. Good luck! Due date: 11th September.