Thank you for all of your hard work this year!
We appreciate all of your kind words, cards and gifts - thank you very much.
Have a wonderful Summer and we look forward to seeing you in September.
Please note your child's PE day for the final half term. they will need to come in their PE kit on these days:
Rooks - Monday and Wednesday
Bishops - Monday and Friday (Swimming)
Knights - Wednesday and Friday
Thank you.
Year 4 had a great time at the summer fair! The rain didn't spoil our fun as we visited different stalls, played different games and joined in different activities, winning lots of sweets along the way! We then watched a brilliant performance and joined in with Acro in the hall to escape the rain!
Year 4 had a fantastic Sports Day this week. They showed great sportsmanship and skill. Well done Year 4!
We have worked tremendously hard on our Science project homework for animals and their habitats. We enjoyed sharing our work with the rest of the class.
Year 4 had a brilliant time on their trip to Chester learning all about the Romans and becoming Roman soldiers for the day! We looked around the Roman museum and marched through the streets of Chester armed with our swords and shields and practised our battle formations!
In PSHCE, we have been learning all about healthy lifestyles and balanced meals. We were shocked by the amount of sugar and saturated fats in some of our favourite foods and drinks when we compared the nutritional information!
Year 4 have been learning all about their new Science topic - Living Things and their Habitats. We went out into the school garden to identify different minibeasts in their habitats, classifying them and organising them.
We had lots of fun at the Year 6 'Junior Apprentice' event to raise money for charity this week. We loved visiting the different stalls and joining in with the different activities and games, as well as buying some treats along the way!
This week, we had a very exciting and informative talk all about bees. We learnt lots of interesting facts, looked at some beeswax and even had the chance to taste some delicious honey!
A fabulous time was had by all at the Year 4 Disco!
In Year 4, we have been conducting a scientific enquiry to investigate how well sound travels through a string of telephone. We changed different variables such as the length of the string and the size of the cup to see if this affected the sound produced.
We have had a fabulous time celebrating the King's coronation. We have designed and decorated our own royal thrones and bunting. We also had our own coronation parties, which were great fun!
In our new topic in Science, we have been learning all about sound. We explored how sound is made by using different musical instruments and investigating the vibrations that are made to the particles.
For part of our art token treat day, we learnt more about climate change and the impact it has on the earth. We made our own pledges to help against climate change and used our English skills to create poems about this. We used our pledges and other powerful vocabulary to create our own water droplets to display in our classrooms.
Summer 1 PE Days:
Please note your child's PE days. They will need to come in to school wearing their PE uniform on the following days.
Rooks: Monday and Friday
Bishops: Wednesday and Friday (Swimming)
Knights: Monday and Wednesday
In Science this week, we have been continuing our Electricity topic. We used our knowledge and our new learning to add switches to our circuits!
We have been very lucky to have another Science talk this week from a visitor, who was also one of our Year 4 parents. We heard all about different types of electricity and electric tools in our homes.
As part of our Rivers topic in Geography, the children have recently been learning and researching all about the water cycle and different features of rivers, including how an oxbow lake is formed!
Year 4 are thoroughly enjoying their weekly Spanish lessons with Silvia. This week, the children were learning about the Spanish words for different animals. They played a team game using their Spanish learning, which was great fun!
For part of British Science Week, Year 4 were lucky enough to have a visitor come into school. He told us all about STEM careers in his company and how important the environment and electricity are in his work. It was very interesting and he hoped to see some of us working as scientists in the future!
In Science, we are learning all about electricity. We have been investigating conductors and insulators and building circuits using different materials and components.
The children have been working very hard on their maths this week. Mrs Yarwood's group have been finding equivalent fractions and matching them to decimals!
Year 4 had the most fantastic time on their residential to Castle Head last week. They enjoyed many different activities such as orienteering, map reading, cutting willow and eco-crafts, as well as bed making and making their own sandwiches! They showed fantastic team work, problem solving skills, used their knowledge of Geography, Science and Art in the natural environment and went above and beyond their comfort zones. Well done Year 4!
Year 4 have had a lovely morning reading their Greek myths with the Year 1 classes. It was a great opportunity for Year 4 to share their writing that they had worked so hard on recently, and the Year 1 children really enjoyed hearing them.
Mrs Yarwood's Maths group have been looking at fractions this week. Children created their own fraction walls by folding and cutting different coloured card to show equivalent fractions.
Year 4 have been showcasing their knowledge of the water cycle in different creative ways - some children chose to make posters and some children chose to write raps!
Year 4 have been using their acting skills to act out a problem for their stories that they are writing in English. They worked as a team to deliver the performance and the audience interpreted their acts to predict what their problem was.
PE for Spring 1
Please note your child's PE days for next half term:
Rooks - Monday and Friday
Bishops - Monday and Wednesday
Knights - Wednesday and Friday (Swimming)
We have been working in our teams this week to research a chosen city using the internet and books, to create informative and creative posters. Great effort!
Year 4 have been learning all about colours in Spanish this week. They enjoyed playing different games and practising their Spanish!
This week, Year 4 carried out a comparative test of the rate of evaporation in different locations. We observed what happened to a mound of snow outside the classroom over time by measuring it through the day, we investigated how the temperature in different locations affected how fast wet towels dry by weighing them, we also looked at evaporation taking place when a kettle boils and how our wet hand prints dried over time. We found that the liquid became a gas as it evaporated and the sunshine and wind sped up the process.
Mrs Yarwood's Maths class have immersed themselves in their learning this week, partitioning numbers when multiplying and using counters to make factor pairs and products. Great effort Year 4!
Continuing with our States of Matter topic in Science, we have been comparing, classifying and grouping materials based on whether they are solids, liquids or gases (or a combination!). We have also been observing how water changes its state when heated, by using thermometers to measure the temperature.
We have been further exploring States of Matter by investigating the weight and movement of gases by looking at cans of fizzy drinks. We found that the fizzy drink was heavier than the flat drink because of the carbon dioxide it contained.
Year 4 have been learning about States of Matter in their new Science topic. We have explored the different states and modelled each state with their bodies.
Christmas 🎄
Year 4 will be having their class party on the morning of Wednesday 14th December. Children can come to school in their party clothes but please remember that some classes will have PE in the afternoon.
Children can wear their Christmas jumpers/Christmas colours on the last day of term - Friday 16th December
After a great amount of hard work and effort, the Christmas baubles are finally complete and have been put onto the Christmas tree in the Church by some of our Year 4 children. Please go and have a look at all of our beautiful decorations if you get the chance!
This week, Year 4 have had lots of fun enjoying their Christmas party, playing party games and making Christmas cards!
We are very excited to have been asked by Stanley Square to create decorations for one of the Christmas trees in church. Preparations and designs are already underway!
Year 4 have had a wonderful celebration of all of their Greek learning in their History topic! The children used their baking and creative skills to make pitta bread and watched Hercules for their token treat.
Year 4 had an enormous amount of fun on Greek Day! We dressed up in our Greek tunics and chitons and worked on our Greek projects before sharing them with the rest of the class. We finished the day with a Greek banquet and sampled some delicious Greek dishes!
We have been working incredibly hard on our Greek presentations over the last few weeks. The children conducted lots of interesting research and created different posters, Powerpoint presentations and fact files to share the information with the rest of the class. Great effort Year 4!
After leaving the eggshells in their different liquids for one week, we finally took the eggs out of the jars to see the results and to see if our predictions were correct. We were very surprised at the damage that some of the liquids had caused to the eggshells and what this meant for the damage it could also be causing to our teeth!
Rooks & Bishops have been learning all about drawing the human body in proportion in their sketching lessons. They carefully observed artists' mannequins and drew the human form using a range of different shapes and adding shading and shadows for effect.
Year 4 have been working on their drama skills as well as their teamwork skills to showcase different freeze frames for a chosen Greek myth or legend.
Year 4 had a special visitor this week - a baker who came into school to teach us all about the origins of to explain the process of how it is made. We even got to take some pancakes home!
In Science, we have started our egg shell enquiry into what effects different liquids have on our teeth. We used eggshells to represent teeth, making sure it is a fair test and will observe the jars over time. We can't wait to see the final results!
Year 4 have definitely outdone themselves this year with their fantastic creative efforts for their PTA Autumn Treat Cups. Thank you to all of the children and grown ups at home for all of your hard work!
4 Bishops have been working on their control and balance skills in PE lessons, using different apparatus and equipment in gymnastics
For Remembrance Day, we raised money in school purchasing lots of different poppy merchandise, we talked about the importance of Remembrance Day and joined in with a minute's silence as a mark of respect. Some of the children shared their own stories and medals from family members who fought in the war.
This week, Year 4 had a fantastic time at Grip Adventure. We took a trip on a narrow boat, used compass skills and mapped our journey, enjoyed archery and sailed along the canal in a canoe! We challenged ourselves, working independently and as a team, to develop new and exciting skills!
PE for Autumn 2 - Please make sure your child comes to school in their PE uniform on the correct day.
Bishops: Monday and Friday
Knights: Monday and Wednesday
Rooks: Wednesday and Friday (Swimming)
Year 4 have thoroughly enjoyed using their knowledge of Ancient Greece to create their own Greek amphoras on our fantastic new school Art bus! The children designed their amphoras, thinking about the shape and the colours they would have used in Ancient Greek times. They created their designs based on Ancient Greek Olympic Games, Greek Gods and Goddesses and Ancient Greek everyday life. They coloured their designs with coloured pencil and their Greek patterns with wax crayon. They then painted over their wax crayon designs and allowed them to dry before carefully etching them. Brilliant job Year 4!
Year 4 have started learning all about teeth in their Animals including Humans topic in Science. They created the different types of teeth using play-dough, thinking carefully about the positioning and the different functions of the teeth
Year 4 have been learning all about the Greek Olympics and comparing them to modern day Olympics in our History lessons. The children created venn diagrams and worked in their teams to create their own freeze frames for different sporting events, for other children to guess!
Some of the Year 4 children celebrated Diwali over the holidays. They looked fantastic and kindly shared their experiences with the rest of the class.
Year 4 had an introductory visit from our new Spanish teacher Sylvia. We learnt lots of interesting facts about her and are looking forward to learning lots of Spanish over the next half term.
Bishops have been working on their hand-eye co-ordination, passing skills and teamwork during their netball sessions in outdoor PE. Together we are a team!
Reverend Becky lead a fantastic Harvest assembly this morning, where the children discussed what the celebration is about. Thank you for all of your amazing donations, which are making their way to the food bank.
Year 4 have been working hard in Science learning all about food chains. They learnt how energy from the sun is transferred from plants to animals and even humans and what might happen to a food chain if a component is removed from the chain.
For World Mental Health Day, we devised our own targets to raise awareness about mental health and promote emotional well being. Great job Year 4!
Some of the Year 4 children had great fun taking part in a Multisports event on Tuesday. They showed our school values with great teamwork and being motivated to achieve their best!
For National Poetry Day on Thursday, Year 4 participated in a live lesson from the BBC. They learnt all about acrostic poems before creating their own acrostic poems about nature and the environment around us.
In RE, the children have been learning about Jesus and the Parable of the Two Builders. We thought about the foundations for our own lives and used our teamwork and drama skills to create a freeze frame to show these important values.
Learning chess is always a highlight in Year 4! The children have loved learning all about strategy and logic with Mr Dainty.
EXTRA, EXTRA, READ ALL ABOUT IT! Ancient Grecian Pottery was unearthed in the playground of Springfield Primary by Year 4! The children will be using this astounding find as inspiration for their Newspaper articles in English this week!
Year 4 have been hard at work in Science learning all about ruminants and their digestive systems. They have worked in pairs to show off their learning, making informative and creative leaflets.
Year 4 have displayed great teamwork and research skills while working on their Ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses posters. They worked hard to create them before showcasing them to the rest of the class. They look great!
Year 4 have had great fun flexing their coding muscles in computing where they had to solve problems and create algorithms using 'if statements'.
4 Knights are enjoying developing their gymnastics skills in PE. They are focusing on developing their flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance, using all of the different equipment and apparatus.
Year 4 have thoroughly enjoyed using secondary resources to research the Greek Gods. We look forward to seeing their finished posters!
What a fantastic start to the term Year 4 have had! The children have had great fun exploring their new Science topic, Animals including Humans, where they used everyday objects to recreate the human digestive system. Through utilising their fantastic collaborative skills, the children enjoyed exploring how food is digested in the human body. This enabled them to get an up close look into what happens in each of the digestive organs and understand how excretion occurs!
PE will be commencing from next week. Please see below for which days your child has PE for this half term. Please can you have your child to come to school in their PE uniform on these days.
Rooks: Wednesday, Friday (Swimming)
Knights: Monday, Friday
Bishops: Monday, Wednesday
Welcome PowerPoint
Our Year 4 Welcome PowerPoint is now on Microsoft Teams. Please see below information for how to log in and your login is in your child's reading record. Please DO NOT change the password!
This is a narrated PowerPoint so please press play on the slide show to hear our comments.