Mental Maths reminders
Mental maths is extremely important in Year 2. The children build on mental maths to develop more complex skills. We do this throughout our maths lessons.
Please practice your child’s mental maths at home.
Addition sums they can answer quickly. They are adding two parts together to make a whole.
4+3= 3+4=
They can use their fingers, a number line, a part, part, whole. But as they practise they should be able to do these sums in their head.
This will also help when they are subtracting.
7-3= I know that 7 is made of 4 and 3. I take away a part (3) and I am left with the other part (4). 7-4= These are also called fact families, ask your child about them.
This skill will also help when they are adding tens - 4 tens and 3 tens is 7 tens which is 70.
Number bonds to 10 and number bonds to 20 are also essential.
Please practice these. You can play I spy… I spy 7, they would then say I spy 3. I spy 15, they would say I spy 5.
Number bonds to 10 will help them with their number bonds to 100 hundred, 2 tens and 8 tens make 100. 20+80=
Practising counting in 2s 5s and 10s.
1 more than a given number and 1 less than a given number is essential knowledge. 11-12
10 more than a given number and 10 less than a given number. 22 -32 -42
Fast halves and doubles and halves to 20 can help when adding 5+6+11 I know that 5+5=10 and 1 more is 11.
Keep checking the website. We will be adding a maths page for more information and more ways to help.
Have fun asking and practising some of these skills with your children. Make it fun, make it into a game. Before bed, in the bath, on the way to school. Set little challenges.