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Year 4

The Year 4 Team would like to say a MASSIVE THANK YOU for all of our thoughtful cards and gifts. It has been an honour and a privilege teaching you all this year and we know you will continue to blossom in Year 5. Now go an have the most fantastic Summer Break and remember to keep safe.


See you all in September!

A fabulous time having water fun for our final token treat in Y4!

Working hard to sew and compete our most recent DT project - a 3D leaf pin cushion

The Great Science Share - Year 3 visited Year 4 to share their investigations. Do people with bigger feet , jump further ? Do people with larger handspans throw further ?

Debating the use of single-use plastics. Superb Oracy skills from all the children. Well done!

Making our ear trumpets in Science. Investigating how to amplify sound.

Information about the Multiplication Check in June.

The children have had a great time using their acting and practice skills to create hot seating scripts to answer questions about Julius Caesar!

Well done 4 Knights for a fantastic Class Assembly! You did beautifully!

Creating a sequence of rolls in Gymnastics

Roman presentations. We all researched an area of what Romans did for fun. We created some excellent presentations and developed our oracy skills to show them to the class.

Exploring how sound is created and what changes volume in Science!

Eco Action!

On our Residential, the children were taught about different 'Eco Action' studies and initiative that they can help support and get involved with. The information shared will help inform climate change studies, protect endangered animals and provide opportunities for your child to continue to be a passionate protector of the environment.


Please see the links below in case your child wants to take part:

Eco Action Art Day!

Year 4 enjoyed the special assembly which focused on challenge,diversity and challenge with Bart Gee

Fun Friday developing team building skills

Using freeze frames to retell the story of ‘Holy Week’ in RE

Using our enquiry skills to make switches in Science.

SCIENCE WEEK! We came up with our own enquiry questions and investigation that linked to sports, physical ability and performance.

Token Treat - Games with friends!

Some of our Year 4 girls did an excellent job at a Trafford Gymnastics meet, where they came 5th over all. Well done girls!

Y4 loved sharing their Greek Myths with Year 2 today in honour of National Storytelling Week!

Year 4 Research and Presentations about Cities

Working scientifically to explore evaporation and how temperature influences how fast clothes dry during our Science Day

Thank you for all the lovely gifts and cards we have received. We hope you all have a wonderful and restful break. See you all in 2024.


Kindest regards,


The Year 4 Team

Please update your child's pencil case with the Springfield 7 over the break. To see what this involves, please see the below attachment. Thank you! From the Year 4 Team

For Spring 1, your child’s PE days will be as follows:


Bishops- Monday and Wednesday

Rooks - Wednesday and Friday (Swimming)

Knights- Wednesday and Thursday 

Please see below, an informative document all about Year 4.

For Autumn 2, your child’s PE days will be as follows:


Rooks/Bishops- Monday and Wednesday

Knights- Wednesday and Friday (Swimming)

A great time was had at our Year 4 Christmas Party today! Snacks, games and dancing to help get us all in the festive mood.

Using thermometers to measure the temperature of water as it changes state over time.

The children had a blast making their recent DT project, PITA POCKETS! The children had to follow a recipe to first make the pita breads, then design their tasty filling and finally make and eat their creation.

What interesting discussions we had classifying solids, liquids and gases.

Don't forget to bring your lantern to the Lantern Parade in Sale tomorrow (Saturday 2nd December) and come and join in with the festivities!

We would like to say a massive thank you to Mr Cutteridge who came in as our Visitor in RE for the children to ask questions about how Jesus is inspirational and what life is like for a modern Christian.

Year 4 loved using their observational enquiry skills to investigate how different liquids affect our teeth.

Happy Diwali. Some of the children wore their lovely special costumes, they looked fabulous.

Diwali Boxes

What a fabulous selection of colourful and well designed Diwali boxes we had with some very well deserved children that were awarded a certificate. Well done everyone!

We loved researching, designing and creating Greek amphoras in Art. We even got to go on the Art Bus!

Using our mental maths to play board games!

4 ROOKS ONLY Please learn the words off by heart for this song, to be sung in our class assembly on Wednesday 1st November at 9am. Please check your child's homework diary to see what they will need to wear on the day. If there are any issues with costumes could you please let Mr Hammond know before the end of this half term. Kind regards and thank you for your support, Mr Hammond


Year 4 Multi Sports at Brooklands Sports Club

Wow!!! What a fabulous day 4 Knights have had at Grip Adventure. Archery, tent skills and canoeing! Together you really were a team!

Science - Research using secondary sources to make booklets about ruminent's digestive systems

The children role-played scenarios linked to qualities that gave them good foundations in life linking this to how Christians believed Jesus and his disciples provided good foundations.

GYMNASTICS - Bishops have been practising different ways of travelling on the equipment and also incorporating rolling in their sequences .

Sphero coding in Computing! The children in Rooks learnt how to control the spheros and program them with commands. Well done Rooks. Watch this space for the other Year 4 classes lesson this half term.

Welcome to Year 4!


The children have had a fantastic first week back at school and have settled in well. We have started our Science unit of work on Animals Including Humans and we are looking forward to a hands-on investigation! Next week, we will be starting our History topic as well as our new Guided Reading book.


Please see below for which days your child has PE for this half term. Please can children come to school wearing their PE uniform on these days:

Rooks: Monday and Wednesday

Knights: Wednesday and Friday (swimming)

Bishops: Wednesday and Thursday


If you have any questions or concerns throughout the year, please email your child's teacher using  





At Springfield we care, learn and achieve together
