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Year 5 21/22

A huge THANK YOU from all of the Year 5 team for your generous gifts and kind words. We have had the most amazing year with your lovely children and can't wait to hear about all their achievements and successes in the future. They are an absolute credit to you! Have a wonderful summer! 

Dear Parents/Carers & Children,

Welcome to Year 5!

Please keep checking this page, as we will continue to update the site with key information and photos. Please email us on  if you have questions. 

All our very best,

Miss Torrance, Miss Beddow, Mrs Bonser and Mrs Cutteridge

PE Days

These are the UPDATED PE days for Summer 2:

Newton and Hubble: Thursday & Friday

Hawking: Thursday and Friday (Friday is still swimming)

We will advise when this changes as there will be various sporting sessions and events throughout the term. 

What a fabulous mini concert to showcase the Ukulele talents in Year 5 (and Hugo in Year 4)! What a fabulous effort from everyone involved! A big thank you to Mr Braye!

5Newton really CHALLENGED themselves to do well and worked well as a TEAM in gymnastics, using the new equipment.

As part of our Design and Technology, we have been using K-Nex to experiment with and learn more about gears, pulleys and levers!

Big Science Share! Year 5 and 6 had a great time talking to each other about working scientifically. Prior to the share, both year groups had carried out the same experiments so were able to discuss findings and discuss successes and difficulties together. Year 6 had created some fabulous informative posters to show to the Year 5s! Together we are a team!

Science - During our 'properties of materials' topic, the children have enjoyed investigating which substances are soluble or insoluble and investigating the most effective ways of separating mixtures using filtering or sieving. They have used the science enquiry strands of 'observing over time' and 'comparative and fair testing'.

In science today, Hubble have been working together to create information posters about the life cycles of a variety of different mammals. They used research skills and were awarded 2 blue tokens for demonstrating the school value 'together we are a team'

In preparation for our sponsored walk, we have been using Digimaps to map out our route and think about some of the human features and physical features that we will spot on our journey.

This week, Year 5 began their Climate Change project with Tom (from CCAC). The children produced their own sustainable towns and cities for the future in collaboration with their peers and came up with some amazing ideas. They then managed to get outside and appreciate and evaluate others' work like real landscape designers!!

During Science week, we tried to think of ways to reduce our food miles using a light meter app to answer the question, 'Do the number of layers of plastic affect how much light can travel through?'

Today, Mr Maloney from MGL taught Hubble how to design and edit 3D Space models using the Purple Mash '2Design and Create' feature and programme a model of the Solar System using Scratch.

Year 5 had a brilliant day creating their own unique self-portraits for the annual Stockport Grammar School Art Competition.

World Book Day - the children have had a fun filled afternoon of activities sorting anagrams, competing in a book related quiz and creating book marks to celebrate World Book Day.

Europe projects - what an INCREDIBLE effort all of the children (and families!) have put in to their Europe projects. The children have loved sharing information about their chosen countries and have learnt lots from one another!

Hawking and Hubble absolutely LOVED using the brand new gymnastics equipment in the hall this week!

Five Newton LOVED their extra 22mins play for collecting over £22.22 (actually £24.24) on 22.2.22. Well done and a big thanks to those at home who helped out!

Today, Mr Maloney from MGL taught Hawking how to design and edit 3D Space models and programme the Solar System using scratch.

Art - in Hubble we have been looking at the artist Bridget Riley and have created some of our own optical illusions inspired by her!

In science, we have started our learning about space. This week we started learning about the solar system and the children had to find out information from one another by asking scientific questions.

Well done Maia for this wonderful poem, which you were inspired to write after seeing the smoke billowing from Manchester factories. Inspiration for us all to act!

Year 5 have been creating sculptures using clay today in their art lesson. They thoroughly enjoyed creating chess pieces inspired by Lewis Chessmen from Viking times!

Five Newton are REALLY enjoying their Friday swimming sessions. Keep up the fantastic strokes Y5!

Year 5 are lucky enough to have a fabulous specialist dance teacher on Monday's this half term and they thoroughly enjoyed their first session!

Year 5 have worked hard and had great fun creating some fabulous Christmas crafts today! Excellent teamwork was shown as the children helped each other to complete their Christmas hat decorations!

What a fabulous Christmas party - filled with fun, laughter, dancing and treats!