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Please ensure children bring their reading book and reading record into school everyday. Thank you. 

Your child will receive their first home reading books this week.  All children will receive 2 books every Monday.  The books suit the children's reading stage.  Teachers will be reading with them in their English lessons.  Please encourage your children to read these books throughout the week.  Our reading target for all is fluency this term.  Fluency is the speed and accuracy in which the children read.  Reading the same book a number of times is proven to support fluency as you will see when you are listening to them.  Below are questions to support understanding and comprehension of the book and to provide guidance for you when you are supporting your child's reading journey. 

Please enjoy this time, children may read the whole book, or they may read a certain number of pages each night.  You have the whole week to enjoy your books.  Thank you for your continued support.


Please fill in the reading record as below so we can monitor your child's reading journey. 

If your child has a grey Read Write Inc Book Bag book please encourage them to logon to Oxford Owl where they will find their Read Write Inc Reading book they are doing in school.  This will aid their fluency and comprehension.  Don't forget the quiz too. 

Their Read Write Inc Login is the same as their Year 1 login.  You will find their log on details in the inside cover of their reading record. 

At Springfield we care, learn and achieve together
