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Homework for Summer Holidays in preparation for Year 2: 


We have opened up all of the Year 1 RWInc texts on Oxford Owl for the children to read and access over the Summer Holidays. Please continue to use this in preparation for Year 2 reading. Also, use the Reading Gems on the Reading page to support your child's comprehension of the text they have read. 


Also, as part of the Year 2 introduction to Maths, it would be beneficial for your child to remain familiar with numbers up to 100 and how we can partition these into tens and ones. Use the hundred square below to support this if needed.


Spelling Shed is still available for you to play and explore. The tricky red words are crucial for reading and spelling in Year 2. 


Many thanks!

Homework Friday 15th July


As we are approaching the end of the academic year and we are in for a warm few days of weather we have decided not to set any homework this week.  If your child wishes they can complete pages in their CGP Handwriting book but please have fun and enjoy spending time as a family! 

Homework Friday 8th July

We have been learning about position and movement in Maths.


We want the children to get outside! Go to the park/ into your garden/an open space. Look at what you can see and use positional vocabulary to describe. 

For example, the squirrel is in front of the tree. The fence is on the left of the tree. The slide is in between the swing and the roundabout.

Homework 1st July

This week is Eco week in school and we are working towards becoming 'Passionate Protectors of the Environment'.  We have explored recycling opportunities in school and in our local area.  Please can you investigate what you recycle at home to help our world.  Can you talk about and discuss what other things you could or already do at home to help us look after the environment?


We would also like you to practise and learn the poem below.  We will be performing this for Reception children next week. 


Thank you for your support.  At Springfield we are all aiming to be 'Passionate Protectors of the Environment'.

Homework Friday 24th June- Handwriting and Maths Money Shop


Please continue to work through 2 more pages of the handwriting book. Children do not need to hand their book in. 


Money shop!

This week in Maths, we have been learning about money- identifying the coins and notes and understanding the value of each.

We would like the children to make a shop at home and use coins to make different amounts. 

They can choose 5 of their toys, make a price label and then use real coins or draw coins to make the amount to buy that toy. Can they use different coins to make the same amount?  (Please see ideas and examples below)


Homework 17th June 2022

We are sending home CGP Handwriting books. Please explore the pattern pages at the front of the book and do 2 pages per week. 

Common exception words 6th May- 11th May

Oxford Owl reading

We have set the new RWInc book from Friday 6th May. Due to trips, we have only covered 1 book so far this half term. The new book will run from Friday 6th May- Friday 13th May and then hopefully we will be back to normal doing 1 book per week!



This week, we will continue to send home the common exception word spelling sheets as usual. In addition to this, we have made the decision that for this half-term, there will be no RWI spelling tests for the children due to timetabling and a range of events that are happening. Instead, we would like the children to focus on reading, writing and spelling the tricky red words (common exception words) in context. This will support your child as we begin to assess the progress they have made with red words in Year 1.  Please find a list of the common exception words further down this page. 

Holiday Reading

There will be no official written homework over the holidays. We want the children to relax and enjoy some family time. Keep looking out for signs of spring.


We would love the children to keep up with their reading. We have set previous RWInc books on Oxford Owl. You can use the "reading gems" below to support your child's next steps. Don't forget you can also access the free books on Oxford Owl and visit the library (see instructions below for Oxford Owl).


Once you have logged in, click on "Oxford Owl ebook library". Then choose your child's bookband level and choose whichever books you would like to read (see images below).


Logging into Oxford Owl for free ebooks. Use your usual login.

Homework: 1st April - 6th April 


This week we would like the children to speed up their recall of counting in 2s, 5s and 10s as part of their understanding of multiplication. Please encourage your child to count objects around your home in equal groups of 2s, 5s and 10s. Please see the pictures below for ideas/inspiration on how to do this. Many thanks.



Homework Friday 25th March to Wednesday 30th March


Homework for this week is to complete a 100 square (on the sheet provided). 


As an optional extension, you could choose a 2-digit number and create a number poster like the examples below. Show the number in different and creative ways. 

Number poster examples

Homework - 18th March - Enjoy getting active and practise your egg roll, log roll, teddy bear roll and straight jump at home. 

Educational Gymnastics- Log Roll

Teddy bear roll

Egg Roll

Tuck your knees into your chest and roll along your spine.

Jump Series: Straight Jump

Basic Gymnastics jumps starting with the basic straight jump.

Homework 11th March, to be returned Wednesday 16th March

Please ensure your homework is returned in the red folder by Wednesday 16th March. The teachers have a short turnaround time to mark and insert new homework. It is important that wherever possible homework is returned by the Wednesday. Please encourage your child to hand their homework in once it is done.


This week, we would like the children to practise using "Part Whole" in some maths activities. You can get creative and do this practically.

Homework for 4th March.  To be returned 9th.


Your children will soon have their Purple Mash Log In username and password in their reading record.  This is an ICT programme that can be used at home to develop their ICT skills and support their learning. The children must log in and access their 2Do file where their homework will be waiting for them. 

There is some information below about Purple Mash and how to log on. 


Purple Mash Information

Homework Friday 25th February - Wednesday 2nd March

Homework will be sent out today. Here are copies in case you need to download again.

Please return homework in the red folder.



Early Signs of Spring homework

Common Exception Words

Common Exception Words and Tricky Red words

As part of our homework for Spring 2, we would like the children to practise reading and writing the Year 1 “common exception words” and the tricky red words from RWInc. These are the words which do not have a “regular” spelling pattern, as taught in RWInc.  Each week, in addition to the normal homework, we would like your child to spend a few minutes each day practising these words. We will send a sheet to guide you in what to practise. In addition, children need to be able to read and write numbers 1 to 20 in words and numerals.  



* these are only red for a while (once they know set 3 sounds)


A sheet will be provided each Friday in the red homework folder and will need to be returned each Wednesday

Holiday Homework

We want the children to enjoy a restful half term as they have worked so hard. 


We have released the previous RWInc books on Oxford Owl for you to read.


Please visit the library, share stories together and start to look for signs of Spring.

Homework Friday 4th February

Well done and thank you to everyone who made a bird feeder for their homework. It has been great to see so many photos of the children’s creations.

Friday 28th January: Homework


This weekend is the Big Garden Bird Watch and for homework we would like your children to get involved by simply counting the birds you see in your garden, from your balcony or in your local park for one hour. You can share your finding on



To entice the birds into your outdoor space we would also like your children to make a bird feeder, here is a link to a website with some simple ideas:




You could email us a photo of your child’s bird feeder or send in a photograph.

Happy bird watching!

Homework for the holidays


We hope you have a lovely rest!

We will be taking your reading books in this Wednesday.  We have assigned previous Read Write Inc books for your child to practise their fluency and expression with you over the holidays.  You can also have fun doing the quiz linked to the book.   Don't forget you can read and share books from Oxford Owl, your books at home and use the local library.  Enjoy!  READ, READ, READ!


Why don't you listen to this Christmas story on Oxford Owl



STARLINGSFriday Readers.

To our lovely Friday readers.  We have not sent your reading books home.  If you would like to enjoy another book please log on to your Oxford Owl account and search for this book 'Animal Tricks' - Blue book band.  Thank you.


Homework Week beginning 6th December

We hope you have been practising letter formation with your child using the 'handwriting booklets'.  We allowed more time last week to complete the booklet.  Please keep it at home and continue to use the booklet to revisit letter sounds and formation at home. 


This week you will receive a number formation sheet on Wednesday 8th December to complete at home (Robins if you have received this - please re complete the correct sheet).


Thank you  

Homework - Friday 26th November (To be kept for continued practise at home)


Handwriting Book


Your child's red folder should now contain a personal handwriting book and handwriting formation chart for them to begin practising their letter formation at home. 


Please use the letter formation rhymes to encourage your child to form their letters carefully, sitting on the line. 


There is no pressure to complete the entire alphabet of letters. Please take it a letter at a time so that your child can experience repeated practise of correct letter formation. 


If you scroll further down this page, you will see correct pencil grip examples and an electronic copy of the handwriting formation rhymes we use at school. 


 Year 1 Team 

Homework Friday 19th November- Wednesday 24th November

Your homework this week is below. We would like the children to write a letter to Lindsay from "Animals Takeover," please see below.




Homework sheet


We would also like the children to learn the words to the following song. 

Homework Friday 12th November- Wednesday 17th November

Please return homework by Wednesday in the red folder if possible so that we have time to look at it and mark it.

Homework Friday 5th November - Wednesday 10th November

Here is a copy of the homework. In Science and Geography, we are observing the weather over time. Please complete a weather diary over the weekend. Please return homework in the red folder on Wednesday.



Homework is an important part of a child's learning. It helps to consolidate what is being taught and promotes independence and organisation. We appreciate your support in ensuring your child's homework tasks are completed. We will set formal homework once we are happy the children have settled.  


Handwriting:  We are working on children's letter formation and pencil grip next term.  Please encourage your child to develop the tripod grip to support sustained writing in the future.  See image below.  To support their writing skills please also encourage their large motor and fine motor skills.  For example, climbing in the park, helping to peg the washing out, playing with playdough, Lego play and getting themselves dressed.  You can also see the rhymes that match each letter below, which will support their formation; say the rhyme as they write the letter.  This formation is essential as it will make joined up writing more accessible in the future. You can talk to your child about ascenders and descenders - letters that sit above and below the handwriting lines.  Enjoy mark-making outdoors outside using mud and sticks too and try and have fun!


Reading: We encourage you to read each night with your child or as frequently as possible. Your child will be sent home with two reading books per week based on their assessed book band level. Please record when you have read with your child in their reading record and return this to school. It is VITAL that your child's reading book and record is in their book bag each day to ensure that a teacher/teaching assistant/additional adult can read with them at least once a week. 


Read Write Inc:

We have now organised a RWInc subscription to support children’s fluency, expression and comprehension. Your child will be given a personal login to access an assigned book each week.  Your child's login will be stuck in the front of their reading record.  With this login the children can access the oxford owl reading books and their RWInc book as an assigned 'homework'.  Once they have read the assigned RWInc book, they can then click 'I've finished the ebook'. This will show your teacher what they have completed at home. The book your child will be reading is the book they are reading in school during RWInc. We would like the children to re-read the book where possible and use the book as advised, including completing the comprehension questions. This will support the children on their reading journey. Books will be set on a Tuesday for 1 week.  Thank you for your continued support.


Spelling: Common exception words/tricky words to be practiced throughout the week. We will begin to test the children on these words when we introduce spelling tests.


Maths: Children need regular practise counting forwards and backwards, identifying one more and one less than a number and being able to write numbers in words. This term we will be focusing on numbers 0-10, including addition and subtraction. Please support your child in consolidating this knowledge wherever possible. 


Developing Independence: As your child becomes more settled in Year 1, it is important to continue promoting their own independence and responsibility. This includes ensuring that they can carry their own book bag into school, hang up their own coat and put away their water bottles as well as ensuring they remember this at the end of each school day. In order to support your child with this, please label your child's belongings to ensure they do not go missing. 


Show and Tell

Your child has brought home a letter about show and tell. This is a great speaking and listening opportunity. Please see the letter for details.


Please refer to the Year 1 page on this website to talk with your child about our current Year 1 learning and curriculum. Many thanks for your continued support. 


Handwriting - Letter formation rhymes

At Springfield we care, learn and achieve together
