Year 3 Homework
Welcome to the Year 3 Homework Page. Each week we will upload the homework, with any instructional information to this page. We are not giving set homework in the first week, but would like the children to continue to read (and get diaries signed) and log into and explore the online tool, Lexia. We have given your child a letter home about Lexia, and their log in details are stuck into their homework diaries. Lexia is an excellent reading and spelling support tool, which has a really positive impact on children's learning. It is fun, engaging and easy to access and children love watching their levels rise.
Homework will be set every Friday in Y3, with a spelling test the following Thursday. We will formally start homework next Friday 15th September.
As always, if you have any questions please email us on
Best wishes,
Year 3 Team
Homework 28th June 2024
Continuing our Geography Spain topic this term, we have given the children a template to create their own travel brochure all about their class's city. Please see the presentation for more information and guidance. Please note that the children have three weeks to complete this (they may have copied a date wrong into books) and it is not due until Wednesday 17th July. Also, we are not expecting children to do TTRS and Lexia - only TTRS.
Any questions, please just ask.
Homework 21st June
We have recently started a new area in Geography all about Spain.
This week, please continue with the fact file on Spain that you have stuck into your homework books. Please research facts using books and the Internet – you may even be able to ask people around you, or have visited Spain yourself! The last two sections are blank for you to decide what information you would like to include about Spain. We can share these facts in class and use them in our learning.
Due date is week on Wednesday 26th June
Year 3 Team
Friday 17 May
Reading Comprehension
For homework this week we would like the children to read a text about the industrial revolution and answer a variety of comprehension questions. There are three different levels of challenge. Choose your level of challenge and answer the questions realted to that particular text. Please do not do all three reading comprehensions, just choose one.
Click on the document below to read the text online and then answer the questions in your homework book.
Kind regards,
Year 3 Team.
Friday 10 May
For your homework this week, please can you practise telling the time using an online games. Please follow the instructions on the word document below.
Kind regards
The year 3 Team
Friday 3rd May
For your homework this week, please complete the SPAG activity (which you can find on the website) in your green homework books.
Thank you!
The Year 3 Team
Friday 26th April
This week in PSHE we have been looking at respecting ourselves and others. At home, talk about all the different ways respect can be seen for example – listening to someone, helping. The children will have brought a worksheet to fill in. The children can write sentences and draw a small picture inside each bubble.
The year 3 Team
Kind regards
Friday 19th April
For homework this week, please can children complete the arithmetic test that has been sent home.
Kind regards,
The Year 3 Team
Friday 22nd March Homework
Please see the word document below for the instructions for your homework this week.
Friday 15th March
For homework this week, we would like you to take part in a science investigation linking to British Science Week. Please follow the instructions on the word document and be prepared to talk about it next week in class. Have fun! The whole family can take part if they want!!
Friday 8th March
For homework this week we would like the children to complete work set in their online Purple Mash account. To do this click on the link below and enter your child’s usual log in details (which they already know).
Navigate to the ‘2Do’ tab and work through the three set tasks:
Tutankhamun Quiz
Read nonfiction text – Daily Egyptian Life
Reading comprehension activity.
Once completed click the ‘hand in’ button for the completed work to be sent to the teacher.
Many Thanks
Year 3 Team.
Friday 1st March Maths Homework
For homework this week please can children practise their times tables by playing the ‘Mathopoly’ game that they will bring home.
Kind regards,
The Year 3 Team
Homework 23.2.24
It was children’s Mental Health Week from 5-11th. In support of this, for your homework this week we would like you to complete a few small activities from the ‘Daily Mindful Moments’ calendar on the website.
If you wish, you can take a photo and send it to: and we will discuss what you have done and how it made you feel in class.
Please have this ready and be able to talk about it by Wednesday 28th February.
Homework 10th February 2024
Saturday 10th February is Lunar New Year which is celebrated by many people across the world. This year is Year of the Dragon. For your homework this week we would like you to create a Dragon in celebration. We will display these in class next week.
You may use any media and style you like: pencils, pens, paint, create a collage etc. You could even make a small dragon if you wish. There are lots of ideas online so get creative!
Hand in by Wednesday 7th February
Friday 26th January
Speaking & Listening
This week we would like you to choose a topic that interests you and create a presentation to present to the class. We recommend you pick something that you enjoy as this will help you make the topic seem more interesting to your audience. It should be no more than one minute long.
When thinking about your presentation, please consider:
- pace (how fast and slow you speak)
- volume (will your audience hear you?)
- your audience (what will make them really interested and hod their attention?)
You may use props, notes and/or a PowerPoint presentation if you wish.
Any files can be emailed to your class teacher at:
Friday 19th January
This week for homework we would like you to do some pre-learning about Ancient Egypt ready for our very exciting History topic and trip to Bolton Museum. Please find below some guidance to follow.
Friday 12th January
For homework this week, we would like the children to practise recall of their multiplication facts for the 2's,3's,4's,5's and 10 times tables. Your child can do this using TT Rockstars, Karate cats, hand written methods or any games at home. We will be testing the children on these times tables during the following maths lessons.
Many thanks for your support,
Year 3 Team.
Homework 8th December 2023
For homework this week we would like the children to practise using a range conjunctions to join two clauses together. Cut and stick each clause and join appropriately with the correct conjunction in your homework books.
Many thanks,
Year 3 Team.
Homework Friday 1st December
Year three have recently started to attend our school library pod each week and are enjoying access to new texts which they are excited to share with you at home!
This week for homework we would like the children to discuss and rate their library book with you at home (verbally) ready to discuss in class the following Friday.
Things to think about...
What the book was about?
Who would you recommend the book to?
What would you rate the book out of 5?
Is the text similar to other texts you have read?
Random Acts of Kindness Friday 25th November 2023
As part of PSHE we have been learning about friendship and kindness. For homework this week (Friday 25/11/23) we want the children to consider how random acts of kindness can impact positively on the lives of others around them. Here are some ideas below on little things you can say or do, to positively impact others.
Feel free to send in (via Y3 email) any photos or descriptions you would like to share with the class, of a random act of kindness (under adult supervision) you have done.
Year Three Team
Friday 17th November
Mental Maths Mayhem!
This week’s homework is revision of a number of the Year 3 targets. There is a main activity and a challenge to stretch your learning! Please answer the questions in your homework book, using the square paper we have given, and please do not print the sheet out.
Miss Bolger's Maths class have a sheet stuck in their homework book. Please complete the one in their book and not the one below.
History Homework Year 3 Friday 13th October
The Stone Age is a period of prehistoric time that spans more than 3 million years, ending with the transition to the Bronze Age around 6,000 years ago.
Our Stone Age ancestors achieved a number of major developments during the Stone Age, key inventions that helped humans survive in a harsh world.
Your homework this week is to find out about some of the main inventions from the Stone Age.
Draw a labelled diagram of the invention and describe what it does.
Here are some ideas:
Stone/ wooden clubs Sewing Art (cave paintings) Music (the first musical instruments) | Bows and arrows Pigments (for body decoration) Shelters (the first buildings)
Word Classes Friday 6th October
In your homework books write a list of 5 words under each of these subheadings.
1. Adjectives
2. Common nouns
3. Proper nouns
4. Verbs
5. Adverbs
6. Conjunctions
7. Prepositions (for place)
Homework is given out on a Friday and to be returned the following Wednesday.
Spellings will be given out and stuck into homework diaries. The children will be tested on the spellings the following Thursday.
Spelling Shed will have games on that cover these words too.
Each week please complete the following:
Homework 29.9.23
As part of National Poetry Day on Thursday 5th October, each year group will learn a poem off by heart to perform (as a class) to another year group. Please learn the poem below at home for your homework this week.
Rationale – Taking refuge in an activity. This poem acts as an instruction to slow down.
Friday 22nd September
Gemstone Research
For your homework this week we would like you to do some research on Gemstones. We have been looking at rocks in Science.
Have a look at the document below to find all the instructions needed.
Complete your homework in your homework book.
Homework Friday 15th September
For your homework this week we would like you to revise your capital letters and full stops. In line with our sustainability policy, we will be keeping printing to a minimum. We would like children to copy these paragraphs, using pencil, into their homework books and add the full stops and capital letters where needed.
Please contact us on with any questions.