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2020 - 2021 Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!



Check this page regularly for homework updates and finding out what we've been up to in school.

Want to keep reading regularly over the summer holidays?  You could visit the local library where you can borrow books for free or you could use your Oxford Owl library account.  During lockdown, you were given a class log in, which is below.  Just log in and you will have free access to a huge variety of books, suitable for all age groups.  Have a great summer and enjoy some great reads!


User name: (enter your class name) Seville / Barcelona / Madrid

Password: 1234

This half term we have been learning about play scripts.  Using Roald Dahl's 'The Twits' as inspiration, the children worked in small groups to write their own chapter before converting it into a play script.  Then in Computing, we learned about podcasting and the children used a voice recorder app to record their own play scripts as a podcast.  The results were amazing.  Log onto Microsoft Teams and go to the Students 2024 team to listen to one example performed by Elodie, Zara and Beth.

Hawaii Beach Themed Summer Fair - what a great day the children had. A huge thanks to the PTA for all their hard work!

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The Year 3 children have thoroughly enjoyed their djembe drumming lessons with Trafford Music Service this term.  Please log onto Microsoft Teams to view videos of the final performances.


Mrs Riley, who taught the children each week, has advised that djembe drumming lessons are available on Saturday mornings and lessons will re-start in September.  Please follow the link below for more information if you are interested.


As part of our Spain topic we have learnt all about the art of 'Flamenco' and created these colourful dolls, from filter paper and pipe cleaners.

On Mondays we have loved improving our cricket skills with our coach Toby from Cheshire cricket.

We have learned about 'The Day of the Dead' with Fiona and created these eye-catching, colourful skulls!

3 Seville's token treat: as a reward for their hard work and great behaviour, 3 Seville chose to have a Toy Day. A great deal of fun was had by all!

Making musical instruments: for homework the children have created some amazing musical instruments and they have thoroughly enjoyed explaining how they made them and playing with the rest of the class. Once again, we'd like to send a huge thanks to all families for the support you give your children. It is very much appreciated.

Making musical instruments:

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Rock Investigation: Year 3 have been testing rocks for permeability. We have learnt about the 3 types of rocks, Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic.

Show & Tell: It has been so interesting listening to the wide range of topics that have been chosen for our Show & Tell speaking and listening presentations, we've had everything from basketball to Mercury to leopards, and even static electricity!

Djembe drumming: We are so excited to have started our drumming project with Trafford Music Service, watch this space for our final production in ten weeks time...

Egyptian Collars: We have made these fantastic, colourful collars with Fiona, our Art specialist. Check out the repeating patterns and eye catching colours!

Light & Shadow: We have been learning how shadows are created, why they change size and about transparent, translucent and opaque materials.

Mars Perseverance Rover - To start our Science week, the children have been learning all about the latest rover that is currently exploring a large crater on Mars, which is thought to have once held a large body of water. This afternoon, the pupils have worked in small groups to design and create their own rovers, using junk which parents have kindly provided. Each rover had to include the important features needed for it to be able to fulfill it's 4 missions on Mars. Photos of finished rovers will follow shortly.

Mmmm...tidying up may take a while!

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Naw Ruz - Tara (with a little help from her Mum) prepared and presented a beautiful class assembly teaching us all about Naw Ruz, which is the celebration of Spring and the new year in the Baha'i faith. Thank you so much for sharing this with us..

Pop Art - our Art teacher, Fiona, worked with the children to create some self portraits in the Pop Art style. First we traced our faces onto acetate, then we chose brightly coloured tissue paper and cut it to size to fit our features. Finally we sandwiched them between the acetate and some white card. What amazing results! We suspect a few parents may want to frame these.

Maths investigation - we investigated dividing 100 by using a variety of different resources and practised recording our findings.

Completing our discussion texts - we are so pleased with all the work that the children have completed at home in preparation for writing their very own discussion text. Each class held a debate, run as it would be in the Houses of Parliament, to decide whether school uniforms are a good idea or not. The children loved it. We want to send a huge thank you to all the parents / family members who supported their children during their Home Learning! .

Making clay Beaker pots - first, using salt dough, we practised 3 different methods that would have been used for making clay pots in Ancient Britain - thumb method, coil method and the piecing method. Then we used our authentic tools (sticks and stones) to try to add patterns to the outside of the pots. Finally we made a clay pot, using our preferred method, and decorated it to make them unique as the Beaker people would have,

Welcome back to the Year 3 class page.

By now your children will have had their first few days back in school and what a fun filled few days it's been!  Everyone was so excited to be back and the mood, so far, is very positive.  In Year 3 we have been getting involved with Maths investigations, practising our division skills, recapping on all the home-learning on the English discussion text topic as well as making Ancient Britain Beaker pots, firstly out of salt dough and then out of clay.  We decorated them, making indentations  using authentic Bronze Age tools (sticks, stones and leaves).  What an amazing start back at school!

Max explains how he made his clay Beaker pot using the thumb method.

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Spring Term Update


All our online learning has moved to our TEAMs platform. The children have been engaging so well with our home-learning and sending lots of examples of their work. 


Please see the Monthly Mention Newsletter for more examples of our home-learning journey in Year 3.

We just wanted to say a huge thank you for your cards, gifts and good wishes. We hope you all have a happy and safe break.

See you in the New Year.


Many thanks

Year 3 Staff.



We visited 'Barney Christmas' today who gave us a special treat.

Art with our fabulous art specialist Fiona supporting our new topic 'Ancient Britain'.

We started our new topic 'Ancient Britain'. We were archaeologists for the afternoon digging to see what we could find and exploring cave drawings. We also completed a human timeline.

Have a look at our amazing Autumn Cups. Well done to everyone who took part.

Have a look at Year3 on the new trim trail and our Manchester Art.

At Springfield we care, learn and achieve together
