Welcome to the Springfield Reception class page!
We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Reception at Springfield and we look forward to an exciting and successful year together!
We will be posting lots of photographs, messages and information on this page to keep you updated on all things taking place in Reception. So please keep checking the page regularly for updates.
Many thanks
The Reception Team
Summer Holiday Reading
It’s nearly the summer holidays and your child has made super reading progress this year.
Let’s keep them reading to ensure your child stays on track for year 1.
To help with this we have assigned the RWInc. books and quizzes that the children are familiar with for you to access on Oxford Owl at home.
Please use your child's log in to access these books over the holidays. Even if your child has read the books before multiple reads are really important for instant blending, fluency and developing expression. If the children can decode the sounds easily, confidence will then grow with fluency and expression.
In addition, there is free access to other books in the Elibrary. Please do use this valuable resource that school subscribes to for our children.
Wheelie fun...
British Science Week 2022
This week is British Science week that the whole school takes part in. Our theme in Reception is 'growth'. We have been talking about things alive growing, i.e. seeds into plants, babies into adults, but our main focus has been on how things 'grow' or expand that are not alive. Today we have made foam 'grow' and have talked about metal expanding in heat (did you know the Eiffel Tower grows by 15cm in the summer?!).
The children were very excited making the foam. If you would like to have a go at home, you will need:
washing up liquid
white vinegar
bicarbonate of soda
food colouring
warm water
a plastic bottle or similar transparent container
Pour/tip the ingredients into the bottle and observe what happens next. We have focused on using vocabulary, such as 'grow', 'expand', 'get bigger/larger' etc.
If you want to extend the activity, you could make a model of a volcano with a hole in the top for the neck of the bottle and use orange food colouring for the lava!
Please share any pictures/videos on Tapestry.
A HUGE THANK YOU to all parents who very kindly donate money to our class funds. With the help of your contributions we have been able to buy: numerous books to support our ongoing topics, additional toys, extra batteries to power our technology in the classroom, playdough resources and lots of ingredients to make our playdough each week, to name just a few!
Your contributions, no matter how minimal, really do make a BIG difference to us and help us to enrich your child's learning. So if you can donate at any time, please do!!
Thank you so much.
See page 3 of the booklet below for ideas to develop gross motor skills at home:
Please watch the narrated powerpoint below, which explains how we teach reading at Springfield and replaces the parents' meeting we usually have at this time of year in school. The systematic phonics scheme we use is Read, Write Inc. The presentation has also been posted on Tapestry.
Tapestry is the online learning journal we use to share photos/videos and observations of your child in the early years. Parents should all have received an activation email to your child's account. Please activate your account if you have not done so already. As well as staff posting observations, parents can post photos/videos/comments of your child to show their experiences, progress and achievements. We will also post messages and useful information on Tapestry, so please be sure to log in to your account regularly.
Reception Baseline Assessment
You may have heard through the news and other media, that our current Reception children will take part in the Reception Baseline Assessment. This will take part within the first six weeks of your child joining Reception. The process is carried out by your child's class teacher in a practical way. Please read through the attached document by the Department for Education which explains the process and reasoning behind it. There will certainly be nothing to worry about!
Please see the link below for further curriculum information in Nursery and Reception.
Settling In
We are so proud of how well our new Reception children have settled in to school life at Springfield!
They have explored both the indoor and outdoor provision and started to make new friends. Our focus has been on new routines and rules, including our golden rules for the classroom and our carpet rules. We have enjoyed singing in the hall with our music teacher, Mrs Curzon and eaten our lunches in the dining room.
Photos of each specific class will be in the class stars below.