Welcome to Year 3!
Check this page regularly for homework updates and finding out what we've been up to in school.
Want to keep reading regularly over the summer holidays? You could visit the local library where you can borrow books for free or you could use your Oxford Owl library account. During lockdown, you were given a class log in, which is below. Just log in and you will have free access to a huge variety of books, suitable for all age groups. Have a great summer and enjoy some great reads!
User name: (enter your class name) Seville / Barcelona / Madrid
Password: 1234
This half term we have been learning about play scripts. Using Roald Dahl's 'The Twits' as inspiration, the children worked in small groups to write their own chapter before converting it into a play script. Then in Computing, we learned about podcasting and the children used a voice recorder app to record their own play scripts as a podcast. The results were amazing. Log onto Microsoft Teams and go to the Students 2024 team to listen to one example performed by Elodie, Zara and Beth.
The Year 3 children have thoroughly enjoyed their djembe drumming lessons with Trafford Music Service this term. Please log onto Microsoft Teams to view videos of the final performances.
Mrs Riley, who taught the children each week, has advised that djembe drumming lessons are available on Saturday mornings and lessons will re-start in September. Please follow the link below for more information if you are interested.
Welcome back to the Year 3 class page.
By now your children will have had their first few days back in school and what a fun filled few days it's been! Everyone was so excited to be back and the mood, so far, is very positive. In Year 3 we have been getting involved with Maths investigations, practising our division skills, recapping on all the home-learning on the English discussion text topic as well as making Ancient Britain Beaker pots, firstly out of salt dough and then out of clay. We decorated them, making indentations using authentic Bronze Age tools (sticks, stones and leaves). What an amazing start back at school!
All our online learning has moved to our TEAMs platform. The children have been engaging so well with our home-learning and sending lots of examples of their work.
Please see the Monthly Mention Newsletter for more examples of our home-learning journey in Year 3.
We just wanted to say a huge thank you for your cards, gifts and good wishes. We hope you all have a happy and safe break.
See you in the New Year.
Many thanks
Year 3 Staff.