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We loved making our healthy deserts for a child to eat after lunch.

We loved our tennis session today as part of our "Experience the Olympics" activities!

Popcorn making and games!

Investigating Healthy Foods and Focus Task: Preparing, cutting and making a smoothie following instructions.

Thank you SO much to all of the grown-ups who volunteered their time to make our Llandudno trip such a wonderful day. The children were amazing and have really had the ‘seaside’ experience! Team 2! 

Making art with nature in the style of Andy Goldsworthy

Thank you so much to Miss McNally and Evie for helping us to have such a super Y2 Euros tournament!

We are PROUD to be us!

Today a small group of children took part in a Panathlon event at BTH in Altrincham

Art - Making under the sea sculptures using clay

Computing - Making a quiz about the seaside using Purplemash

Music with Mr Boardman

Comparing Durban (South Africa) to Sale!

Learning and practising the skill of tying shoelaces in PSHE!

PE: Learning to throw and catch the ball in Lacrosse with Coach Corey

Geography - Naming the Oceans of the World

Science - Setting up our experiment to investigate what plants need to grow.

Bryon Lacrosse with Coach Corey - We've been learning how to scoop a lacrosse ball!

Maths - Exploring and making 3D shapes

Science - Planting sunflower seeds to observe over time

PE - Dance

Final product - take a look at our moon buggy toys we made for a Year 1 child to carry an item on whilst playing with it.

DT - wheels and axils focused task. We practised different techniques for joining wheels and axils to make our moon buggies.

Wilson Lacrosse Session

Easter Bonnets!

British Science Week

Friday Afternoon Yoga

Learning about animals and their young in science

Learning about sharing and grouping in division

Let Girls Play! ⚽️

Happy Lunar New Year 2024! Year of the Dragon!

Whose Journey To Space Was The Most Significant? Mae Jemison or Neil Armstrong?

Building space rockets in COOL time

What a fun day! We visited the theatre in the morning and watched a film with treats in the afternoon.

Textiles: Sharing our puppets with others

Textiles: Investigating puppets and practising different joining techniques

Rosen Crazy Hair Day!

Science: Living and non-living things

Crazy Hair Day in Bryon Class

Crazy Hair Day

Fundraising and Celebrating Children In Need

Happy Diwali Everybody!

Why do we remember on the 11th November? Year 2 have recreated trenches to consider what life would have been like for a soldier during WW1 and completed different Remembrance activities to think and reflect.

What makes my school’s town special?

Computing: Creating digital paintings using pointillism

Year 2 Gymnastics: Making wide, narrow, high and low shapes/movements

This week Year 2 have been on a tour of our local town Sale! All 3 classes demonstrated our school values wonderfully as we made our way through the town centre, spotting the key features that make our town special. Well done Year 2!

Year 2 Tour of Our Local Town

Year 2 Bryon’s Tour of Our Local Town

Comparing 2 digit numbers through a roll the number game! Things got competitive!

Sorting materials by their properties

Investigation: Which material is the most absorbent?

Welcome Back

At Springfield we care, learn and achieve together
