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Year 5

D.T. in Year 5. Today, the children learned about the use of cams to create moving parts in toys. They investigated some old toys to see how they worked, learned the names of the different components involved and designed and made their own space themed toy using a variety of cams.

Science - investigating thermal conductors and insulators. We set up a class investigation to find out which materials would act as the best insulators to slow down the melting of an ice cube. Ask the children what we did.

We are so impressed with these group landscape pictures in the style of David Hockney, the year 5 children used oil pastels to create these master pieces.

Year 5's Olympic projects have been superb! It's been lovely to see such a wide range of learning demonstrated in a variety of ways.We have even had some real Olympic medals brought in by Josef, his great grandad won gold in 1948 and silver and bronze in 1952, in gymnastics. We felt very honoured to see something so precious.

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Our Olympic themed Summer Fair was incredible! Thanks so much to our amazing PTA who put in so much time and effort to create such a wonderful day for us.

5 Hubble's token treat - playing outside and ice lollies!

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Who can cycle the slowest?

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Disco dancing!

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Year 5 worked very hard on their Europe Homework Projects, we have been so impressed with what has been produced!

Year 5 had great fun plotting the route of our sponsored walk and spotting physical and human features using Digimaps.

In our RE lessons we have been learning about love, check out these beautiful poems written by our Year 5 children.

Our Climate Change All Change project has come to an end. We were so impressed by the 3D designs and images the amazing architects from Levitt Bernstein had created from the children’s designs. We are very excited to see more of this work on display in school later in the year, and at the Victoria & Albert museum too!

As part of the the Trafford Singing Festival all our Year 5 children sang beautifully at The Waterside Theatre. Each class sang two songs individually and then a number of songs with the other schools taking part. What an enjoyable and memorable experience!

We had such fun on World Book Day, sharing our favourite books, creating poems and songs about reading and enjoying a range of other activities!

Our recent trip to Jodrell Bank was out of this world!

We have been using Tinkercad (a computer aided design software) to design houses for the future. The children have further developed their ideas from the CCAC sessions earlier this year to create their own houses for the future. We have some budding architects!

More amazing gymnastics in Year 5. Our focus for this session was 'mirroring': the children had to work in pairs to create a routine that showed them copying moves learning in previous sessions. We have some very talented and creative gymnasts!

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In Spanish at the moment, we are learning about keeping fit. The children have collected some useful vocabulary, using bilingual dictionaries, and have created a weekly fitness plan.

Today we demonstrated our knowledge of geocentric and heliocentric models of our solar system on the playground. Can you spot the Earth and the Sun on each picture? What is the difference? What do modern humans now believe to be true?

Happy Lunar New Year from Year 5! Some children brought in items from home and told their classmates how they celebrated the new year.

Year 5 created some fantastic book projects for their class homework! Just look at this amazing work!

Coding in Year 5 - Miss Copley taught us how to use our coding skills to create a quiz show about Space on Scratch.

Spanish - 5 Hubble have listened to a story in Spanish. They then sequenced the events in the story before writing some sentences about the main character, in Spanish of course!

Fantastic Friday - children have been learning how to play table tennis. We've had some frantic games of 'round the world'!

We made a solar system that fits in our pocket!

Is the Earth flat or spherical? Year 5 Newton had a whole class debate using theories, facts and evidence from their learning to support their opinions.

On Monday we took a group of 15 children to Sale Leisure Centre to take part in an Aqua Splash festival. The children took part in fun relay races as part of a team whilst improving their swimming skills. Well Done!

Dance. Linking to our Science topic of Space we are creating our own dances using a variety of moves.

Fantastic Friday - Obstacle races followed by planning and delivering a warm up session to the rest of the group.

Stockport Grammar Art Competition. Today we have been planning and producing a a piece of artwork on the subject ‘Portrait’. We could use a variety of medium including paint, pencil crayon, pastels and collage to create our portraits. Our work reflects our own individual personalities and are so varied. 8 lucky children will have their artwork entered into the competition. Well done Year 5, they are all amazing!

Snow Day! We took advantage of the weather and went outside to play, throwing snowballs at our friends and building snowmen. What a great start to the day!

Have a look at some of the fantastic sketches of our friends that we produced last week.

Viking drama! In English, we have read some poems about the Vikings and their raids on the British Isles. The children acted out some of the scenes and had great fun whilst learning about how the Vikings eventually settled here.

All the Year 5 staff would like to say a huge 'Thank you' to everyone for their generous cards and gifts at the end of last term.  We hope you all had a lovely, restful break. Standby for photos showing the positive start we've had to this new term.

As part of our forces topic in science. We made parachutes to test the affects of air resistance. Only one variable was changed in order to make it fair test. The parachutes were dropped off a balcony - it was a lot of fun!

We have been learning about the Lewis chess men that were found on a beach in Uig, Isle of Lewis, Scotland. They dated back to the 12th century and are carved of walrus tusks. It is thought that they were hidden in the sand by Vikings, who planned to return at a later date, but never did. We designed and made replicas out of clay. We even learned how to create celtic knots to decorate them in an authentic fashion.

It’s CHRISTMASSSSSSS! We had such fun at our Christmas Fair, a huge thank you to our AMAZING PTA for all their efforts and giving up their time!

On Friday 1st December we welcomed the ‘Climate Change All Change’ panel, and the architects from Levitt Bernstein, to school to listen to our presentations. Each group talked through the amazing designs they had created for the extreme climate conditions given to them. We were blown away by the incredible ideas each group came up with and the presenting skills displayed. Well done Year 5 - we are very proud of you!

It’s Crazy Hair Day! Check out Year 5’s amazing creations!

Look what's coming soon to Springfield, from Nov 29th -Dec 5th....More information pending!

Sportshall Athletics! A group of 20 children got the chance to represent Springfield in a Sportshall athletics competition at Sale High. Great teamwork!

No Pens Day! We celebrated national No Pens Day, by combining it with our science unit about forces. The children had lots of fun and learnt lots, using the iPads and the ShowMe app to record their learning.

Cop 28 Homework Climate Change Challenge: COP28 will take place in Dubai from 30th November to 12th December. Year 5 pupils had to choose two challenges to complete for their homework, just look at the results!

Which Anglo Saxon King was the greatest?

We celebrated Diwali with Diwali treat boxes and traditional dress, the children also shared their knowledge and experiences with the rest of their classmates.

Odd Socks Day! Celebrating Anti-Bullying week.

Rugby - We are very lucky in Year 5 to have a Rugby coach from Sale Sharks for our Monday PE lessons. Everyone enjoyed our first session.

Creating our final Pop Art pieces.

Amazing Anglo-Saxon Projects! Everyone in Year 5 has put in 100% effort to create a wide variety of projects, which they enjoyed presenting to their class.

Final week of Lacrosse! We put all our new skills together and played a class tournament, finishing the session with a whole class game using numerous balls! We have really enjoyed our PE lessons with our Lacrosse coach from Brooklands Sports Club.

We have already had some of the children's Anglo Saxon projects brought into school and they are amazing. We cannot wait to see the rest tomorrow!

Fantastic Friday is back...with a twist! In Year 5, the activities on offer are: Sports, Table Tennis, Passionate Protectors of the Environment, Arts and Crafts or Board Games.

CCAC! Week 2 - Working together to design and create our very own rooms.

Exciting News! We are very lucky in Year 5 to be part of a pioneering project: Climate Change, All Change (CCAC). Over the next few weeks we will be working with a group of architects from Levitt Bernstein on designing a house for the future. Here are some photos from our first session.

Pop Art! We have been looking at pop art in our art lessons. Last week we headed over to the art bus to create a graffiti pop art page in our sketch books.

Lacrosse! We have been building on our skills from last year, learning to block and playing some mini games.

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Our wonderful new Year 5 classes!

Welcome to Year 5!



A warm welcome to all of the new Year 5s! Please see information about P.E. below:

PE days for Year 5 in Autumn term will be on a Monday (outdoor) and Thursday (outdoor). Children will need to come into school in their P.E. kit. Thank you.


Please keep checking this page, as we will continue to update the site with key information and photos. Please email us on if you have any questions. 


All our very best,

Mrs Hamlett, Mrs Marshall, Mrs Bonser, Miss McNally, Mrs Dorghabekova, and Miss Howarth

At Springfield we care, learn and achieve together
