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Ash Photos

Learning about minibeasts...

We really enjoyed our Teddy Bear’s Picnic for our token treat!🧸

Visiting Year 6 Charity Stalls - we had a great time!

Child-led interest...learning about space🪐☄️🛸🔭🚀🛰️👩‍🚀👨‍🚀

Celebrating and learning about the coronation...

Coronation songs

Still image for this video

Still image for this video

Learning about Easter

Ash have learned so much from our Forest School sessions with Andrew from GRIP Adventure

During British Science Week, we loved learning about archaeology and had two archaeologists in to visit

Fun at the PTA Disco

World Book Day

Forest School Session

Learning about St. David’s Day

Learning about Shrove Tuesday and tasting pancakes...yum!

Outdoor Learning in our Forest School Session

Safer Internet and Technology Week

So proud to take part in our Dragon Parade!🐲🐉

Learning about and celebrating Lunar New Year

More Wonderful Winter...including our frozen balloon investigation

Our new topic...learning about winter...bbbbrrrrr!

Happy New Year! Reception are getting stuck into their learning and exploring!

Our Christmas Party and getting ready for Christmas

Our Santa Dash - we did 10 laps!

Our Christmas Nativity!

Doing our Christmas at the markets and enjoying the Christmas Fair!

Learning about Children In Need

Odd Socks for Anti-Bullying Week

Reflecting on Bonfire Night and learning about Remembrance

Learning about things that happen in Autumn

Taking part in P.E. sessions on the MUGA with Mr Brown

We met Mrs Massey, an Asda Champion, who came to talk to us about positive eating

Looking for signs of Autumn on our Autumn Walk in the school garden

Fine Motor Skills in Dough Disco

Physical Development - Movement in the Hall

Enjoying our learning through play…

Settling in to our new class...

At Springfield we care, learn and achieve together
