Homework - 6.7.23- 12.7.23
In Maths we are looking at money. Please set a shop up at home with food items or toys, label them with a price no more than 10p. Give your children some coins, discuss the value of each coin. Encourage your child to count the coins in 2s, 5s and 10s.
Can they buy items from your shop? Have fun!
In preparation for year 2 your child's English homework this week (and for the rest of the academic year) is to practise spelling the Year 1 common exception words (tricky words) . Please see the list below and ideas of how you can practise spelling these tricky words with your child at home. You will also find these word on Spelling Shed.
Homework: 22.6.23 - 28.6.23
For your child's homework this week, we would like them to practise spelling the Year 1 common exception words (tricky words). Please see the list below and ideas of how you can practise spelling these tricky words with your child at home.
For the past two weeks, the children have been learning about how different religions welcome a new baby in R.E. with Miss Rundle. They have explored a Christian ceremony and a Muslim ceremony. We would like the children to think about what happens in each of the ceremonies and compare them. I have placed an example of how the children may want to present their ideas below, but we just really want to see what they can remember! There is a word bank to jog their memories. They can draw pictures or write, totally up to them!
In Science, we have been learning about everyday materials. For your homework, we would like you to draw a picture of your house and label the different materials that have been used. As an extension, you can discuss with your child why those materials have been chosen.
If you want to use this sheet you can, but we'd love to see your sketches of your own home.
Oxford Owl Reading Book and Home Reading Book to read. Don't forget the quiz! Also remember the reading gem questions that you can use to support the children's understanding and comprehension of the story. Have a look at the reading star for the reading gem question examples.
Answer the questions from the back of your reading book either orally or write the answers as full sentences.
If this is done orally please comment in your child's reading record.
Please complete the next 4 pages in your CGP Maths Homework Book.
Oxford Owl Reading Book and Home Reading Book to read. Don't forget the quiz! Also remember the reading gem questions that you can use to support the children's understanding and comprehension of the story. Have a look at the reading star for the reading gem question examples.
Please complete the next 4 pages in your CGP Maths Homework Book.
In Maths we have been looking at arrays. With your child please can you use household items (pasta, sweets, biscuits, counters) to create different arrays.
The children have learnt to count in 2s, 5s and 10s, please bear this in mind when creating an array and when asking the children to total up the array.
Have a listen to this song together: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzFbUZ8VjEg
Oxford Owl Reading Book and Home Reading Book to read. Don't forget the quiz! Also remember the reading gem questions that you can use to support the children's understanding and comprehension of the story. Have a look at the reading star for the reading gem question examples.
Please complete the next 4 pages in your CGP Maths Homework Book.
Draw a picture of an animal that lives in either a hot or cold place.
Write sentences about where your animal lives and how that animal is suited to its environment.
Oxford Owl Reading Book and Home Reading Book to read. Don't forget the quiz! Also remember the reading gem questions that you can use to support the children's understanding and comprehension of the story. Have a look at the reading star for the reading gem question examples.
Please complete the next 4 pages in your CGP Maths Homework Book.
Coronation Homework
Please make a crown for Friday 5th May
Have a wonderful break and enjoy your Easter holidays.
Please read for pleasure at home and enjoy different stories, poems and non fiction books. Share them, read them together or even ask your child to read a page where they feel confident.
Oxford Owl Reading Books are available online and don't forget to do the quiz to support comprehension. Also remember the reading gem questions that you can use to support the children's understanding and comprehension of the story. These are in the your child's homework file and on the website.
We have attached a 100 square. We are moving on to counting to 100. Please talk about and explore the numbers. Identify the number, say one more and one less than a number, partition the number into tens and ones. When out and about say the numbers on doors, number plates and speed signs. What number do you live at? What is your neighbour's door number?
Oxford Owl Reading Book and Home Reading Book to read. Don't forget the quiz! Also remember the reading gem questions that you can use to support the children's understanding and comprehension of the story. These are in the your child's homework file and on the website.
Continue to count in 2s, 5s and 10s at home, learning the pattern of the times tables. This can then be applied to counting in groups. What is 2 groups of 10? 20.
Design and Technology
We are exploring healthy eating as we design a healthy dipping platter at school. Please encourage the children to talk about the healthy foods they eat at home. Are they eating a range of foods? Are they eating a range of different colour foods? Do they try new foods? How would they encourage someone t try a new food? Use the plate below to talk about the importance of a balanced diet.
Spelling Shed - continue to practise and learn red words set.
Oxford Owl Reading Book and Home Reading Book to read. Don't forget the quiz! Also remember the reading gem questions that you can use to support the children's understanding and comprehension of the story. Have a look at the reading star for the reading gem question examples.
Task 1: Please complete pages 33, 34, 35, & 36 in CGP Maths Homework Book.
Task 2: In our current Maths learning journey, we have been counting in 2s, 5s and 10s up to the number 50. Can your child find different objects around the house and count them in 2s, 5s or 10s? See some example pictures below. Encourage your child to spot the patterns e.g. all the 5s numbers end in a 5 or 0.
Homework 10.3.23 to be completed for 17.3.23
Please colour the special friends in each word on the sheet that we sent home. Read the words to your grown up. If you would like a challenge please write a sentence with each of the words in it. Children do not need to learn these words just read them using their phonics knowledge.
Oxford Owl reading book and home reading book to be read. Don't forget the quiz! Also remember the reading gem questions that you can use to support the children's understanding and comprehension of the story. Link to the reading page with reading gem questions below.
Please complete pages 29, 30, 31, 32 in CGP Maths homework book.
Homework 3.3.23 to be completed by 1.3.23
We are exploring plants in school in Science.
Please go on a Tree Hunt
We would like you to get outside again! Identify deciduous trees and evergreen trees. Can you sketch them, do some bark rubbings. Talk about what you notice about these trees? What do their leaves like like? Can you name any of the trees? Find out an interesting fact about a tree? Ask an enquiry question and find the answer, for example - how old is the oldest tree on earth?
We love Woodland Trust in school. There is lots of information about trees and plants available online. Have fun exploring.
Oxford Owl reading book and home reading book to be read. Don't forget the quiz! Also remember the reading gem questions that you can use to support the children's understanding and comprehension of the story. Link to the reading page with reading gem questions below.
Please complete Pages 25,26,27,28 in CGP Maths Homework book.
Homework 24.2.23 to be completed by 1.3.23
Signs of Spring Walk
Note any signs of spring you see on your way to school or on any adventures this weekend. You can talk about these and even record them if you would like to. Collect information about the changing seasons and be scientists observing change over time.
Woodland Trust website has some fantastic information to help and guide.
See below for a 'First Signs of Spring' Spotter sheet.
Oxford Owl reading book and home reading book to be read. Don't forget the quiz! Also remember the reading gem questions that you can use to support the children's understanding and comprehension of the story.
Please complete the previous weeks homework - SEE BELOW. We did not send CGP Maths books for completion over the holidays (we hope you relaxed instead!)
Homework 10.2.23 to be completed by 22.2.23
Please enjoy the holidays and have a lovely break!
Use the time to continue your reading and writing journey. Read some lovely stories and be ready to talk about your favourite stories upon your return and practise your writing. Write a diary about your adventures or a postcard for us to read. Links to these starts below.
Don't forget to look at the reading and writing stars on the website for some ideas.
Continue to read your reading book and your Oxford Owl book online. Miss Ryan's and Mrs Newell's group - you can choose which yellow or orange book you would like to read.
Using your Maths CGP Homework book please complete the Pages 21,22,23,24. Please only complete the pages assigned each week. Grown ups encourage your child to complete the work independently where they can. They may need help reading the questions and you can check and mark them together to see where they may need to edit their work. PLEASE CHECK and MARK your child's Maths Homework Book - we will be monitoring, but would like you to mark it with them. It would also be helpful if you could record whether it was completed independently or with a little help. We are working through these books slowly to revisit learning completed in school.
Homework 3.2.23 to be completed by 8.2.23
Continue to read your reading book and your Oxford Owl book online. Miss Ryan's and Mrs Newell's group - you can choose which yellow or orange book you would like to read. We will be assessing children's sound knowledge and fluency skills next week ready for Spring 2.
Using your Maths CGP Homework book please complete the Pages 18,19,20,21. Please only complete the pages assigned each week. Grown ups encourage your child to complete the work independently where they can. They may need help reading the questions and you can check and mark them together to see where they may need to edit their work. PLEASE CHECK and MARK your child's Maths Homework Book - we will be monitoring, but would like you to mark it with them. It would also be helpful if you could record whether it was completed independently or with a little help. We are working through these books slowly to revisit learning completed in school.
Please use Purple Mash to create your own pictogram. You must first start by collecting data. This could be your families top 3 favourite fruit or vegetables, it could be different colour cars on your street, birds in the garden, colour of socks in your drawers or dice rolls. Your child has completed a pictogram at school, this will allow them to apply their skills at home. All the information is on Purple Mash and is assigned as a homework.
Homework 27.1.23 to be completed by 1.2.23
Every week please read your Oxford Owl Read Write Inc book online and complete the linked quiz. Also enjoy your reading book at home each week and don't forget to use the reading gems for help with questions to answer about the book. Please write in your child's reading record.
Your child will be bringing home a drawstring bag and two books on road safety. Please spend time reading and discussing these with your child. Ask them to tell you how to stay safe on the road.
Using your Maths CGP Homework book please complete the Pages 14,15,16,17. Please only complete the pages assigned each week. These books will be kept in their homework file to be monitored. Grown ups encourage your child to complete the work independently where they can. They may need help reading the questions and you can check and mark them together to see where they may need to edit their work. These books are revision books and will allow them to practice their mathematical skills. Any questions or concerns please ask or email. PLEASE CHECK and MARK your child's Maths Homework Book - we will be monitoring, but would like you to mark it with them. It would also be helpful if you could record whether it was completed independently or with a little help.
Spelling Shed
Please continue to practise numbers in words and red words. Children must be able to write and spell the majority of these red words by the end of Year 1.
Thank you for your continued support.
Homework 18th January due in on 23rd January
Please complete the timeline in your homework file. Here is an example below.
Every week please read your Oxford Owl Read Write Inc book online and complete the linked quiz. Also enjoy your reading book at home each week and don't forget to use the reading gems for help with questions to answer about the book. Please write in your child's reading record.
Using your Maths CGP Homework book please complete the Pages 10,11,12,13. Please only complete the pages assigned each week. These books will be kept in their homework file to be monitored. Grown ups encourage your child to complete the work independently where they can. They may need help reading the questions and you can check and mark them together to see where they may need to edit their work. These books are revision books and will allow them to practice their mathematical skills. Any questions or concerns please ask or email. PLEASE CHECK and MARK your child's Maths Homework Book - we will be monitoring, but would like you to mark it with them. Thank you for your continued support.
Continue learning your teen numbers in words on Spelling Shed.
Homework set 13.1.23 due in 18.1.23
Read your Oxford Owl Read Write Inc book online and complete the linked quiz. Enjoy your reading reading book at home and don't forget to use the reading gems for help with questions to answer about the book.
Using your Maths CGP Homework book please complete the Pages 6,7,8,9. Please only complete the pages assigned each week. These books will be kept in their homework file to be monitored. Grown ups encourage your child to complete the work independently where they can. They may need help reading the questions and you can check and mark them together to see where they may need to edit their work. These books are revision books and will allow them to practice their mathematical skills. Any questions or concerns please ask or email. PLEASE CHECK and MARK your child's Maths Homework Book - we will be monitoring, but would like you to mark it with them. Thank you for your continued support.
Additional Maths - This term we will be learning how to write teen numbers alongside numbers 0-10. Use spelling shed to help you practise these numbers.
Homework 6th January 2023 due in on Wednesday 11th January
OXFORD OWL BOOKS have now been assigned. Please read both books this week by Tuesday 17th January. Thank you.
Please write a thank you letter for gifts you have received over the holidays, adventures you have been on or time you have had with family and friends. These can be sent in your homework file or photos emailed to the year1@springfieldprimary.net
Read your Oxford owl read Write Inc book online and complete the linked quiz. Enjoy your reading reading book at home and don't forget to use the reading gems for help with questions to answer about the book.
You will all have a new Maths CGP Homework book in your homework files. Please complete the pages set each week.
This week we would like you to try Pages 2,3,4,5. Please only complete the pages assigned each week. These books will be kept in their homework file to be monitored. Grown ups encourage your child to complete the work independently where they can. They may need help reading the questions and you can check and mark them together to see where they may need to edit their work. Any questions or concerns please ask or email. Thank you for your continued support.
Homework 2nd and 9th December 2022
Please familiarise yourself with the website. Have a look at the reading and writing stars. Use the book talk sheets alongside your home reading book to support your child's reading comprehension, fluency and deduction.
We will open the Red Word Spellings for the previous weeks on Spelling Shed for you to practise. You can also use the red word spelling lists in the writing link above to practise.
Oxford Owl
Don't forget to read your Read Write Inc reading book on Oxford Owl. All previous RWInc books will be available for the children to read and the they can complete the linked quiz.
2D and 3D Shapes
Please go on a shape hunt around your home and name the shapes you can find.
Homework 25th November 2022.
Design and Technology
We are starting to explore levers, sliders next week. Do you have any interactive story books at home that have pages that move or pop up. Have you seen any cards that do this? Explore your books and talk about the different mechanisms if you can find them. Don't worry if you can't - all your teachers found it tricky too! Good luck.
Oxford Owl
Don't forget to read your Read Write Inc reading book on Oxford Owl.
Spelling Shed
Continue to explore the red words on Spelling Shed. Try and use them in your writing at home.
See some lovely examples below of writing that has been shared with us from home.
Homework 17th November 2022
Spelling Shed
Red word spellings. Children need to be able to use these words confidently in their writing by the end of the year. Try and use the words when you have practised them in a letter, menu, postcard, shopping list. Send examples of your child's writing to our year 1 email:
Purple Mash
Continue to practise your number bonds to 10. Knowledge of these will help your child solve number problems and develop their number fluency.
Link to Purple Mash: https://www.purplemash.com/sch/springfield-m33#/
Oxford Owl
Continue to read your reading book and answer the quiz questions.
We have set a new common exception spelling list on Spelling Shed.
Your other homework is to login and complete the "To do" on Purple Mash. Become familiar with logging on and enjoy creating your own animal and practising your number bonds to 10.
Homework for 4.11.22
Please practise Christmas production words with your children at home.
Your homework this week is assigned to your child's Spelling Shed account. Please practise the red words. These words are common misconception words that cannot be sounded out. They must be learnt for both reading and writing. Have fun learning these words at home, you could also try saying and writing the words in a sentence.
Continue to encourage your child to read their home reading book and their Read Write Inc reading book assigned on Oxford Owl each week.
W.B. 10.10.22
Homework tasks to support your child's learning in Year 1 will begin after the half-term holidays. Please refer to this page for Homework tasks and instructions.
To keep your child's learning refreshed over the half-term holidays, please continue to access their Oxford Owl account with them, encouraging them to read their current level storybook with increased fluency and comprehension. There will also be a quiz associated with your child's storybook.
There is also our number formation rhymes on the Maths star icon if you would like to practise writing these with your child.
Thank you for your continued support.