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Read Write Inc. - at home

Set 2 Sounds

From Monday February 8th we are introducing set 2 sounds; one sound per day. Please see the Tapestry post, with video to support this. The corresonding speed sound sheets are below, these can be printed off to use with your child. RWinc YouTube daily lessons continue to be available alongside this.

Red Words

Remember - 'You Can't Fred a Red'

These words can not be sounded out and have to be learnt by sight, please use the powerpoint to practise with your child.

RWI Phonics lessons at home during school closure

From Tuesday 5th January 2021,  Read Write Inc. Phonics lessons will start on YouTube and via Facebook for children to watch at home.
This is an excellent opportunity for your children to continue their reading journey, we would encourage all children to access the Set 1 Speed Sound lessons daily. 
One lesson at each level will show at 9.30 am each day and be available for 24 hours:

Set 1 Speed Sounds, Word Time and Spelling - 3 short videos covering a sound, reading green words & spelling.

As you know we have already introduced Set 1 Sounds in school but this is a good recap particularly blending and reading the green words and the spelling of them. See link below:


Oxford Owl for Home- RWInc Books

This week the children were due to move into RWInc groups for their next steps in phonics. The groupings are determined from the asessment that we completed in school before christmas. As circumstances have now changed and we find ourselves at home we want to provide resources to help you continue your child's reading journey. I have already detailed the online lessons available daily on YouTube, which are an excellent resource and I would continue to encourage you to tune in everyday. Alongside this we can now provide some ebooks similar to those the children would have started reading in their groups in school from this week. These books are available on 'Oxford Owl for Home' There is a link below; to get free access you will need to register and set up a log in:

Free eBook library | Oxford Owl from Oxford University Press


The books move through the phonic stages and are colour coded. I would suggest that the majority of children should start at red and then move through green and purple. In school the children would read each book at least 3 times through the week, not rush through them. We want them to be confident in sound blending and then instant blending and then be able to understand and discuss what they have read. If your child still needs support with the single green words, that you already have, I would start with the sound blending books. Each book has information for Parents in it with hints and tips that you will find helpful. We want reading to be enjoyable so do be guided by your child and move back a stage if they are struggling to blend the words. These first stages of book cover Set 1 sounds, we would not move to to pink/orange/yellow stages until we have introduced set 2 sounds (which will be coming soon). Blue and grey books cover set 3 sounds which are a little  further down the line for most Reception children. However if you have any individual questions about your child's reading or need more help and support please email us at the Reception address.
I know that you will be as excited as we are  that your child is now ready to read books! Amazing!

Home Reading books

Oxford Reading Tree Scheme on Oxford Owl at Home

Under 'normal' circumstances this week would have been the week that your child brought home a reading book for the very first time - an exciting milestone I'm sure you'll agree! We would still like to introduce and give the children access to these books whilst they are learning at home. You will be able to get access to some of these home reading books on Oxford Owl at Home as Ebooks. The scheme of books we use alongside RWInc.are Oxford Reading Tree, I am sure some of you will be familiar with them. Please see an introduction to the characters in the books in this post, I am sure your child will enjoy meeting and getting to know them! 
The Ebooks start at lilac level, these are wordless books to use for discussion, then I would suggest you start at pink move to red and then yellow. It is not to rush through these, we would only change these home reading books twice a week, but to encourage your child to read multiple times and discuss the story with you.You will find lots of hints and tips on the inside front and back covers.The Ebooks also have an audio function where your child can listen to the book being read to them. There are lots of other resources on Oxford Owl, including other reading schemes, which you can also explore, it is essential that the children have a broad and balanced reading journey. The home reading books are decodable with some tricky red words. Do remember that children progress at different rates and they will move through reading stages throughout Reception and Key Stage One. Children also need opportunities for retelling and listening to stories, exploring information books, talking about different authors and illustrators. We would encourage you to read everywhere with your child; join the library, read signs, maps, magazines, have fun when reading, but most of all enjoy it and develop a life long love of reading. Link below:

Free eBook library | Oxford Owl from Oxford University Press

At Springfield we care, learn and achieve together
