Homework 7th February
This week your child will receive a math's homework sheet filled with 1 and 2 step word problems. We have encouraged them to choose a few to complete at home.
These word problems will require the children to use their addition and subtraction skills using the column method (detailed below).
Reading - Please don't forget to read your reading books. Your children will receive a reading sticker if they have read 3 times or more with you.
Miss McNally, Mrs Carroll and Mrs Slonecki's RWI group - your books are available to read on Oxford Owl. Please ensure you read them.
Reading Challenge
Miss McNally's RWI group - all Grey books are now available for you to read and complete the quiz over the next 3 weeks on Oxford Owl. Please continue to read and practise your fluency. There may be a prize for the person who has read the most!
Homework 31st January
Lunar Year- Please create a piece of Lunar New Year art work. This could be a poster, a drawing, a fact file, a model anything that you wish. Be creative and have fun doing it.
Maths - Please continue to encourage your child to practise their times tables on TTRS.
Reading - Please don't forget to read your reading books. Your children will receive a reading sticker if they have read 3 times or more with you.
Miss McNally, Mrs Carroll and Mrs Slonecki's RWI group - your books are available to read on Oxford Owl. Please ensure you read them.
Homework 24th January
Log in to Purple Mash to complete the money problems assigned of 2Do. All our children have enjoyed learning about money this term and before the holidays. So please revisit this learning at home.
When finding change, using addition and subtraction with money, ask the children to talk about and think about the different strategies they have used at school.
Maths - Please continue to encourage your child to practise their times tables on TTRS.
Reading - Please don't forget to read your reading books. Your children will receive a reading sticker if they have read 3 times or more with you.
Miss McNally, Mrs Carroll and Mrs Slonecki's RWI group - your books are available to read on Oxford Owl. Please ensure you read them.
Homework - 17th January
This week in History we have been exploring space and we are beginning to find out about space explorers. Please continue this learning journey at home and talk about what it would be like to go to space. Use and apply the knowledge they have been learning in school and any further research to create their own poster. It could have fun facts about space or about the astronauts they are learning about. It is up to them what they put on their poster and what they draw or write or stick. Enjoy being creative.
The video below is a great starting point.
Maddie, Space and You - BBC iPlayer
Maths - Please encourage your child to practise their times tables on TTRS - see below.
Reading - Please don't forget to read your reading books. Your children will receive a reading sticker if they have read 3 times or more with you.
Miss McNally, Mrs Carroll and Mrs Slonecki's RWI group - your books are available to read on Oxford Owl. Please ensure you read them.
New this week! TTRS
Your child's login to Times Tables Rock Stars is in their reading record. This will support them with learning their times tables, in a fun way throughout their time at Springfield. Please explore the different games available. We will set specific times tables your child in the Garage area.
Mrs Houston/Mrs Gardner's Maths group have been set 2s,5s and 10s.
Miss Gilmore/Miss Shannon's Maths group have been set 2s,3s,5s and 10s
Homework -9th January 2025
In our English sessions this week, we have been learning all about instructional texts. Next week you will be writing your own instructions about making your favourite sandwich. For your homework we are asking you to make this sandwich at home and send in a photograph/video to the year 2 email address. If you would like to make a note on a piece of paper of the ingredients and any equipment you have used, then bring the list into school on Monday 13th January. At school in your English lessons next week you will then write your own set of instructions for how to make your sandwich.
Reading Homework
Please continue to read your reading books and use the laminated 'Book Look' (see reading star) sheets in your book bags to help develop comprehension skills. Record when you have read with your child in their reading record so we can celebrate their reading journey at home.
Miss McNally's, Mrs Slonecki and Mrs Carroll's group please use your Oxford Owl logins at the front of your reading records to read the matching Read Write Inc book to develop fluency. This is essential to make good progress in your reading journey. Come and see your class teacher if you are unable to log in.
Holiday Practise
Well done for a super term. We are very proud of all the children's progress and effort. Please enjoy a well earned rest and some lovely family time. If you would like to continue practising and learning over the holidays here are some tips below.
Please continue to enjoy festive stories and read a book of your choice at home. Mrs Houston, Mrs Gardner's, Mrs Carroll's and Mrs Slonecki's please use Oxford Owl and read the books assigned. All books have been opened up in the specific colour. Practise your fluency!
Spelling Shed will be reopen for those tricky red words that children need to be able to spell in their writing.
We have been learning to code this week - we have opened up the 2do's on Purple Mash for you to continue to practise your skills at home.
Maths- see the fun game below to practise Subtraction and practise counting up and down and 100 square - don't forget the maths page on the website.
In computing this week we will be looking at Coding on Purple Mash. For homework we have set two 2Dos as pre learning and revision from year 1. Please log on to your Purple Mash account and use the '2Do' tab. There are support videos if you need them.
We have decided not to give out reading books this week. Please enjoy a festive story and read a book of your choice at home. Mrs Houston, Mrs Gardner's, Mrs Carroll's and Mrs Slonecki's please use Oxford Owl and read the books assigned. All books have been opened up in the specific colour. Practise your fluency!
Homework 6.12.14 - 12.12.14
We would like the children to write a thank you letter to the staff and actors at the Waterside following our visit this week. We would like the children to tell them what their favourite part was and thank them. They could wish them a merry Christmas too.
Your child will continue to receive two reading books, please read every night and make a note of this reading in your child's reading record.
Mrs Houston and Mrs Gardner's RWI group have access to all Grey RWI books read so far. Please encourage your child to read as much as they can for the next month using Oxford Owl. Thank you to the few that have read. keep building that fantastic fluency.
Mrs Slonecki and Mrs Caroll RWI groups also have access to these books. Please enjoy them together and read them.
Homework 29.11.24 - 6.12.24
Please complete the Maths sheet that we have sent home in the children's homework folders.
Continue to practise the songs and your words ready for our nativity.
Your child will continue to receive two reading books, please read every night and make a note of this reading in your child's reading record.
Additional BRYON homework for Tuesday 3rd December.
For our next outdoor learning session on Tuesday 5th November the children will be creating a wind chime or dream catcher - images below. Please collect 1 or 3 sticks 8-10cm in length and bring into school on Tuesday. You can also collect any natural objects you would like to add to your dream catcher or wind chime. Thank you for your continued support.
Homework 15.11.24 and 22.11.24
Please continue to work on the 'Cut your Carbon' challenge (see main page for details).
We are sending home the scripts for our Christmas show, your child's lines are highlighted. Please learn these with your child using their clearest and loudest voice. Children will be expected to know their lines without scripts in our practices next week. The scripts MUST be returned to school each day for our rehearsals.
In addition to the script, please learn the words to the songs (see word document above).
Please continue to record your child's reading in their reading records. They should be reading every night.
Many thanks for your continued support.
We have been looking at WW1 and Remembrance day in History. For homework we would like the children to create an acrostic poem. For each letter from the word poppy, you should write a sentence relating to remembrance. Please write this on your own paper and place it in the red homework folder to hand in. You can decorate and add any art work if you would like.
Please do not forget to practise the spelling which are stuck in the front of your spelling book.
The red words are still on Spelling Shed for you practise.
You will have two reading books that are to be read each night. Please record your child's reading in their reading record.
Mrs Gardner's and Mrs Houston's RWInc group please don't forgot to read your Read Write Inc books. We have opened all the ones you have completed to practise your reading and continue to develop your fluency.
Additional ROSEN homework for Tuesday 5th November.
For our next outdoor learning session on Tuesday 5th November the children will be creating a wind chime or dream catcher - images below. Please collect 1 or 3 sticks 8-10cm in length and bring into school on Tuesday. You can also collect any natural objects you would like to add to your dream catcher or wind chime. Thank you for your continued support.
Reading - should be done as often as possible during the week. 2 reading books will be given to the children each Monday and the children are to read and reread these books during the week to build up their fluency. Adults are to write in the children's reading records leaving a comment to show when they have been reading at home. Children are to bring their books and reading records into school each day. For further information see Reading star.
Spellings - Children will bring home a green spelling book on Fridays. This will contain the spellings the children are to learn as part of their homework. Children are to copy each spelling twice in their spelling books. An example of how this should be done is set out in the front of their spelling book. Please return the spelling books with the completed work in by Wednesday of each week. A spelling test will be given on the Friday.
Spelling are uploaded to Edshed each week for the children to log on to and use at home. Your child should have their login in the front of their reading record.
Additional homework will be set either by a message on our website or a task set for them in the children's red homework folder.
October half term holiday
We will be sending home a sheet with red words on, please practise reading and spelling these words with your child.
Wilson class
Please practise your words for your class assembly on Wednesday 13th November.
Homework 18.10.20
This week at school the children are going to use the '2paint' a picture tool on Purple Mash to create pieces of art work in the style of Mondria, George Seurat and Claude Monet.
For homework we have set them 'To Do' on Purple Mash. Please get your child to log into their own Purple Mash account and click on '2Dos'. Using the 'Wet Paint' option we would like them to create a picture in the style of Ian Davenport.
Ian Davenport was born in Sidcup, and studied art at the Northwich College of Art and Design in Cheshire and then at Goldsmiths College, where he graduated in 1988. His that year he exhibited in the Freeze exhibition organised by Damien Hirst. His first solo show was in 1990 and in the same year he was included in the British Art Show. In 1991, he was nominated for the annual Turner Prize.
Many of his works are made by pouring paint onto a tilted surface and letting gravity spread the paint over the surface.
You can see some of his art work here: https://www.iandavenportstudio.com
We look forward to seeing their creations.
Homework 11.10.24
This week we have started our Science Materials topic. We have been exploring materials, their properties and characteristics. This week we would like you to get creative with materials and make a collage using various materials you have at home. Don't forget to have a look in your recycling. Please send pictures of your amazing collage to our email address and we can share them with the class. Year2@springfieldprimary.net Please use the language of materials when creating and think about why you have used certain types of materials to represent different things.
Have fun!
Homework for Rosen and Bryon ONLY
When we were in year one we labelled a map of the infants at school and created a key.
This year we have labelled a map of Sale . We also created a key. This map is unfinished. We would like you to finish labelling some not all of your favourite places in our town. These new additions will need adding onto your key. This could be done on the other side of the sheet or on a separate piece of paper. Enjoy the fresh air and active nature of this homework.
We look forward to seeing your new maps.
13.9.24 Homework
Homework this week is to find a traditional tale and read it for enjoyment with an adult. Traditional tales include stories such as:
Goldilocks, Jack and the Beanstalk, Cinderella