The children will bring home 2 reading books a week. One book should be a RWInc "book bag" book. This will link to your child's RWInc group and the book they are reading that week. It will contain the sound they are working on and could be linked in subject matter. The other book will be an Oxford Reading Tree book.
Please can children keep their reading books in their bookbag so they are ready to read with their teacher on their reading day and in case we get extra reading opportunities.
In order to support your child's reading, we ask that you read with your child as often as possible and write in the reading record to show that you have read. We are also setting the RWInc book each Thursday for your child to re-read at home. Please see example below of ideas for comments in the reading record. We do monitor home reading as it is imperative the children read and re-read books to build their fluency and expression.
Please try to read little and often and daily if at all possible.
We assess the children for phonics every half term.
Reading Gems
Please see below the "Reading Gems" we use in school to support our year 1 reading targets. You can use these question stems at home when sharing your child's reading book.