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Homework is given out on a Friday and to be returned the following Wednesday.

Spellings will be given out and stuck into homework diaries. The children will be tested on the spellings the following Thursday.

Spelling Shed will have games on that cover these words too.


Each week please complete the following:

  • Your homework task.
  • 5 games on Spelling Shed.
  • 10 minutes on Times Tables Rock Stars per week. 
  • Lexia target minutes per week (see target minutes when you log on).
  • Please read at least three times a week and record in your homework diary.



Friday 7th July


For your homework this week you will be completing Week 4 of the Spain project about researching a famous Spanish Person which you will add to your project.

Please see the information below about what to include.


The projects so far are looking great so keep up the good work.

Hand in your completed  project in by Wednesday 12th July.



Week 4

Famous Person



  • Research a famous Spanish person.
  • Why are they famous?
  • What can you find out about them?

Read through your project and make any final touches.



Final hand in date

Wed 12th July


Friday 23rd June


For your homework this week you will be completing Week 2 of the Spain project about Festivals which you will add to your project.

Please see the information below about what to include.


The project so far are looking great so keep up the good work.

Hand your project in by Wednesday 28th June.



Week 2





  • Choose a Spanish festival to write about.
  • Draw some pictures and tell the history of the festival.
  • Which region is it from?
  • What happens during it?



Wed 28th June


Friday 16th June                                     Year Three Spain Project


Dear Parents/Carers,


This half-term the pupils in Year Three will be asked to complete a project as part of their homework.  This project will enhance their knowledge of our forthcoming topic; ‘Spain’ and will also help the children to develop their research and organisational skills. 


As the children progress throughout Key Stage Two they will complete a number of homework projects. This will be their first project so we hope you will be able to support your child, however, it is important that they produce their own work.


Here is a list of what to include in the project along with dates for returning the project to school.





Information to include:



Hand in date:

Week 1

Front Cover


Introduction page



  • A title and images.
  • General information/facts about Spain.
  • A picture of the Spanish Flag.



Wed 21st June

Week 2





  • Choose a Spanish festival to write about.
  • Draw some pictures and tell the history of the festival.
  • Which region is it from?
  • What happens during it?



Wed 28th June


Week 3



  • What dishes are traditional in Spain?
  • Which region of Spain are they from?



Wed 5th July


Week 4

Famous Person



  • Research a famous Spanish person.
  • Why are they famous?
  • What can you find out about them?

Read through your project and make any final touches.



Final hand in date

Wed 12th July


Please follow this list and complete all the pages as described.  Some children may wish to add extra pages, however we would ask that only two extra pages as well as those described above be included.

We look forward to seeing their brilliant work! 

If you have any questions, please see one of the Year 3 Team.


Yours Sincerely,

Mrs Avery-Torrance, Miss Bolger and Mrs Marshall.

  Friday 19th May

Stay Active Homework.           


This week we would like you to have an active week! Physical activity is really important and with the weather forecast looking really good so you can get out and about.

We would like you to record in your Reading Diaries some physical activity for each day of the week (Friday to Wednesday). Write them alongside your reading for the week.

You can do any activity of your choice but here are a few ideas if you’re stuck for inspiration:


  • Go to the park and play with your family, some friends or a pet for 30 minutes.
  • Get on your bike/roller skates/skateboard for 20 minutes.
  • Go for a walk after dinner with your parents one evening.
  • Do star jumps for 1 minute, 5 time a day and get an adult to time you.
  • Dance around the kitchen to your favourite songs.

Friday 12th May

                                                 Maths Homework


Please complete the calculations shown below in the PDF document on the squared paper in your homework book.

Remember to keep one digit per square and keep your presentation neat.

Hand in on Wednesday 17th May.





Friday 5th May                                                            SPaG Homework


For this week's homework please complete the SPaG task in the document below. 


DO NOT print off the sheet. Write each sentence in your homework book. 


Remember to keep your presentation neat.


Thank you

Friday 21st April


Coronation Homework


Over the next 2 weeks, we would like the children to design and make a Coronation crown to wear at our whole school celebration on Friday 5th May. Be as creative as you can!

Please bring your named crown into school by Wednesday 3rd May so we can display them in each classroom.

Have a look at some examples in the document below and there are many more on the internet.

Friday 24th March


This week we would like everyone to practise using the written methods for addition, subtraction and multiplication that we have learned in Maths. 

We expect everyone to complete the first page

If you are feeling confident and fancy a challenge, have a go at the problems on page 2. 

Please answer these questions in your homework book.  Do not print the sheet out.

Friday 17th March


We are about to start some new learning in History, which is all about Ancient Civilisations. As part of this unit of learning, we will be exploring the Ancient Egyptians. To support this topic, we will also be visiting Bolton Museum.

In preparation for this unit of learning, please begin your learning by researching FIVE fascinating facts about the Ancient Egyptians. You could present these as a list or a diagram or even by writing them as a computer document.

Friday 10th March


For your homework this week, we would like you to practise telling the time.

Please look at the document below for the link and instructions.



                                  Speaking & Listening Task                                Friday 3rd March 

This week we would like you to choose a topic that interests you and create a presentation to present to the class.

Please see the document below for all your instructions.

Thank you.

                                                                                            Friday 24th February


For your homework this week we would like you to do a Gemstone Research Activity.

Please see the document below for all the information needed. Enjoy!

Friday 3rd February 2023

Book Review Homework


For your homework, you will write a book review, based on a book you have read. It can be about a school book or a book you have read at home.

Please see the example template provided.  Do not print this out!  You will design your own layout in your homework book.  You must include all the sections on the template.

Get creative!

You have two weeks to complete this homework.  Please hand it in by Wed 22nd February.

Homework 27th Jan 2023

For your homework this week we would like you to log on to Purple Mash and complete the activity.

Look at the document below for the full instructions.


Now you have been working on your times tables on TTRS for a term. We will now be introducing a weekly times table test on a Friday.

Homework 20th January 2023


Sunday 22nd January is Lunar New Year which is celebrated by many people across the world. 

Please see the document below for the instructions for your homework.

Friday 13th January 2023


We will be carrying out another times table assessment at the end of next week. So for this week’s homework we would like you to practise your times tables using the copy of the times table assessment which is stuck in your homework book.  Please complete the whole grid.

*Remember you can fill in the answers in any order. Try starting with the ones you know best. *

CHALLENGE:  If you’re super confident, you might want to time yourself.


Happy New Year!


6th January 2023


Your homework this week is on Prefixes. Please see the document below for all the instructions. 



Friday 2nd December 2022

In science this term we are discussing how the human body works, which includes learning about food and nutrition. Complete the activity provided (as stuck into your homework books) to prepare you for your learning. If you are not sure about any of the sections, you could discuss with an adult or do some independent research. As always, please ask your teacher if you need additional support.

Friday 25th November 2022.

Maths Questions


Look at the questions below. Please write your answers directly into your Homework Book using the square paper provided. There is no need to print the sheet.


We thought it might be helpful for parents to know what types of questions to ask children when listening to the read at home. Please see the document below for ideas. In school at the moment, we are working on 'define' and 'retrieve' questions.

Friday 18th November 2022

Purple Mash Skeleton Tasks


For this week’s homework you will log on to Purple Mash using the user name and password in the front of your Homework Diary.  

Look at the document below for all the instructions.





                                                                                                                                                                    Friday 11th November


For your homework this week, you will design and make an A4 poster (using the paper provided) about anti-bullying and how people can reach out for support if they are being bullied.  

Hand your finished poster in by Wednesday 16th November.

Have a look at the document below for all the instructions and a link to the video. 


For our Christmas craft activities we are still collecting small clear, empty yogurt pots (Petis Filous size) and green wool. If you have any you wish to donate then please send them in. Thank you.

TT Rock Stars - Some parents have enquired whether it is possible to remove the timer on TT Rock Stars. It is possible and instructions on how to do this, along with more information on how TT Rock Stars works, can found in the document below:

Friday 4th November 2021

The focus this week is different types of words, something we reinforce regularly in school. For your homework, create lists of different of words as directed  below.

Please write your answers directly into your Homework Book. 



Homework: Word Classes


In your homework books write a list of 5 words under each of these subheadings.


  1. Adjectives
  2. Common nouns
  3. Proper nouns
  4. Verbs
  5. Adverbs
  6. Conjunctions
  7. Prepositions (for place)

Homework Friday 21st October 2022

Animal Fact File continued.

This week you will complete the Animal Fact file task we set last week.



You will have some challenge words to work with on Spelling Shed over half term (Friday 21st October to Friday 28th October).  You need to know how to spell these words, but you will not be tested on them at school.  Maybe a grown-up could test you at home during the holidays.

Spelling Shed will then switch to the words stuck in your Homework Diary on Friday 28th October.  You will be tested on these words during the first week back in school (Thursday 3rd November).

Have a great break!

Homework                                                         Friday 14th October 2022

Animal Fact File

Our new topic in Science next half term will be  ‘Animals including Humans’.

For your homework for the next 2 weeks, you will research three different animals and create a fact file for each. You can present this any way you like but make sure you punctuate correctly and present your work neatly.

Make sure you include the following features for each animal in your homework book:

  1. The name of the animal
  2. Size
  3. Habitat
  4. Diet
  5. Any other key facts
  6. Draw a picture

This homework should be handed in by Wednesday 2nd November.

Friday 7th October 2022

Thursday 6th October was National Poetry Day.  The theme this year is The Environment.  We spent some time in school reading poems and having a go at writing our own. 

For your homework this week, we would like you to find a poem you like and learn it.  You will then recite your chosen poem in front of the class next week.  Try to learn the words off by heart if you can.

We have included some web links below that you may find useful but you can chose a poem from anywhere:

Some of the more famous poets worth looking for are:

Allan Ahlberg,


Maya Angelou,

Benjamin Zephaniah,

Liz Brownlee,

Roald Dahl,

Matt Goodfellow and

Spike Milligan.

Please note that Times Tables Rock Stars has been added to homework this week. 

Log in information is stuck in Homework Diaries.

Friday 30th September

The focus this week is to practise using contractions correctly. For your homework, please complete the contractions task in your homework book

There is no need to print the sheet. As a passionate protector of the environment, our school is trying to use less paper.

Thank you.


English Homework 23rd September 2022

The focus this week is on using capital letters and full stops correctly. 

For your homework, you have a choice of either Activity 1 or Activity 2 – Challenge yourself.  Please only choose one. 

Please write your answers in your Homework Book.


Due in Wednesday 28th September 2022.



The History of Manchester

Your task is to find out four detailed facts about the history of Manchester; record them in your homework book and draw a picture of your choice relating to them.

Remember to:

  • Start every sentence with a capital letter.
  • End every sentence with a full stop.
  • Check your sentences make sense.



9/9/22                                 Homework - Manchester


In year 3 we have just started to learn about our city – Manchester.  Over the next half term, you will be creating a book, in school, which contains everything you have learned.

For your homework this week, you have been given a piece of paper on which you will create the front page cover for your Manchester book.

Your cover needs to include:

  • The word ‘ Manchester’
  • Drawings or photos of items related to Manchester
  • Colour
  • Your name

Be as creative as you like! 

Please use the piece of paper you have been given as this is the correct size.


An Optional Homework for this week is to write a mini speech if you would like to be one of the class reps for either Voice, Eco, Spanish, Science, Online Safety and Flash.

At Springfield we care, learn and achieve together
