As a reward for winning the whole school 5-a-day Fitness challenge a while ago, Year 3 have had an extended gymnastics session today. We used all the gymnastics equipment and focused on control, turns, balance and finishes.
Art Bus token treat fun. We made these super fun view finders based inspired by the fantastic Yayoi Kusama
A spot of rain didn't dampen our Summer Fair fun! Thanks to everyone who helped make it such a memorable day.
A fantastic Sports Day was had by all! Photos courtesy of Kate McCarthy
Our finished Wesekh collars!
In Science we have learned about water transportation - how plants absorb water from the soil with their roots, transport it up the stem to the leaves and then how the water is evaporated from the leaves. We set up a comparative test to find out if temperature affects the rate of transportation. We put some water containing red food colouring into 3 identical containers, then placed a white lily in each container. One container was placed in a cool room, one in a warm room and another in a hot room. We will monitor the results over the next week. We predicted that the petals will turn red / pink. Some of us think the stem and leaves may change colour too. We believe that the flower in the hot room will change colour quicker as evaporation occurs at a faster rate in warmer conditions.
3 Seville's class assembly was a huge hit! We enjoyed ourselves so much and it was lovely to see so many families there to support us.
First we learned the names of a flower's parts then, we dissected a flower to see them for ourselves..
In today's science lesson we learned about different methods of seed dispersal used by flowering plants to ensure their seeds are spread far and wide. We found out about wind, water, insect, shaking, dropping, popping and animal dispersal. We worked in small groups to act out different types of dispersal. Can you guess which is which?
We are investigating whether plants need leaves in order to grow so we set up an experiment. We have left 1 control plant with leaves and have removed all the leaves from a second plant. The height of both was measured and we will observe them over time to find out what happens.
In preparation for making Ancient Egyptian collars next week, we learned about the colour palettes available in Ancient times and set out our designs.
This week's Science lessons included making a paperclip hover using a magnet and a piece of string; testing the strength of different types of magnets and investigating what happens when similar poles or opposite poles are moved together.
In Science, we have been learning about forces and magnets. We learned the difference between pushes and pull forces, we investigated the effect friction has on a moving object and we have learned all about magnets.
3 Seville loved their final Forest School session. This week they cooked popcorn over the fire.
Year 6 charity day.
Our class wormeries are 6 weeks old this week. All the kitchen waste has now disappeared. and so has most of the shredded paper. The different coloured layers of compost and soil are no longer clearly visible. We can see a few worms but there are also small slugs and a few tiny flies present. There are even a few seeds that have germinated.
Honey bees visited Springfield! Today, we took part in workshop to meet and learn all about honey bees. We even got to taste some honey made from wild flowers.
In this week's Forest School session, 3 Seville made bird feeders to hang in our sensory garden.
Cooking up a Veggie Treat! Year 3 had a brilliant time learning new culinary skills making a vegetarian lasagne to celebrate Vegetarian Week.
Design Technology and Art - 3 Seville got a whole class Head Teacher's award for demonstrating superb sewing skills after just 2 lessons! Building on last weeks knot tying and practice stitching, the children sewed together 2 pieces of hessian, attached a toggle and cut a button hole to create a purse. Look at their proud faces!
Coronation celebrations in Year 3.
We are Coronation ready! Don't forget to wear red, white or blue to school tomorrow.
Our Rock Steady workshop was a huge hit! Teachers and pupils got the chance to play as a rock band, on stage, in front of the rest of the juniors. Look out for the letters in your child's bag with details of how to take part in this exciting, new music club.
Today in Art, we learned how to tie knots in thread, how to thread a needle and how to sew a running stitch in a range of fabrics. Considering most of the children had never sewn before, they did an amazing job.
Year 3 had an amazing start to their djembe sessions. Loads more learning to do over the next 8 weeks - we can't wait!
Our second Forest School session was mainly spent toasting marshmallows. Yum!
Well done to Emilyrose for earning a Head Teacher's award this week for her amazing writing. We're all very proud of how hard you are working.
3 Seville loved their first Forest School session on Tuesday afternoon. This week's challenge was to build a den for a teddy and to add as many extra features as we could. The results showed great imagination. We also played on the hammock, in the mud kitchen and tried out some gymnastics on the grass. A fabulous day!.
To complete our Rocks & Soils topic in Science each class has built a wormery in order to observe how worms convert kitchen and garden waste into compost. We will be checking in on our wormeries at regular intervals until the end of the year.
We spent a day learning how to code using the iPads. We created a background, added sprites and wrote instructions for them, using coding. The children can log onto Purple Mash at home if they want to continue to practise.
Bolton Museum Trip - we've taken part in an Ancient Egyptian workshop; learned about Bolton's history; explored the natural history museum; visited the art gallery and watched some sting rays and piranha being fed in the aquarium. A super trip enjoyed by all!
Year 3 Seville completing some of their daily active minutes and having fun!
Y3 have had a great time investigating and exploring rocks.
Barcelona have had a FANTASTIC time at Forest School so far this term learning lots of new skills.
The second Year 3 token treat this year! What a fun day!
Editing writing is a very important skill! Today, we made use of editing stations to add missing punctuation, correct spelling mistakes and to improve the adjectives and adverbs we had used.
Superb Stonehenge pictures created with Fiona.
Today, we had a visit from Allegro Dance who performed the story from Narnia for us. This was followed by a medley of short performances showcasing different dance styles. Photos will follow shortly. It was superb!
Making clay Beaker pots - We learned about the ancient Beaker people and discovered how they made their own unique clay pots to eat and drink from. The children explored 3 different techniques - thumb, coil and slab method - using salt dough. Then they made their final pot using clay. Finally, their pots were decorated using authentic Stone Age tools such as stones, sticks, seeds and shells.
Lexi, Sahana and Kabeer using their natural resources to decorate their clay beakers
Joshua demonstrating the thumb pot method.
Marley concentrating hard as he decorated his finished pot.
Building Stonehenge - the children have learned how we think Stonehenge must have been erected. It's so much easier using Lego.
Stonehenge art - Fiona taught us how to transform sketches of 2D objects into 3D images.
Wow! It's Stanley Chow! Year 3 were super lucky to have a visit from Manchester artist Stanley Chow this week. He officially unveiled our artwork, which was inspired by his portrait pieces. We then got to ask him lots and lots of questions about his life and his art.
Budding archaeologists searching for ancient artefacts.
Exciting finds! The children had to identify which finds were relevant to our Ancient Britain topic.
Christmas fun in Year 3!
Beautiful singing at the Christmas Carol Service in St.Paul's church.
Sorting foods into categories at the beginning of our Nutrition topic in Science.
Writing letters to the alien.
Christmas fair fun!
Seville have completed their Stanley Chow inspired pieces today. Fabulous results!
Today, Seville have been publishing their finished newspaper reports in their Writing books. They have worked so hard and taken so much care with their presentation. This makes the staff very proud.
This week, it's been Seville's turn to produce amazing sketches inspired by the style of Manchester artist, Stanley Chow. We can't wait for next week's session.
It was so difficult to judge the winners of the Autumn cups. Aren't they all amazing? Well done everyone!
Art - Windows of Youth Creativity, ManchesterOur Art specialist, Fiona, has managed to get some of the Year 3 artwork accepted for use in Manchester's Windows of Youth Creativity project. The work on the themes of L.S.Lowry and Plants, is on display in the Royal Exchange and Central Library. If you fancy a look, follow the link below to find an online trail map. The exhibition is on now until 27th November this year.
Stanley Chow Comes to Springfield! (well his art influence did). Another incredibly inspiring project led by Fiona Smith. WOW! 3Barcelona, you are amazing!
PE - The children have loved taking part in yoga sessions this week. They followed a story on Cosmic Kids Yoga and performed yoga moves along with the instructor. We finished each session with some relaxation using the Cosmic Kids Zen Den tasks. Lovely!
GRIP Adventure. Year 3 had a FANTASTIC time on their Grip Adventure Geography Field Trip exploring our local area and learning about scale and compass points. We also had a lot of fun on the climbing wall!
National Poetry Day - we took part in an online lesson and learned some techniques to help us with writing poetry; we read some fun poems and the children recited the poems they'd learned for homework.
We are loving our Art lessons with Fiona! This term, we are following the Manchester theme and learning about the artist L.S.Lowry. The children have been sketching ideas for figures on envelopes, just like Lowry did, and these will inspire some paintings.
We have loved doing independent research about the Industrial Revolution.
Have a look at the Year 3 Welcome Meeting on Microsoft Teams.
Log in information is in Homework Diaries.
At the moment we are learning about place value in Maths. We are learning about 3 digit numbers.
In PE, we have been taking part in some fun team building games.
As part of our Geography lessons, we have been examining maps of Greater Manchester to identify landmarks.
Year 3 have been creating some AMAZING pieces of art (with the talented Fiona) based on L.S. Lowry. Such excellent use of perspective and colour!
Year 3 had a great time making words with their bodies during dance warm up sessions!
At Springfield we care, learn and achieve together
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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