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2020 - 2021 Year 6

Algebra Fun!

Today Mrs Baxter's and Mrs Taylor's maths groups had fun with a game of 'Solve the Equation', trying to be the first in their group to get four in a row by solving the algebraic equations. A great effort from everyone in applying their knowledge and understanding of algebra! Well done!

Editing Stations: Treasure Island 

Today we used editing stations to improve the first draft of our Treasure Island stories. Each station has a different focus for editing. Some we do in pairs and some individually. It helps to have just one area for improvement on each table and we have really uplevelled our writing!

long Division QR Codes

Mr Stanley’s maths set have been practising long division and going on a hunt using QR codes to crack the code and find the answers!

Mrs Baxter and Mrs Taylor's maths groups have been applying their understanding of rotation to creat some stunning geometric art pieces!

British Science Week


Year 6 celebrated British Science Week with a light investigation. After learning about the laws of refraction and reflection, they constructed a mirror maze to navigate a beam of light around corners and obstacles to reach a target! 

Y6 enjoyed using their long division skills to crack the code! Great team work and fast maths!


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Investigating Nets

​​​​​​​Mr Stanley’s maths set have been learning about 3D shapes and their nets. Today we had to find pairs of shapes which matched to make a net - it was a lot harder than it initially seemed!

Climate Change Around The World

We have been learning about the effects climate change can have on the lives of people around the world. Moving around the room in pairs, we read stories from real people coping with the effects of a change in the climate where they live. We had to identify the big problem but also the day to day problems these cause in people’s lives. 

In Maths, we’ve been working on co-ordinates and WOW- there have been so many superstar learners! Drawing graphs, plotting co-ordinates in all for quadrants and solving tricky problems have really made us wobble! It is so great to be back in the classroom and enjoying fantastic activities!

Welcome Back Cricket With Toby

What a difference 8 weeks makes! Last time we were here it was snowing! Welcome back Year 6, it’s great to see everyone!

Learning at Home


Our 'Home Learning Platform' is Microsoft TEAMs so we will now be delivering the children's learning through TEAMs and you can use it to contact us.  If you have any problems accessing your TEAMs account please contact us via the Year Group email 


In addition to your TEAMs Home Learning we have several other learning websites that your children are familiar with to assist with their learning.


English Links

Spelling Shed

Your child will have a login for this website which will be in their Homework Diary.

Children can play spelling games, based on the Year 5 spelling objectives (Stage 5 on Spelling shed).



You will have your home reading book to practise. Please read as often as possible.

You can also complete activities in your Reading Journal - examples of which are on the Homework page.

Online we use "Read Theory" to support reading and comprehension skills. Your child will have a login for this in their Homework Diary.


Maths Links


We use our own weekly plans for Maths but supplement with White Rose and Classroom secrets.

Here is the link to the White Rose Maths home-learning. Your child's teacher will let you know which week we are working on. 



In Year 5, the children are required to know all of the times tables off by heart. They need to have a ‘quick’ recall of these number facts. We therefore recommend for each student to use TTRockstars to improve their recall time.


Top marks

This website has lots of number games for the children to play on:


Additional Links for General Learning

BBC Bitesize and Oak Academy are also great for stand alone lessons in a variety of subjects.


Purple Mash


Classroom Secrets

Additional home learning resources from Reading to Maths and PSHCE

Liberty War Medals

Democracy Dance-Off

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Unity Christmas Party Fun!

Liberty Christmas Party Fun!

Liberty Musical Chairs!

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Liberty Musical Chairs

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Liberty Musical Chairs

Still image for this video

Christmas Maths

Today we worked in pairs to solve these Christmas tree puzzles!

WABOLL: What a bad one looks like!

In English this week we are writing part of Anne Frank’s diary. In order to achieve the purpose and audience of our writing, we looked at a bad example of what one could look like. We worked in pairs to highlight mistakes and areas for improvement. Then we rewrote a part by up-levelling vocabulary, punctuation, sentence structure and spelling.


The Holocaust 

As part of our study of World War II, we have been learning About how Jews were treated by The Nazis. We looked at examples of propaganda and primary sources from that time which show this. To demonstrate our knowledge, we wrote a postcard from Auschwitz as a Jewish prisoner.


Science: Investigating Circuits

Today we were given several circuit diagrams and predicted whether they would work or not. Then we made the circuits out of wires, cells, buzzers and bulbs to see if our predictions were correct!

Anne Frank website link



Computing: Retro Video Games

This half term we are using Scratch to code our own versions of the retro video game 'Pong'. We wrote code for three sprites to act as paddles and a ball, and also included a score counter. Have a look at the games we created. 

Design Technology: Can you design and build a bridge that can withstand an air attack?

As part of our World War II topic, we studied and learnt about why bridges were key to battle strategy. In particular, we learnt about the bridge at Remagen in Germany which was so strong it withstood attempts to destroy it. We are going to learn design and woodwork skills to build our own bridges.

Democracy Making Phase

Democracy Evaluation Phase

Y6 Liberty performed a brilliant class assembly as part of our learning about the British Monarchs. From King John to Queen Elizabeth II, we travelled back in time to find out what their biggest achievements were and if they had an impact on our lives today. There was certainly a lot to learn about - and a little bit of fun too!

PTA Cup Raffle

Well done and thank you to everybody who took part in the design-a-cup competition! There were some amazing entries this year - really creative!


Computing: Networks, HTML & Fake News

Today we learnt about our LAN (year 6 pupils know what this stands for!) and how it works in school. We also learnt the difference between the internet and the worldwide web - which we hadn’t thought of before!

As part of our learning about the worldwide web, we looked at html and began to use html tags to create web pages. Finally, we used x-ray goggles to remix html tags on web pages to create fake news. This brought us on to a conversation about fake news and how we need to use critical thinking when finding news from internet sources.

Science TASC: Can you design an evidence-based exercise programme to achieve a physical goal?

As part of our Science we have been learning about the circulatory system. We are applying our new knowledge into a real life scenario - to design a fitness plan! We have practised a wide range of exercises to see which ones get our pulses racing! Our extensive knowledge of PE with Joe Wicks really helped us out!

Editing Stations!

Having finished writing the first draft of our ghost story, we needed to edit our work to identify any errors and make improvements. We created eight different editing stations with a different writing focus on each One. Moving around the stations, we have edited our work - ready for publishing tomorrow!

Spooky Covers for our Ghastly Ghost Stories

Reading Journals 

To document our reading and show our understanding of the books we are reading, we have created Reading Journals. After we finish reading a chapter of our book, we choose two or three activities from the activity sheet and build up a double-page presentation. Here are some amazing examples of works in progress! Well done everybody in Year 6 for embracing this new way of showing our reading!

Liberty Reading Journals

Science: The Heart

Today we put what we learnt about the heart into practice. Using dissection, we identified the main parts of the heart: aorta, pulmonary artery, atria and ventricles. It was daunting for some of us but we persevered and explored our previous thoughts and learning about the heart in a practical way.

Science: The Blood

This week, we have been learning about the blood. We looked in detail at the components that make up the blood: red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma and platelets. After learning about their relative shapes, sizes, colours and proportions, we found out more about the important role they each play in keeping us alive and healthy. Here are some posters that we made to explain the feature of each part of the blood. 

King John & The Magna Carta

We have started to look in detail at significant British monarchs, beginning with King John. We learnt about why he is considered to be one of the worst kings ever. Then we explored the reasons that led to the creation of The Magna Carta.


Science - The Lungs

Today we learnt about the lungs, using balloons to investigate our lung capacity. We also made our own lift-the-flap models to show the different parts of the lungs we had learnt about. 

Which British monarch has had the biggest impact on our lives today?

We have started our new history topic by gathering our initial thoughts about the big question. Then we used clues to create a timeline of influential monarchs. In doing this, we learnt some key and interesting facts about famous British monarchs. Next, we used what we learnt to create Top Trumps cards for the monarchs - creating categories and giving scores for each one.


To get us back into the writing zone, we have been using DADWAVERS to remind us how to vary our sentence structure. Using interesting pictures as a stimulus, we worked in pairs to write descriptive and creative paragraphs with outstanding results!


Welcome Back New Year 6!
A big welcome back to everyone! You remembered all the new arrangements and brought a great attitude with you! It’s going to be a bit different but if we support and care for each other and show the team work you have today, it’ll all be good. It’s amazing to see the school full and buzzing again!

At Springfield we care, learn and achieve together
