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Reading - should be done as often as possible during the week. 2 reading books will be given to the children each Monday and the children are to read and reread these books during the week to build up their fluency. Adults are to write in the children's reading records leaving a comment to show when they have been reading at home. Children are to bring their books and reading records into school each day. For further information see Reading star. 


Spellings - Children will bring home a green spelling book on Fridays. This will contain the spellings the children are to learn as part of their homework. Children are to copy each spelling twice in their spelling books. An example of how this should be done is set out in the front of their spelling book. Please return the spelling books with the completed work in by Wednesday of each week. A spelling test will be given on the Friday.

Spelling are uploaded to Edshed each week for the children to log on to and use at home. Your child should have their login in the front of their reading record.


Additional homework will be set either by a message on our website or a task set for them in the children's red homework folder.




Homework for Rosen and Bryon ONLY


When we were in year one we labelled a map of the infants at school and created a key. 

This year we have labelled a map of Sale .  We also created a key.  This map is unfinished.  We would like you to finish labelling some not all of your favourite places in our town.  These new additions will need adding onto your key.  This could be done on the other side of the sheet or on a separate piece of paper.   Enjoy the fresh air and active nature of this homework.

We look forward to seeing your new maps. 



27.9.24 Wilson Homework Only

13.9.24 Homework

Homework this week is to find a traditional tale and read it for enjoyment with an adult. Traditional tales include stories such as:

Goldilocks, Jack and the Beanstalk, Cinderella

At Springfield we care, learn and achieve together
