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Year 6 22/23

Thank you to all Year 6 for your gifts!

With a special mention to Joseph Goodyer for his gift of the next book in my favourite series!


Last days on The MUGA...

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Year 6 End of Year Arrangements

  • The children have been allocated roles in two casts: A & B (please ask your child which cast they are in).
  • Cast A will perform on Tuesday 18th July at 1:45pm and Thursday 20th July at 7pm.
  • Cast B will perform on Tuesday 18th July at 7pm and Thursday 20th July at 1:45pm.


Dress rehearsal will be Monday 17th July for both casts. Costumes need to be in a bag, in school by Friday 14th


The Leavers' Assembly will be held on the school field Wednesday 26th July at 2pm.

Plotting The Links In Holes

Year 6 Homework Week 1 & 2

Learn all of your lines, ready to scriptless by week 3!

Post-SATs Problem Solving

Further Bikeability Options

British Science Week

Today we were lucky to have a visit from Sahar, the parent of a Year 1 child at school. She works in genetic testing for a company who develop different PCR tests in the medical industry. She kindly explained her job and her pathway in science. This linked to our previous topic on inheritance and evolution. We learnt a lot and asked lots of great questions - thanks Sahar!

Liberty Gymnastics

Lilia Arial

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Andrew Rope Climb

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Martha Chest Roll

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Democracy Class Assembly

Y6 Democracy performed a superb and hilarious class assembly. They told the story of WW2, examining the causes back to WW1 and the impact on different people including the Jews and Anne Frank. Well done everyone!

Liberty Class Assembly

Y6 Liberty performed a brilliant and funny class assembly all about the history of British monarchs! From the Magna Carta to the Jubilee Party. Well done everyone! 

Science TASC: Can you use stop-motion animation to show the process of fossilisation or evolution?

Today, we were put into groups and set a project to show our learning from our last science unit: Evolution and Inheritance. We will be working together to create a stop-motion animation video. To start this project, we planned out our ideas using storyboards. We can’t wait to start making next week!

Long Division QR Codes

Today in maths we practised our long division method in pairs. We moved around the school to find the calculations and used QR Codes to check our answers!

Computing: Spreadsheets

This half term, we have been learning to build spreadsheets. We have learnt to use different formulae to solve problems.

Evolution and adaption

Pattern seeking

In science we have been learning about evolution and how species adapt to their environment over time. To investigate this we all decorated lolly sticks that were our ‘prey’ hidden on the school field. As we (the predators) found them, we stuck them down to see if there was a pattern in the order that they were discovered. As you can see, the brightly coloured ones were found first and the green/brown ones were more difficult to find because they were camouflaged in their ‘environment’ - three sticks are still out on the field somewhere!

We had a great time at Crucial Crew, learning how to stay safe in a range of places and situations. Did you know you can get a criminal record from the age of 10? Do you know you still need to use the green cross code even if the green man is showing at a crossing? Also, that vapes contain lead, nickel and even fertilizer! 

Computing: Spreadsheets

We used Purple Mash to create a spreadsheet. We learned how to format cells and input formulas to complete calculations!

History: Ancient Civilisations - Learning about inventions and technology

We enjoyed learning about inventions and technology in early civilisations. We couldn’t believe how long telescopes and toilets have been around for!

History: Ancient Civilisations - Learning about trade

As part of our learning about Ancient Civilisations, we discovered the early trading secrets of the Sumerians. We loved bartering and striking deals - some of us were too nice, while others should be on the Junior Apprentice! 

Research Using Secondary Sources

Fossilisation Game

Today in science, we started our new topic: Evolution and Adaptation. We learnt about extinction and endangerment, with some examples we already knew and some that were surprising to us. Next, we learnt about the fossilisation process and played a game to learn more about the process and what can prevent fossilisation.

Unity Bridges

Democracy Bridges

Liberty Bridges

Christmas Tree Maths

What is Happening in Week 7

D&T: Design Phase

Today we learnt to draw side elevations, front elevations and plan views. Our task was to design a bridge strong enough to survive an air attack. We combined different types of bridges to create our own.

Christmas Elves

D&T: Bridges Focused Task

Today we have learnt about why bridges were important in WWII and about different bridge types - many in our local area. Then we were given eight art straws and we had a competition to see which pair could create the strongest bridge structure.

Christmas Disco!

Absolute Scenes...

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Unity completed buzzer games

Democracy Finished Buzzer Games

Purple Mash Computing

D&T: Electric Buzzer Games

We have been using the circuit knowledge we gained from our science work to create electric buzzer games! The best from each class will run a stall with them at the Christmas fair.

We enjoyed a fantastic learning experience at IWMN! The children were immaculately behaved and completed the guided activities to get the most out of the exhibitions. Who knew mustard gas smelled so bad and how did they get tanks and a harrier jump jet inside the building!?

Battle of Britain

As part of our WW2 History, we learned about why the Battle of Britain is a significant event in British History! 

English: Quest Story Paired Write

In English today, we worked in pairs to continue a story from an extract we read. We had to use the language and content features we have been learning.

Science: Comparative & Fair Testing

Today in science we used the knowledge and understanding we learned from our work on the circulatory system to investigate heart rate. We used practical investigation to answer the question: which exercise affects heart rate the most? 
We used fair testing, measuring, recording, predicting and concluding.

Happy Diwali!

Some of the children in Year 6 will be celebrating Diwali next week. They created a presentation to tell us all about the special celebration. Kindly, they also brought in special objects and traditional Indian desserts for us to try - delicious!

Explaining the origins of Diwali

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Walton Park Air Crash Memorial

On Monday 17th October, Year 6 attended the unveiling of the memorial for the 1943 air crash in Walton Park. Hundreds of people were present including service men from the RAF, the Australian Air Force, the mayor of Trafford and many other local dignitaries. The unveiling was filmed for ITV News - with Will and Florence being interviewed! Well done Y6, you were brilliantly behaved and very respectful. 

DT Food & Nutrition 

We have started using chopping and mixing skills to make the curry recipes we designed!

Democracy Group 3

Democracy Group 2

Democracy Group 1

Reading Journals

To show our comprehension of our home reading books, we create a reading journal. After we have read a chapter, we choose two tasks from our task menu and build up a double-page spread to show our journey through a book.

D&T: Food and Nutrition 

For our D&T unit on food and nutrition, we will be designing and making vegetable curries for a Diwali or Eid celebration. We started today by tasting a range of different curries our teachers prepared. We evaluated them for taste, smell, appearance, texture and overall using a spider web evaluator.

Badminton: Dropshots and lunges Democracy


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Liberty Badminton

Ghost Story Editing

Today in English, we have been looking at ways to improve our first draft. To help us look for specific areas for improvement, we visited eight different “Editing Stations” with a different focus at each one!

Liberty Editing

Computing: Can you use coding to design a retro video game?

Today we looked at a very old video game: Pong. We have identified the key elements of the game and used this as inspiration for our own games. Next, we came up with other themes we could use to create the game.

Editing and Improving Our Writing

Editing and Improving

We are excited to write our ghost stories! Today we worked with different partners to improve our vocabulary and sentence openers as well as edit our punctuation! 

Badminton Lesson 2: Footwork and Grip Change

Today we have been progressing our badminton skills by improving our footwork and also changing quickly between forehand and backhand grip positions. We worked in pairs to practise and also worked on our aim using targets in key areas of the court.



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Lolly Stick Maths Problem

How many sticks are in the 10th row? How many sticks are there altogether? We used a range of strategies including modelling, times tables, teamwork and pattern spotting to find the solutions! 

Badminton Week 1: Forehand and Backhand Grip Change



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Addition Reasoning

Welcome To Year 6!
We have made a great start in our new classes and have been refreshing our school values as a piece of art. 


At Springfield we care, learn and achieve together
