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Year 1 22/23

Robin Class:


To my wonderful Robin children, I have had such fun this year teaching you and watching each of you continue to grow and shine just like the superstars you all are. I am so so so lucky to be following you into Year 2 and to carry on working with you. You are all going to be just incredible and you deserve a summer filled with fun and love. To the Robin grown-ups, a huge thanks for your generous gifts, kind messages and overall incredible support this year. This class would not be what it is without all of us as a team! Thank you everyone and I will see you in September! Let’s go and rock Year 2! Miss Rundle. Xxx

A HUGE thank you from all the staff in year 1 for our fabulous gifts, messages, cards and thoughts.  We hope you have a wonderful break and look forward to hearing about your adventures when you return in September.  Stay safe and be good!



To our gorgeous Starlings!  We will miss you so much!  What a special class you are.  Thank you for the smiles, the fun and learning. We are very lucky to have had you for a year and what generous gifts! Thank you it is so nice of you all!


Goodbye and Good Luck 

Mrs G and Mrs H

Gorgeous Goldfinches!

Thank you to all my lovely Goldfinches. You are my last Year 1 class and I will remember each and everyone of you. You are all very special and you will LOVE year 2. 

Thank you to all the parents and carers for the kind wishes, cards and gifts. It's always strange when you begin to pick up on the other playground, I will miss seeing you all.

Mrs Newel xx

Passionate Protectors of the Environment!

We have been talking about how we can be 'Passionate Protectors of the Environment' at Springfield!  Please listen to and enjoy the song and learn the Poem at home.  The children will be sharing it with Reception Children next week.

Starlings enjoyed their fourth Forest School session this Tuesday:

Design Technology. The children have used their knowledge of materials and developing skills to design and make chairs for baby bear. They have all done a fantastic job!

Changeable weather conditions

Please can all children bring a raincoat into school every day. The weather is very changeable and we like to get the children outside, even if it is drizzling. 
Please also ensure your child has a water bottle for sports day too. 


If you are available to help walk down to Crossford Bridge for our Sports Day on Tuesday afternoon 4th July please email  We need some support to help walk all 90 children down the canal.  We are leaving school at 12.30pm.


Year 1 Robin have created their own pigs in Art as we explore different materials in our current topic!

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Today a small group of girls took part in a Disney inspired football festival at Wellfield Primary School. The girls walked to the event then took part in a variety of small games based on Disney books.

Another fantastic forest schools session. Thank you Grip Andrew! Marshmallows were tasty!

Wheelie Disco next Friday

Dear Year One parents,


On Friday 23rd June the Year One children are going to take part in a 'Wheelie Disco' on the school playground.  This is a well done for all their hard work recently especially in their phonic screening.  

Children are invited to bring to school their scooter, bike, buggy, skateboard or whatever they wish that has wheels.  They should still be wearing their school uniform.  

When the children come to school Robins should store their 'wheels' in the bike shed on the Reception playground.

Starling and Goldfinch class will push their 'wheels' through school and store them in our outdoor area.  

We will have the 'Wheelie disco' on the school playground with music and a cold treat.

Many Thanks,


Year One Team

Science - exploring materials. Which materials would you use to build the 3 little pigs house?

A wet forest schools - but we still managed to explore and collect nature treasure. Well done Starlings.

Welcome Back!

We hope you have all had an enjoyable 2 week break. We cannot wait to welcome the children back. A couple of reminders:

  • Starling class will have Forest School  every Tuesday. They need to wear their PE kit and will need footwear appropriate to the weather.
  • The Phonics Screening check will take place this week (Information for parents can be found below). We will report your child's score in the end of year report.
  • Tuesday 13th June is the "Fathers' Day Markets"- you should have had an email from the PTA and pay on parentpay if you want your child to participate.
  • PE will continue to be Tuesday and Wednesday each week.
  • Sports day is 4th July, at Crossford Bridge.

Thanks Year 1 Team



This half term we have discussed which colours are warm colours and which are cold. We looked at art by famous artists and discussed which colours we thought were featured in these.  
The children shared which were their favourite pictures and why.

After sorting some inspirational pictures into what we thought showed hot and cold colours we stuck them on two different pages. Then we looked at a colour wheel and explored these colours in our sketch books using water colours.

We then created a hot and a cold colour wash.  The children had to share equipment and work carefully with other children on their table. The colours had to blend into one another and they learnt about how the different amounts of water would affect the shade of colour used.

Finally using pictures as inspiration and considering the typical landscape in these hot and cold places we drew onto our colour washes using chalk, charcoal and pastels. Some of these were done on our wonderful art bus. 

Robin Class visit the Art Bus!

Phonics Screening Check

After the half term holiday, the Year 1 children will take the Phonics Screening Check. Please find below some information for parents about the check. This is a narrated PowerPoint, you will need to play slide show to be able to hear a narration over the top. We do not make a big deal of this check and call it a "Purple Booklet". The children have been working towards this from the moment they started RWInc and they should not feel worried. 
If you have any questions about the check, then please ask your child's class teacher at home-time. We will report the results in the report in July.

🌎 In Geography we have been learning the names and location of the different continents.
The children have also identified the equator on a map along with the North and South Pole. 🌎

This song has really helped our learning…


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Year 1 Robin Reading Books 


Year 1 Parents/Guardians, 


Please don't worry that your child is coming home without a reading book tonight. I have taken them all in and will pass on two new reading books for the week to all children tomorrow.

Many thanks, 

Miss Rundle :) 

Happy Coronation Weekend!

We have had a lovely day celebrating the King’s coronation. Enjoy your bank holiday weekend!


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Friday coronation party

Children can wear red, white and blue or dress as a prince or princess, king or queen tomorrow for our coronation party. Don’t forget to bring your crowns as well!


Today in Dance we used a Spring poem to develop 12 counts of our ‘Spring’ motif.  We listened carefully to the poem and we were creative with our movements.  We moved safely in space taking care of ourselves and others.  


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Gem from Swashbuckle set the year one children a challenge this week. She hid treasure around school. The children had to use the map they had drawn of school to find the treasure


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Following looking at and discussing different types of maps the children practised drawing maps of their table.
They then drew one of their classroom and then one of the infant part of school.

Well done to everyone who drew a map of their bedroom.
If you’re still to do so please bring it in next week so we can add it to your map book.

They look great!

Goldfinch forest school session 2

Early multiplication: Making equal groups in maths

Homework - crown homework due 5th May



On Monday 24th April, your child will be visiting GRIP Adventure in Sale as part of our Geography learning. 


Your child needs to wear: 


Warm clothing as we will be working in the adventure cave and taking a trip down the canal on the barge. 

Trainers or sports footwear that your child will be comfortable to walk in all day. 

Waterproof jacket/coat for potential rainy weather. 


PACKED LUNCH in a DISPOSABLE bag so that your child can get rid of any rubbish after they have eaten. 


Many thanks, 


Miss Rundle

Further Grip trips

Starling class are going on Wednesday 26 th April and goldfinch will now be going on Thursday 4th May. Please ensure you have given consent on parent pay. We are unable to take children out of school without consent. 
We do not need any parent helpers for our trips thank you. 

Goldfinch on their Forest Schools session. Fantastic behaviour and they absolutely loved it.

DT food- design, make and evaluate a healthy dipping platter to enjoy with my teddy at a teddy bear’s picnic 

Our DT project concluded with our teddy bear’s picnic on Friday. After making our platters we joined together in the hall (thanks to the weather) and enjoyed our dipping platters. We are so impressed with the skills the children have learnt during our project and the end results were fab!


We also had an Easter egg hunt on the garden. 

We hope all of our families have a super Easter break and we look forward to welcoming the children back in Monday 17th April. 
After half term:

P.E. will still be on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Goldfinch class will have forest school on a Tuesday morning and our trips to Grip adventure will take place in the second week of the summer term. Please let your class teacher know if you can help as we do need parent helpers for each class and have only received a couple of volunteers so far.

Robin Forest School Sessions: Making Bird Feeders

Design Technology

In DT we are going to be designing and making a vegetable and fruit platter.  In preparation for this today we practised peeling, cutting and grating fruits and vegetables using foods provided by Tesco in Sale.  In the coming week we will look at healthy eating, we will design our own fruit and vegetable platter then put our ideas and plans together with our friends to design a group platter.  On Friday we will prepare these platters then we will enjoy them at our Easter picnic.  
Please can the children bring in their favourite teddy bear next Friday for our picnic.  
We would really appreciate a 50p donation towards buying the fruits and vegetables for this.  Thank you!

Other Activities From Week 5

In P.E., Goldfinch and Starlings have been learning how to skip with a skipping rope. In Maths, we have begun to look at comparing lengths and heights and measuring using non-standard measures and moving to centimetres.


Robin class will have their last forest school session this week. After the holidays it will be Goldfinch class. Information will be sent to you via email. We will also be going on our Geography trip with Grip adventure on the 24th, 26th and 27th April. A letter will be with you this week with all the information needed.

Science Week

On Monday we welcomed a parent from Reception who talked to the children about materials and how she uses Science in her job. She showed us an experiment which demonstrates how a nappy works and turns liquid into a solid.


On Friday, the children carried out their own experiments. We put carnations into water with food colouring in it and are eagerly looking forward to seeing if they have changed over the weekend. We also created a “rain cloud in a jar,” to show how it rains. It was fun to do some hands on Scientific experiments.

World Book Day - Book Swap!!!

What a busy week we’ve had!

We have continued learning about plants and trees in Science this week. The children made zigzag books about wild and common flowers, they made their own jigsaws and observed the seeds that we have planted.

in Maths, we have been comparing objects and numbers to 50. In PSHE, we have been learning about the importance of hand washing by conducting an experiment with glitter to see how quickly germs can spread if we don’t wash our hands. 

Don’t forget to book your parents evening appointments if you haven’t already.

Robin Forest School

#embraceequality on International Women’s Day 2023

Robin Class Assembly

Being Botanists! Observing and comparing trees in our garden. Which are deciduous and which are evergreen?

Starling Assembly

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When i grow up i want to be...
The class assembly video will be on Springfield YouTube account. We will add a link when it is uploaded.

Welcome back to the Spring Term

We hope you have all had a relaxing break and we are looking forward to welcoming the children back this week. 
It’s going to be another busy half term!
Here are a few reminders:
Wednesday 22nd February - Starling class assembly at 2:30pm in the hall. Parents are welcome.  Only four children require costumes.  We have spoken to these children's parents, if we haven't spoken to you please send your child to school in their school uniform for the assembly.  
Wednesday 1st March - Robin class assembly 2:30pm. Parents are welcome.


Robin class are doing forest school every Tuesday- please see details below and email for what to bring. 

PE will be every Tuesday - due to the class assemblies children will only need to wear PE kit on Wednesdays from 8th March. 

KS1 disco is Thursday 2nd March 5:30-6:30pm- please see email from the PTA. 

Parents evenings will be 21st- 23rd March.

Please bring in a clear jam jar for 23rd February for Science.


This half term we will be continuing our RWInc program- consolidating our knowledge of set 3 sounds and building fluency as we read.

In Maths we are learning about numbers to 50 and counting in groups of 2s, 5s and 10s.

In Science we will be learning about plants and trees and looking at how the seasons are changing as we move into Spring.

We will complete our food topic in design and technology. 

Robin Forest School 


Tuesday 21st February Robin Class ONLY will be beginning their forest school learning in the school garden. This will be from 21/2/23 - 21/3/23. You should have already received an email containing information about this. Please send your child to school in their PE kit. Please ensure they have a waterproof coat and bring wellington boots in a named plastic bag. 


Starling and Goldfinch children will have P.E. as normal at school and should continue to come to school in their kits. They are NOT completing their forest school learning yet. 


Many thanks! 

Robin Class Assembly


Wednesday 1st March will be our Class Assembly. Your child should have come home with their lines and the following letter attached. Please read for any information you may require. 



Dear Parents and Carers,


Your child has been given a set of lines to practise for our Class Assembly. It would be greatly appreciated if they could please practise their lines often with a friend or family member in order to make sure that they are familiar with what they need to say. Please keep these in your child’s bag as we will be practising them in school.


Our theme is St. David’s Day. Please could your child also bring a green/red/white top, jumper or dress (and dark leggings/trousers/skirt). This is to represent the colours of the flag of Wales. Please could these be brought in by Wednesday 22nd February. If your child is a robber or Dillwyn the Dragon, please do not send any clothes in for them. We have those outfits in school.


Your help is greatly appreciated and we hope you are able to join us for this special occasion on the 1st March at 2:30pm in the school hall. The gates to the main playground will be opened for you to enter near the dining room.


Kindest regards,


Miss Rundle



Our assembly is on Wednesday 22nd February at 2.30pm.  You will be informed if your child needs a costume. Lines on card have now been put in their book bags - please encourage your child to have fun learning them! Thank you if you have already started practising!  You are all welcome at the assembly in the hall.  We will also video the assembly if you cannot make it. 


Goldfinch Assembly is this Wednesday at 2.30pm.

SPELLINGS HOMEWORK - It seems we have been set Year 2 spellings by accident.  Please don't complete these spellings.  Your spellings are red words and teen numbers to practise.  Thank you. 

Starling class had their first art lesson on the art bus today. They used the printing they had done with Fiona to create an owl collage

Please can you send in a clean jam jar to help us observe plants over time. The children will be planting different seeds and monitoring how they grow and change. The jam jars need to be in school for 23rd February.

Goldfinch Assembly

Just a reminder, please can children bring in their costumes by Monday 6th February at the very latest. 


Keep practising your lines at home.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to share our assembly on Wednesday 8th February at 2:30pm. 



Copy of letter to parents:

Dear Parents and Carers,


Your child has been given a set of lines to practise for our Class Assembly. It would be greatly appreciated if they could please practise their lines often with a friend or family member in order to make sure that they are familiar with what they need to say. Please keep these in your child’s bag as we will be practising them in school.


Our theme is Chinese or Lunar New Year. Please could your child also bring a red top, jumper or dress (and dark leggings/trousers/skirt). Please could these be brought in by Thursday 2nd February. If your child is an animal or the Jade Emperor, we will provide a mask (unless you have an outfit at home, please do not buy anything new).


Your help is greatly appreciated and we hope you are able to join us for this special occasion on the 8th February at 2:30pm in the school hall. The gates to the main playground will be opened for you to enter near the dining room.


Kindest regards,


Mrs Newell

Goldfinch class owls artwork

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As January comes to an end, we have been singing our favourite January song...

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In History we have been learning about significant people, we have looked in depth at Mrs Spencer who was the Headteacher here.  We have chatted about the different ways we learn about the past.  We learnt more about Mrs Spencer from people whom she worked with and taught.  We asked them questions and watched a video clip.

Please check out children's writing from home sent into us via email.  Great to share, thank you!  

Here are our writing targets we are working on this term in school. 

Art with Fi Smith our community Artist

Happy snow day ❄️


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From History Detectives to Artists

This afternoon we went from being History detectives looking for evidence of school being old, to Artists drawing an old part of school.


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We hope your children came home and told you all about their Gymnastics lesson. They learnt how to use the equipment had a short amount of time exploring. They will continue to use the equipment for the whole of this half term. Here is a short video so you can see what they had/will have the opportunity to use and learn to perform on.

P.E.  Please wear shorts under jogging bottoms for your P.E. kit on Wednesdays.  Thank you. 
For now these can be of any colour however we ask that by the start of February your child is wearing navy blue shorts for PE as per the school PE policy.

Happy New Year!

We cannot wait to see the children on Wednesday 4th January and hope you have all had a restful break.

Some reminders for the Spring Term.

P.E. days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Children will need to wear their PE kit on Wednesday 4th January. 

Class assemblies start at the end of this half term with Year 1 Goldfinch on Wednesday 8th February in the afternoon. Parents can come to watch in the hall (Time TBC). 

Starling class assembly- Wednesday 22nd February

Robin Class Assembly- Wednesday 1st March

Year 1 Robin D.T. Christmas Cards

A DT Christmas treat for you all

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In DT we explored books, toys and Christmas cards that had moving parts. We learnt and practised making simple sliders that move up and down and side to side. We also learnt how to make a lever using a split pin. We then designed using recycled paper our own Christmas cards involving either a lever or a slider. This week we have made them using card and our very best drawing skills. We are so proud of our work. You’ll love seeing them when we send them home to you.

Photographs from our Christmas Show

On Friday we took part in a Santa dash. We ran around the track as many times as possible.

Library Books

Please ensure your school library books are returned before the end of term.  Thank you. 

Token Treat

The children have worked fantastically to receive all of their class tokens. Our token treat will be on Friday 16th December in the afternoon. We will be holding a movie afternoon- we will provide the children with a little treat. 



Homework continues - see homework star.

Visit to St. Paul's Church 


As part of our R.E. learning that has explored the question 'Who is a Christian and what do they believe?' we have organised a visit to St. Paul's Church next door to school. It will be in the afternoon of Wednesday 7th December. This is free of charge and adults have been organised by school staff. Any questions please contact your child's teacher. Thank you!

Upcoming Dates

Please can we have final costumes in for Friday 2nd December 


Friday 2nd December- Christmas fair- own/festive/party clothes

Monday 5th December - Nativity dress rehearsal 

Tuesday 6th- Nativity for parents at 2pm in the hall- tickets are required. There will be NO PE this day.

Wednesday 7th December- Christmas lunch

Friday 9th December- nativity for parents at 9:30am in the hall

Tuesday 13th December- year 1 and 2 party- clothes arrangements to be confirmed

Wednesday 14th December -afternoon trip to the Waterside- uniforms required

Friday 16th December- toy day and end of term 

We had a wonderful time at the Christmas Fair. Thank you to our amazing PTA and all the parents who made it possible.

Christmas Fair information

Amazing Animals!

We welcomed Lyndsay Hunter from Animals Take Over this afternoon who brought in some of her special animals to conclude our Science topic.

The children were able to see, hold and learn about real animals from 4 out of the 5 animal classifications we have been learning about- mammals, reptiles, amphibians and birds, unluckily, fish don't travel well in a car!! 

Class Fund

Just a little reminder about our class fund.  This is a voluntary contribution that comes in to school to support all the additional resources we use to inspire and bring our curriculum to life.  If you can, we ask for 20p a day.  Your child can bring it in and pop it in the class fund pot.  Every little helps!  We appreciate it so much.  Thank you. 

Christmas Play Costumes

Your child will be bringing home a letter with details for the Christmas Play costumes. 

We do not want parents to have to buy a new outfit so we are trying to keep the costumes as straight forward as possible. 

The hall gets very hot so short sleeves and trousers are best.

For "Characters" (eg Angels, Mary, Kings), we have obtained some costumes and will let you know if you need to provide anything as soon as possible. We have fitted some costumes for the children, so if you do not hear from us, we have sorted your costume.

Please see below information for flags and colours.

Fantastic Science and P.E in Year 1!


We have been learning about animal classifications in Science: categorising them as reptiles, amphibians, mammals, birds and fish. We have also been exploring what animals eat and have learnt new scientific language including 'carnivore', 'herbivore' and 'omnivore'.


In P.E., we have been working on our throwing and catching skills and beginning to apply these skills into team games. 


We have also had a special visitor Miss Copley from MGL who worked with us as part of our Computing. We learnt about how important it is to give exact and specific instructions to the computer. 

Parents’ Evening This Week

Parents’ evening is this Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. You should have your appointment time. If you haven’t please contact your teacher and they can tell you which slots are still free.  
We are looking forward to welcoming you all back into school. Parents and carers will  need to enter school through the office and make your way down to year 1. Keep walking down the main corridor into the old building. Starling class is first on the right, for Robin you will need to turn left before the hall and it is the first classroom on the left and for Goldfinch class, walk all the way down the main corridor, past Starlings, the hall and you will find it on the right just after the corridor to reception. 
You will have the opportunity to look at your child’s books and your teacher will tell you how your child has settled into year 1 and how they are doing. Your appointment will last 10 minutes.

Christmas Play Rehearsals

The children have been rehearsing for "Children of the World" all week. Please can you ensure that you are practising your child's lines with them so that they know them off by heart. It is really important that they practise saying their lines clearly so that they can be heard from the back of the hall.


There is a letter coming about performances- Year 1 will  be performing in the afternoon on Tuesday 6th December and in the morning on Friday 9th December. Parents and carers will be able to have 2 tickets to see one of the performances, in the school hall. 

What A Super First Week Back!


The children have had a super start to the 2nd Autumn half term. We were so pleased to hear they had all had a restful and fun half term holiday.


Christmas Play

We are now getting ready for our Christmas Play, "Children of the World." We have sent home your child's lines to learn for homework this week. Please keep the lines in your child's bag when not practising as they will need them in school for our rehearsals.

Please see homework star for this weeks homework. 

Happy Diwali! The children who celebrated Diwali over the school holidays were excited to share their experiences with the other children today. You all looked wonderful! 

End of the First Half of the Autumn term

The children have settled in beautifully to Year One. They have adapted well to their new classrooms, teachers and routines. We are really proud of all their achievements this half term.

This week we have continued our learning about the past through art. The children have sketched portraits of their grandparents then made their faces out of clay. Many of the children have played with old fashioned toys and learnt how to play some new games.

In gymnastics we have been performing sequences including balances on different numbers of body parts. The children have learnt to travel in different ways, in different directions and on different parts of their bodies. They have been learning to perform log rolls, teddy bear rolls, straight leg jumps and much more.

Thank you for your continued support and encouragement!

We hope you have a lovely half term with your children, enjoy playing, reading and getting out in the outdoors!



Please see the Homework star icon for further information regarding any homework. 

Exploring the Past! 

This week we were lucky enough to have some of the children’s grandparents come into our classrooms to share their experiences of being a child. We were fascinated to see how life was different when they were a child and compared it to how we live now. Thank you to the grandparents who came to visit us and share their stories. 

Fantastic Week Five in Year 1! 

This week we have been super busy filling our minds with so much new learning! We have been thinking about the past and the present in History through exploring toys from the past and looking at Springfield a very long time ago to compare it to school today. In Computing we have been exploring how to create an animated book using Purple Mash on our iPads. We added sound and movement to our animations! Finally, in PE we have been practising our catching and throwing skills through a range of team games and developing our listening skills. Go Team One! 

Throwing, catching and retrieval skills!

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Read Write Inc. Writing 


This week in Read Write Inc., Miss Rundle’s group have been reading the Gingerbread Man story book. We have worked hard all week to read the story fluently, think about the story and finally write a recount of the story. After all our hard work Mrs Newell came to visit and told us we had a surprise delivery! Our very own gingerbread men…Yum! 

Home Reading

Please see the reading star for hints and tips on home-reading.


In Science, we’ve been exploring the human body. We have learnt all about the different senses and which body parts they are linked to. 

Homework for this weekend

Please log into Oxford Owl and read your assigned RWInc Book. 

Welcome Powerpoint

Our Year 1 Welcome powerpoint is now on Microsoft Teams. Please see below information for how to log in and your login is in your child's reading record. Please DO NOT change the password! 

This is a narrated PowerPoint so please press play on the slide show to hear our comments. 


Welcome to Year 1!

The Year 1 team cannot wait to welcome our new children on Monday 5th September.

We will spend the week settling the children in and getting them used to our Year 1 routines.


P.E. will begin in the week commencing 12th September and will be on a Tuesday and Wednesday. Children will need to come into school in their P.E. kit.


Communication- Welcome Powerpoint coming...

We have prepared a "welcome" powerpoint which we will be sharing with parents by the end of next week on Microsoft Teams. The Year 1 children will bring home their Teams log-in next week in their reading record. The powerpoint has been narrated by the team so you can hear our commentary on the information being given.

If, in the meantime, you need to speak to your class teacher, please speak to them at home-time. 

First Day in Year 1 Robin... The children were a joy to have and transitioned so well into our Year 1 learning environment. Well done!

Meet the Year 1 Team....

From Left to right:  Mrs Gardner (Starling- Mon-Wed), Mrs Newell (Goldfinch), Miss Rundle (Robin), Mrs Carroll (Y1 TA), Miss Ryan (Y1 TA), Mrs Houston (Starling- Wed- Fri).

The School Day

Children will enter school through the main door on the reception playground. A member of the Year 1 team will be there each morning to take any quick messages. 

The doors will open at 8:40 and will close promptly at 8:50 for registration at 8:50 and lessons will begin at 9am. 

At Springfield we care, learn and achieve together
